2 Post – 31 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

The joke is made based on perspective, if you are in an australian sub someone can make a joke on europe seeing it like that, the fact that mostly ppl from the north emisphere do it shows nothing, it's literally a matter of perspective

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wtf? bruh is this a Russian shill account?

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If you don't pay, you are the product. If you pay, you are the product + you are paying.

what's the story?

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what is illegal? Havinadblockcks, cracking down onadblocks or upping the price on the software after ""forcing"" people to move to it.

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I'm a spaniard, and the title makes sense cause it is true that instead of being mass hysteria, most people including high charging politicians didn't really condemn the attack that much because ut was better for the country, sure thr ppl who did it wouldnt be considerd ppl of Spain but the spanish population mostly seemed to turn a blind eye

I heard they gonna introduce usernames for sharing your acc. but to make one u still need a phone to create an acc. which I understand.

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I'll open a bug report

u saying palestinians played god?

Thing is for me windows opened a pandora's box that goes further than just ad-free, once I started getting into open software thanks to switching to linux, I realized it's not just the them saying there's no tracking, it's the being able to see it for yourself, it's the there being a 1000 eyes on a project that don't have a motivation to lie to you, checking making sure that there are no trackers.

It's no longer just sbout them saying "it's all good we ain't spying" it's about a project with a thousand eyes on them making sure this is actually the case, plus the nature of most open licenses where every fork also needs to follow such license.

It's starting to become a sort of change in how I see society working with each other and I whish there were other aspects of life where such a philosophy vould be applied.

it is, I think he's talking about the old ui

hate how the touchscreen paradigm of windoes 8 never left

My dad paid for it for himself, for me and for my mother, this made a lot of sense bc in Spain, in the pre-messaging app era, sms were like 5-20cents each in most tariffs.

It was getting to the point where it wasn't uncommon for an average joe to just ask their friend who's using whatsapp how to pay for it so he can have it too(many ppl had never bought anything online so they needed help)

However things are different now, there are tons of free messaging app alternatives out there, ppl would rather change to another free one.

what am I looking at?

Pretty sure asassination of politicians is up there with the rrst of serious stuff that thr country has problems with, what kind of take is yours?

It is good to know what's going on out there, I haven't touched facebook in years and I didn't know there was now the possibility to oay for it and you'd get a screen like this.

This info can alwaya be valuable and I'm thankful this guy posted it

thanks for the link, looks interrsting

and if u spend another 200 it goes from 16 to 32, so apparrntly somehow 8gb can cost 200 or 100 bc apple

an explanation of the joke :D, he is saying more binary in a gigabyte, I get what u mean with the transistors but he aint talking about that, he talks about being able to fit more data (binary, the raw data, ones and zeroes) in the same space (one gigabyte, like 1024^9 or around 1billions spaces for the ones and zerors) bc ofc, it's apple so they somehow can save morr info in the same amount of space, that's whatvhe meant :)

this and what op said are cool info, thanks

It could be, last time I checked I had bery loe space and qbittorrent gave me an error for not enough space, how should I go about checking it if I cant access the gui?

wdym with the rral ublock origin? 👀👀

hmmm got it, might be intrtrsting to do an experiment where u look up your facebook feed, see what products u get ads for, yhrn talk with a friend over on whatsapp about a certain product or typr of product u want to buy, and then check if u start getting ads for said product

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Yes, except telegram will track u and stuff, u guys don't know the point of Signal?

r u sure u only talked/mentioned it through whatsapp, and didn't do any prior or post searches of related things in a browser?

just saying cause it' easy to miss

I know they recently put the feature in the desktop, did they dobit on mobile too tho?

You literally said it ain't funny stop the joke 💀💀💀💀

recommend setting up a next cloud server with the old computer, byeto google drive photos etc

What can facebook really gather from whatsapp? Asfaik messages are encrypted, and other than that I'm not really giving info to whatsapp, like my estado and date of birth but that's pretty much it.

Like I get it from facebook, you are constantly looking things up that can tell what u like, hobbies, or political affiliation, but whatsapp?

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Isn't he talking to Sorkin, tells him to fuck off and then he talks to Bob?

Yeah but it's not called treason, treason is to your own country, ofc this is still an illegal offense in Ukraine but I don't think it's treason?

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