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What a boring and unnecessary opinion to have. You're not their doctor, they arent your patients, what business is it of yours? and to go on about sharing that uneducated, untrained, unsolicited opinion online and then complaining about censorship when your medical advice is not well received.. I just can't wrap my head around the entitlement.

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they're just asking (((questions))) ugh

fascism doesnt play fair in the marketplace of ideas, if you invite a nazi to sit at your table you've made it a nazi table. free speech is necessary and important, but we still draw lines for things like defamation and hate speech. another line is not offering a platform to fascists, they arent entitled to a seat at the table to spread fud.

you're like "but i'm not a nazi" , great, let's keep it that way.

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Billionaire philanthropy is undemocratic and governments just need to tax better and put that GDP towards things we prioritize together as nations

On most platforms the problem with nsfw is that it upsets advertisers. If we dont have to appease them, what is the problem here? I dont think we should automatically validate a puritanical approach here.

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even that doesnt tell the story well enough, blaming "corporate greed" is too impersonal. corporations are made up of flesh and blood real people making conscious choices that help themselves and hurt others. the greed is human and the humans have names, THEY are collectively AND INDIVIDUALLY responsible.

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Not really, mens rea is a pretty universal requirement to be committing a crime

I sure hope those nukes dont fall into the hands of a belligerent nation invading their neighbors and threatening to nuke anyone who gets in their way, that'd be quite an escalation!

hmm. dementia setting in, or maybe just time for new glasses

What a journey that was for you to discover the obvious

The audacity, if god all mighty says child rape and bigotry are righteous and correct who are they to overrule his will. Seems obvious to me the first step is to realize there is no god, and then they shouldve bailed anyway before even getting to the hate

Can we not see who downvotes posts now? I'm real curious who this one guy is

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promoting the “woke” culture of 2020

this isnt a problem, it's the nature of star trek.. the problem is they didnt do it through thought provoking metaphors, they just point at literally the problem with a grimace and that's it. The TOS episode with the half black half white face aliens at war with the half white half black face aliens is an example of how they could take more interesting angles that still promotes being awake to systemic injustice in the world.

hmm, does kbin not get the porn? how annoying

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Appealing to and reinforcing toxic aspects human nature is always a shitty argument. Whatever we're trying to do here let's not be regressive

they dont mean up down on the political compass, they mean working class vs owning class

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I don't understand your argument, wouldnt transparency in voting EXPOSE trolls? Pretty sure they've already caught some shenanigans that wouldn't have been so obvious without this functionality. So many instances (and even subreddits) just hide the downvote button, with the transparency if you dont like it dont downvote maybe install an extension that always hides the downvote button for just you.

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more specifically you don need a vpn because it's all obfuscated ssl

If you know what the words mean why are you being so stubborn about it?

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Generally the answer has been to invest in your neighbors and lift the third world out of poverty so they feel happy and secure where they are and so arent swarming your borders. That mentality seems to have lost momentum though, even here you struggle to even imagine it.

It's certainly not an inevitable situation to have pregnant women and children drowning in the rio grande tied up in american razor wire as border patrol watches on eating donuts in their air conditioned SUV's. It could've and can be prevented.

Has anyone come up with a solution for the porn using kbin? I definitely have NSFW enabled in my profile and I'm subbed to plenty of nsfw magazines and federated communities but it's a fight to get my feed properly balanced between ukraine updates and big booties instead of what is resembles now: a 9gag rss feed of memes with no butts at all.

The choice to make spock a "Big Bang Theory" Sheldon comic relief was very bad, for example.

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You guys are getting cubicles?

Also any kind of emergency can happen while a kid is at school, the obvious one for the americans is an active shooter but it could be anything even an earth quake or other disaster where it all of a sudden becomes very important for each student to have their own line of communication available.

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roe vs wade was a wide reaching decision on privacy, biden could absolutely enact executive orders that ensure women have necessary access to healthcare nation wide while they shake out a more permanent solution legislatively

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