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Joined 1 years ago

Its supporters bounce between “It’s already out!” and “Developing such a huge game takes time.” depending on which stance is more convenient in an argument.

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The scumbag Steve hat really gives it the age of a fine wine.

It’s a different kind of beast.

NMS released. They put it in a box and said “This is the finished game”. It was then torn to shreds and the long road of updates was a redemption story for an already released product.

Star Citizen will NEVER be done. It will always exist in some weird development alpha-beta limbo. It’s never going to go on Steam or shelves as a finished product. This allows the developers cover to always say the game is in development as a shield against any and all criticism. From their perspective it’s kind of perfect. Fans throw money at it endlessly and the development never really needs to reach a coherent state of being finished. Why would they ever want to actually release a finished game?

Well, you’re shifting from a fan POV to a developer POV here.

From the developer POV, it’s not wasted time. They are getting a constant stream of money. As long as they can tread water and make their motion look like progress they have an endless source of income.

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It’s just a small multi-time fee of 500 morbillion dollars, jeez, just pay the redditorino CEO a fair price, you 3rd party bullies.

Both games do environmental storytelling, but with vastly different goals.

Obsidian approach is very constantly supporting a consistent tone and overarching setting. It is more desolate and feels more desolate because that’s what a lot of these in-between little areas are supposed to be. But the details in each area that are there so tell a story about what the area is like and how it function, they give a history to what you are seeing but it often isn’t over the top and full of little cute mini-stories you can follow. It isn’t bad storytelling, it’s telling a story you’re not into.

The Bethesda approach is often much more varied. Each settlement or location can have all these environmental stories, often will little miniature running plots. The variety extends to tone, and type of story. This does come at the expense of some coherence if you step back and start putting a critical eye to everything as a whole.

They are trying to give players different experiences. FNV a player can travel through a bleak desert, maybe only with hostile encounters as the Jungle Jangle radio plays until they finally hit a settlement and it feels like an actual refuge from the sun and rad scorpions to the player. The desolation builds that. Fallout 3 and especially 4 don’t want the player getting bored, so there is something interesting and different every ten feet to check out.

I suppose it says a lot about me that my Fallout 4 modlist turns the world into an extremely dangerous, ghoul filled place with dark nights, and rad storms. All of which makes travel on the overworld terrifying, and settlements feel extra secure in contrast.

The real fallout will be seeing what the numbers look like after July 1st. When all the third party users are given the unavoidable choice to switch to the official app or not. If engagement goes down then and stay lower, it’s ogre for Reddit.

Secret Santa was back when Reddit still had a semblance of community, which I realize now means trust. I’d never trust a Reddit secret Santa these days. Heck, I’ve done successful 4chan secret Santas and I’m still not brave enough to want a modern Reddit secret Santa.

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Oh as a consumer I, personally, am not touching this thing with a ten foot pole.

I think the people who do continue to fund this thing are sucked in by the dream of what it could be and have developed a kind of personal ownership of the project in their heads. They are psychologically invested in seeing it succeed and you can’t convince them it’s never going to. And the developers are cynically sucking money out of them like cult leaders.

I’m kind of in a spur of playing or replaying older games. Replayed Fallout 1 recently and I’m doing a low intelligence build for the first time ever.

Debating playing VTM Bloodlines or the original Deus Ex, because this is a sin- I’ve never played either.

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I actually ended up getting a really nice and thoughtful gift. (And cookies which I absolutely did not eat.)

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They’ll be right. The quality of everything, not the least of which is internet scrolling, that the general public accepts is horrendous.

Somebody else put it best here that Reddit won’t die, it will still be around for all those people. Hopefully the rest of us move on and Reddit becomes “Oh huh? That place is still around?”

Designing coherent spaces is useful for game world designers to think about, but it could have been 5 minutes long and gotten the point across.

There was never serious competition to threaten Reddit before. Voat was the closest, but when legitimate redditfugees got there it was already full of a critical mass of Nazis (actual Nazis, not “everyone I don’t like is a Nazi”) and people who thought spamming slurs was peak free speech. Not exactly a solid foundation for popular new site.

There are decades worth of great games already out. People should be open to trying out older games, even if it means slight hurdles in downloading compatibility mods or patches.

I had multireddits for my subscriptions, but I liked discovering new things. With the extreme amount of trash filtering I did to r/all, it allowed me to discover interesting places I’d have never found on my own.

I have a lot of left over hobby kit bits that I pick from. I also buy cheap toys from the dollar store. The Final Faction brand of dollar store toys has been a goldmine, the gun on this car is from that line. I make many other parts out of plasticard sheet and tubes, along with random items like the insides of discarded electronics.

I’ve played Kenshi quite a lot. I enjoyed it and might replay again, though I’m kind of after something a little more structured. Kenshi is a great “forever game” to play in small spurts though.

I can’t get a handle on the gameplay. It is kind of broken in turn based mode, which is a shame because I’m not good at real time tactics mode.

I’ve only gotten through like half the game, and that was after a lot of struggle.

The most recently purchased game that I beat (aside from multiplayer only stuff like Deep Rock Galactic) would be Black Mesa. Motivation to see the overhaul of xen at the end of the game really kept me going.

I recently beat Fallout 1 again, but I was using a high intelligence, high luck gambing critical hit sniper so it was more like an experiment to break the game. I'm in the middle of a 1 intelligence playthrough and its challenging but becoming a bit routine now that I've overcome early hurdles.

The Mass Effect series, specifically Mass Effect 2. The atmosphere, the scale, the characters. It's the kind of thing where a AAA budget really bring to life things that AA or indie would have had to cut down.

Fallout 4. I have a lot of problems with the story, worldbuilding, and endless minor nitpicky complaints about this game. However it is an amazing accomplishment and when it does something right, it does it very right. The game is the foundation of mods that make it amazing, and while the game didn't create the mods, they wouldn't exist without the game. To me Fallout 4 is "I played this game for 800 hours and there's nothing to do!" kind of complaining.

DOOM (2016). Wow. What a game. It took the mantle of the most iconic FPS in history and made it's mark. DOOM (2016) is to the original DOOM what Fury Road is to Road Warrior. It distilled what everybody liked and remembered (or thought they remembered) from the original and pumped it up to 11 with insane confidence.

I download a lot of videos when I watch on desktop. This gets rid of ads. It also preserves them, since videos can get taken down for very esoteric reasons.

That is my feeling. I want Lemmy to be good, so I hope a lot of quality users jump ship from Reddit, but if Reddit retains the millions of passive users, then I’m happy for Reddit to keep them. One part of Reddit’s issue was the diluted quality of posts and comments, so let it continue to exist to filter people who want that experience. ___

The game is kind of a chore at first when you have to manually water your crops. Once you’re more established and have sprinklers you can really put a lot of the farming on autopilot.

The atmosphere, taken moment to moment, or at individual locations was good. The coherency of the explanations behind a lot of things and the coherency of the world as a whole was pretty disjointed.

Oh, so Star Trek. Not everybody thinks of Voyager when they think about top episodes but for me ‘Living Witness’ is not just the best Voyager episode, but the best Trek episode.

It’s amazingly well acted both with the Doctor in the dramatic lead, and the snippets of the evil Voyager crew being fun. That all supports an episode that has a message that really speaks to me about not turning history into a narrative, especially an agenda pushing narrative. Letting history be learned as honestly as possible rather than using it to gain some cynical personal gain.

I’m pretty he just wants to go take a week long nap before answering any more questions.

I am such a sucker for stressed out people in some kind of command center who are seeing overly simplified representations of what’s happening. Seeing scanning screening with little simple dots representing some massive space battle and the unease of not actually seeing it. It creates such a claustrophobic atmosphere.

I almost entirely posted on smaller niche communities and didn’t really pay attention to bigger ones. It was mostly relaxed. I remember once going onto r/entertainment and making a mild criticism of a show. I returned to find my comment like -70 and with essay length replies explaining how my opinion and lack of enjoyment were “objectively” wrong (Reddit comments did seem to love declaring certain opinions as objective). It was wild.

I’ve got a pending subscribe on there. I posted though!

My god, it’s 50% movie/TV ads. The rest is clickbait with thumbnails for idiots.

Wow. I thought the frontpage was bad back when I made a choice to consciously curate years ago, but I had no idea this is what it turned into.

Grey? I suppose Fallout 3 is very dingy, but Fallout 4 is very colorful. In fact I personally find it too colorful and end up making it more depressing with mods.

So far I am locked out of the Killian/Gizmo quest because both characters think I’m too dumb and dismiss me.

And big problem: I’m too stupid to use a slot machine. I had planned on using gambling as my money maker so this is a problem. Even with Mentats I’m still too dumb to gamble.

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STALKER (Shadow Of Chernobyl or Call Of Pripyat).

Music: off

Headphones: On

Good luck not getting spooked out of your mind by random industrial noises.

I’ve continued to tell people: This won’t kill Reddit in the sense of outright turning it into a ghost town. If your only goal is to make Reddit collapse overnight, you’re going to be disappointed. The quality content that many people here enjoy is not what makes up the frontpage of r/all or what a huge amount of passive users consume. Reddit has more than enough low quality trash to backfill the frontpage and keep users occupied.

Anybody migrating should focus on porting quality content. Let reddit live long and be a dumping ground.

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Do you have a single fact to back that up?

This is why Apollo was the only thing keeping me on the site. I took advantage of its filters. I had an extensive list of keyword filters, and over the years had filtered probably several thousand subreddits. I could actually browse r/all and find interesting and unique new to me subreddits. It was great.

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Good news is best delivered piece by piece, bad news all at once.

The outrage against Reddit is already at its peak, may as well use it as cover to do more anti-user stuff.

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Constant swearing is like a replacement for cleverness. It wears thin very quickly.

When I see comments saturated with swears all I can think of are tweenagers who just realized they are out of earshot of their parents. I’m not offended by the swearing, just bored.