
1 Post – 75 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Thanks for pointing that out. But it was only a joke.

I recommend that you transition instead of switching. That way you have a way to roll back If the distro you are trying out proves not to be what you expected.

A water gun will also do it. You can even order one from Amazon...

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Any hardware vendor taking Linux support seriously is good news!

That's not how the Covid vaccines work. It's all a game of probabilities and you can still get sick. They may also help you get more easily through the sickness, but it's not a guarantee. Previously having additional health issues and age are also factors to take into account.

So maybe his concerns aren't completely without base.

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Just a reminder: bananas could be heavily treated with pesticides.

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I was confused for a minute, not understanding what (Apache) Maven has to do with social networks.

I’m one of those evil people who works in marketing.

Yet here you are, complaining about the ads in Windows. Are you sure that you can go without them? :-D

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What about something like Heroic Game Launcher? I'm not advocating for Epic, just pointing out that alternatives exist.

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It's also worth to mention that there are options like Blender/Krita/Godot wich are quite good and don't require tooling like Wine.

But those might not be a viable option if your courses are specific to Adobe products.

But really, check those out anyways, it's worth it.

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I assume that they already decided that such accounts aren't profitable anyways and that management and migration isn't worth the hassle.

What's scary about it?

Did you have access to the original material?
Edit: I'm trying to understand what "remaster" means in this context.

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I would assume that "application" (or its short form "app") implies some kind of GUI.

That's what I thought too. But then again, there's no "The Starcraft Band" which could record a new master. So I think that in the case of video games soundtracks which are not attributed to specific artists, "remaster" becomes a bit of a fuzzy term. You mention remix, but it could also be a cover or it could be accepted as a remaster (if it would be something official).

All of the above, including my original question is just curiosity and not meant to diminish the effort put into creating the audio tracks.

I never saw an ad in Ubuntu.

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Can you please tell us something about the process of creating the tracks?

Telemetry won't be a topic anymore under such circumstances because will be implicit and the least of your worries. Tracking the input of the users will be part of the service they are paying for.

This is so much better than the real answer!

I think that the question is primarily about Desktop Apps, since this is the Linux community.

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I use syncthing for synchronizing photos and music between phone and my computers.

The feature I probably use most ist sharing links from my phone to my laptop to continue reading web pages or researching something on a bigger screen.

I don't think I change anything except the monospace font nowadays

Which font do you use?

It works great and gets out of the way.

I think that that's why some Gnome users just stick with it. I personally don't want to customize anything, if possible. I don't even want to concern myself with the DE at all if possible. Any time I spend on the DE is time I don't spend doing the things I actually want to do. But that's the beauty of Linux: everyone can use whatever fits their needs best, be it Gnome, KDE, xfce or anything else.

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It's never too late. "Back then", when I started using Signal (called TextSecure), only one other single friend used it. Nowadays, almost all my personal contacts use it. Every additional Signal user adds a contact in someone other's address book as a potential Signal contact. It just takes time. Good luck!

You will have to repeat that again and again, because people don't know what LLMs are. They have been told that we have AIs and don't understand that what they actually use are digital parrots (minus the intelligence of an actual parrot).

Do people still use emacs to code, for example?

Sure. Why wouldn't they?

Install some software on your server [...]

I'm afraid that this is a big no-go for most artists, which just want to make music and don't want to be server administrators.

I understand your point (regarding protection of intellectual property and having a homogeneous and controlled IT infrastructure), but I'd like to add that as a business (disregarding what my employees might like or consider more effective) I am still not in control of anything if my data and applications are somewhere "in the cloud" and I have no control over it. As a company I would be bound to that provider (in this case Microsoft) and would have to pay whatever they require for whatever they offer(good or bad services). A small alleviation would be to have that "cloud" on premise, but I think that that's highly unrealistic. In this regard, a business is very similar to the plain user in my previous reply.

Also, don't forget that GDPR doesn't apply everywhere. That's just a EU requirement which might or might not be fully implemented, even when required. As I mentioned, there's no guarantee that your company data is not misused when it's completely out of your hands. Not even to think about what a security breach or outage would mean and what kind of impact it would have.

Please don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to spread FUD, but I am general skeptical and trying to think critically. Moving "everything" in "the cloud", in the hands of one single actor requires a level of trust which I'm not able to provide and introduces single points of failure which I wouldn't like to have, neither as individual nor as company.

Thanks for reading my longest post ever. ;-)

I feel like attributing this to Valve

What exactly do you mean by "this"? The post is about the 5 year anniversary of Proton. Also, why do you consider crediting the developers of Wine disrespectful? I just can't follow.

Of course Proton wouldn't have been possible without all the many years of work that went into the Wine project in the first place, and everyone who contributed to Wine should be applauded for their effort. Valve has funded a lot of extra work though to get things like DXVK and VKD3D-Proton for the translation from Direct3D to Vulkan into a state where performance can be really great! Valve also funds work on Linux graphics drivers, Linux kernel work and the list goes on.

Why would it be?

a user can access all their applications and data from whatever client they are using

Also, users won't own their most basic data anymore, nor will they be able to control how it is used. Canceling a subscription (or being locked out) could mean loosing it all.

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This is really good news. I just hope that state institutions using OSS don't take it for granted and also start investing (contributing, auditing) into the software they are using. With increasing adoption, OSS also becomes an attractive attack vector for all kinds of malicious parties. Recent events (xz utils) have shown how this can happen.

Bastion has a good soundtrack of which some tracks could benefit from a higher dynamic range.

Reference: https://supergiantgames.bandcamp.com/album/bastion-original-soundtrack

Don't Starve Together. It's ruining my life since a friend gifted it to me.

I'm not sure if you recommended syncthing a backup tool, because it isn't one. Just making sure that there's no confusion...

You and the person you replied to are both correct. Yet people herded around and followed well known persons through history. Unfortunately people don't always look up to and choose to follow wise people. Yet the kind of hardwiring the person you replied to mentions is obsolete in my opinion. Never before was information as accesibile as today and ideas (no matter what kind) were exchanged as fast as these days. Critical thinking and the ability to filter through all the informational mess is probably the next evolutionary requirement if we wish to avoid becoming drones in a dystopia.

Thanks. I didn't even know that Nerd Fonts existed! :D

One important thing the centralized sites like Bandcamp enable, is discovery of new music and artists. I'm afraid that this is such a big deal that Faircamp won't be able to take off until that problem is addressed and solved somehow.

Thanks for the unintentional recommendation.

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I doubt that I'll ever get that far. I used to play games on "hard" difficulty and explore/find everything. Today I'm just glad if I find the time to play, have fun and enjoy the games, even if I need to play on "easy" difficulty. All the completionist aspirations are gone.

You probably implied it, but I think that it doesn't matter what one deserves but what they actually get and if they are content with that.