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hardware / software hacker living in china (shenzen) has a great youtube channel and lots of other socials that advocate for open source hardware, builds cool shit, breaks shit in cool ways. just as willing to hack at her own body for fun and personal interest. uses her look to both be disarming / educate folks; her motto is "if I can do it, anyone can do it"

some extras: from being a subscriber to her youtube channel and a fan for many years now, she is indeed hyper capable / knowledgable, has some views that wouldnt be considered conventional by various western queer types but come from an honest experience living as a queer person in non western systems. she has also been more bitter about treatment by western media and other folks who assume their preconceptions are more valid than her lived experience, something I am personally familiar with being from a slightly controvercial country myself.

1 more...

it's my name, with a 2k tacked onto the end, because I started using it a long time ago..

dry sarcasm aside, I have many online "handles" I use but I found that I'm totally ok consilidating most of my online presence under my real google-able identity.... MOST

I'll do one better, I've been a beeper (not beeper mini) beta tester for a while, and I've had uninterrupted imessage access through their older method which never had a single outage!

I imagine though they have been using a method like spinning up virtual mac machines or matrix bridge to get it to work.

either way it is by far my favorite messaging app, I'm so damn tired of all these companies walling their messaging service into some enclosed garden while everyone I know decides that THEIR favorite app is the one everyone should be using.

I'll try but dont trust me, feel free to read up herr very well written views on twitter (unless they've been wiped from the internet) I feel like she bucked at the expectation to be constantly fighting the chinese system on behalf of a lot of people who saw her as their revolutionary on the inside while those same people refused to listen to anything positive she would say about the more recent and relevant life experience of those living under the same system.

I felt some parallels being someone who'se living a very lefty life in the US but is FROM Israel and each and every mention became an opportunity for someone to ask me to affirm all their various badly held beliefs coming from which ever side they chose to take in the telenovela version of the country they knew about.

there are more specific cases like how queer culture over there is practiced VERY differently (which honestly was interesting) and wasnt really acknoledged by people

I think it's the corollary to "Everyone is the hero of their own story" which is "everyone mistakenly treats others as merely side characters in their own story" and it happens at all levels of society.

Thief, the dark project + my brand new EAX 4 speaker surround system... hoooly shit