9 Post – 57 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I was using .ml domains for my selfhosted services, since it was just an hobby and I didn't wanted to invest money on it. Apart from Freenom website being pretty unusable since I have memory, I've already had troubles renewing them last year and now they stopped working without any notice nor update from Freenom itself. Finally I decided to move to a payed domain from Infomaniak, since it's been more than a year I've been selfhosting and $10/year is a fair price for me.

But still without those free domains I wouldn't probably ever started selfhosting, and I guess a lot of other people like me wouldn't have experimented or spin up their projects if they had to pay for a domain from the beginning. So despite my hate for Freenom I guess I have to thank them and hope someone else (maybe a bit more "professional") will take its place in the future

Cool. Would be even cooler if there was an alternative to Google Wallet for non-samsung smartphones tho...

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She was saying that on Mastodon (that was the main activitypub platform she was comparing to) the choice of the instance can heavily influence your experience. If I don't remember wrong her main points were:

  • There's a local timeline and a federated timeline, and even in the federated timeline you see your instance posts and the posts of the instances yours have federated with, not all posts
  • A global search is not always the easiest thing to do, and previous attempts of project that would have facilitated it didn't received much appreciation from the community
  • If your instance admin do choices you don't agree with (for example blocking another instance) the only way to interact with that other instance is to move yourself
  • Moving from an instance to another means loosing your posts and replies, that would stay on the original instance

She was not saying that this approach is wrong, in fact many people on Mastodon like this more community-focused and less-global approach, just that it isn't what they wanted for Bluesky

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It can be a bit overkill for your use case if you only need to stream the USB media on your tv, but take a look at Jellyfin, it's a program you can install on any PC and as long as this is up and running on the same network you can access your media on that PC (in your case with the USB plugged in) from any other device (TV, other PCs, Tablets, smartphones)

Matrix is a communication protocol, such as IMAP+SMTP communication protocols that are behind emails. This means that the "communication stack" when you use Matrix, as well as when you use emails, can be summarized in 3 parts:

  • the client (the app you use to chat, such as Apple Mail or Outlook for emails, Element or FluffyChat for Matrix)
  • the provider (who is offering you the service, such as or for email, or for Matrix)
  • the server (the app that your provider runs to let you chat, for emails all most famous providers have their own proprietary servers, for Matrix the two main options for server are Synapse or Dendrite)

I haven't read the article properly yet, but from what I've understand for now it seems aims to build a new client for Matrix that reproduces the layout and features of Discord, while at the same time being based on an open communication protocol and therefore having all its related benefits.

Seems pretty promising, I'm gonna keep an eye of it đź‘€


Discord was great and I'm pretty sure that some projects will take its place (like Revolt maybe that others are mentioning) but PLEASE FOSS PROJECT JUST USE AN INDEXABLE FORUM like Discourse, so that people don't have to signup and enter a server for each project they use!

That's almost exactly what I was thinking before listening to the podcast.

But there she explained how ActivityPub was missing some of the feature they wanted because of its instance-centric approach and how trying to change that would have been hard (given how sceptical towards changes and everything corporate-related the fediverse community can be), and so they opted for a new protocol since the goals of the two project were with different aims.

Still not 100% convinced tbh, but I can't deny she has a point...

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I guess that with discord (and many other non-foss free projects) the problem is that they start as free and then wanted to start to make money at a later stage.

For-profit software and companies are not necessarily bad, but they are bad when they take their existing software and start radically changing it for the sake of making more money.

If for example discord always had some features just for Nitro users and others for everyone, and those features (and the nitro price) would have always stayed the same it would have been much better

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I was going to comment the same thingg

I mean, ok you want to launch your new feature but after all the chaos that just happened they could at least phrase it differently ahah

And yet, here we are with another conversation about something in the wrong place.

Well, this is is a place to talk about fediverse and ActivityPub, and mine wanted to be the starting point for a discussion about the two protocols and how they compare with each other, if it was actually worth it to create a new protocol or not etc.

I was not pretending that Bluesky is better than the Fediverse, it's just different and I'm convinced that discussing about how others do stuff can benefit the Fediverse too.

BlueSky and their illusion of federation, what's to talk about? Anyone can host a server, but all posts need to be indexed by the server of which they're in charge of otherwise they don't appear in anyone's timelines?

As for this, it was my main perplexity after I listened the podcast since they didn't really entered into the details of how the "multiple servers, one timeline" work. Do you by chance have any resource/link I could read to learn more about that and clarify my doubts?

For me the choice was easy: I was already into the fediverse thanks to Mastodon and then (before all the reddit api drama) some lovely people I had already heard about decided to spin up a general purpose Italian Lemmy instance, and so far I couldn't be happier for my experience here.

Maybe I was just lucky but what I would suggest is try to see if there is a small/medium sized instance of your university/city/country as I think they are the ones that works our best (not just for Lemmy but for the fediverse in general)

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Not an exper either, but I've used OCI Free Tier for a while and most of the times I was encountering issues they were related either to the fact it was ARM and not x86_64 (most tutorials and guides are not written with ARM CPUs in mind) or to the sort of Firewall built in the Oracle Cloud Platform. Have you already checked if the ports required for the services not working are opened correctly?

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I really like Photon, that is a web client but with Firefox PWAs addon can be installed a regular app

EDIT: just seen someone else wrote the same in a different comment, wooops

Still haven't looked into podman properly, but docker is much easier to learn because as you said there's a lot more material available online. I'd say start with Docker, and if in the future you will find out podman better fits your needs you can always switch (they should not be that different)

I think there are some better alternatives out there such as Firefox + uBlock Origin extension, Brave, Vivaldi (maybe Arc? Haven't tried it yet) that gives you some extra features that are missing in safari (for example Multi-account containers, vertical tabs, split tabs,... just to mention the ones I enjoy the most)

But if you just want a browser that works from a normal usage I don't see nothing wrong in using Safari.

+it uses an engine different from Blink (aka Chromium) which keeps a little bit of variety in the browser engine market. So while using Safari you're also doing something good for the internet imho

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The closest thing to a Discord server Matrix-wise are Spaces, which basically are groups of Rooms that people can join by invite (and maybe by link? But not sure)

I see in Matrix as a protocol great potential but it needs some more projects that will focus on the different aspects of communication.

Element cannot aim to be both a WhatsApp replacement, a Slack replacement and a Discord replacement, but for sure 3 different alternatives for those services can be built all using the Matrix protocol

Ahah dw, it happened to me as well and to be fair the OCI UI for opening ports is not the most intuitive piece of software I've seen...

Well, if what she says in the interview is the truth they don't plan to make money with ads, but with a cut on their marketplace of algorithms &co + with custom handles (aka custom domains)

So yeah, maybe it will not end up like Twitter

Up for GrapheneOS! It's weird that to have a degoogled phone you need to buy Google's ones but so far is the smoothest ungoogled experience I had (I tried LineageOS without GApps, LineageOS with microG and /e/ OS in case you were wondering) Also, since google services are installed in a sandbox you could even have a profile where you have them and all apps that require Google Play separated from the profile you normally use which is pretty cool (even if I'm using them sandboxed just with the permissions I need on my primary profile atm)

Up! Depending on what you are looking for also VanillaOS could be an interesting option

Unfortunately yes, but I have the same issue there :((

I didn't know about the toggle, but it seems me much more practical than the notification. I'll probably go for that one, thank you!

Is immich the only service you want to expose? And did you installed it using docker or directly on your system?

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Thanks for pointing this issue out! Idk how the KDE team is moving to address this, but I know that for example the gnome extension Pano (which is a clipboard manager) has a blacklist of apps that should ignore (and which by default is most popular password managers), so KDEConnect could do the same I guess...

I am a Firefox user both on desktop and on my android phone. And not only to support Mozilla in keeping the browser engine competition alive, but also because of some really good features that alternatives are missing (respectively Multi-Account containers on desktop and extensions on Android).

On my iPad, though, I tried using Firefox (even just to have bookmarks and history synced) but it’s really just a reskin of Safari with worse integration with the system and less features. Therefore I moved back to safari.

Why am I telling this? Because for any non tech-savvy user, if their first experience with FF is on their iPhone / iPad (with the WebKit version), they will probably not like it, and eventually associate in their mind “Firefox = bad browser”, preventing them to give it a try on their desktop. So, from a certain point of view, maybe getting rid of the WebKit version would help Mozilla gather some more users on the other platforms in the long term…

Then I would suggest you to take a look at Reverse Proxies, which are programs that let you publicly expose different services hosted on the same computer under different (sub)domains.

The easiest to start with (and also probably the one that better fits your needs) afaik is NGINX Proxy Manager, which can be set up really easily using docker, and you can find plenty of tutorials online (here is one I watched when I was starting to look into docker and selfhosting, it's a bit old but should still be valid).

If after having set up that you will to thinker around it a little bit and dive a bit deeper, there's also Traefik which is pretty cool and also has a lot of materials to learn online.

I don't remember if the video I linked mention it or not, but to use a reverse proxy to expose your services on the web you will first need to set up a dynamic dns (probably the easiest way is to use Cloudflare) or to ask your ISP for a static IP, then go into your routers settings and find the Port Forwarding section where you should tell your routers to send all the incoming traffic from ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS) to the local IP of your server. And then you should be ready to use spin up Nginx Proxy Manager or Traefik on your server.

(idk if I was clear or not but I swear it's easier that how it seems ahah)

Can PayPal act as a traditional debit card though? I thought it was only for online or p2p payments

I totally agree that screenshots and a proper description of the app in the README are a must-have for all foss apps, but as a developer I know that most of the times you prefer use your time to add new features to your app rather then documenting existing ones...

Personally I'll try to add them to all my future projects but what I would suggest to everyone who use and love a foss app is to check out its README and, if needed, submit a pull request with an updated version of it with screenshot etc (You don't need to be a developer to do that and it can be really appreciated)

Yes but now the same situation that happened with the old IE is happening with Chrome, so I guess a little bit of competition wouldn't be a bad thing

I haven't actually tried it since I'm still a beginner in selfhosting, but I was planning to buy a dedicated hardware for my homeland and my main two choices were the new Raspberry Pi 5 or some mini-PC like the one in this video I don't know if it could be similar to what you are looking for...

That's why I didn't want to use Cloudflare Tunnels, but just Dynamic DNS. I though that they had access to the stuff you transfer only if you use their tunneling feature and for the reasons you said is something I would prefer to avoid.

The thing is that I bought my domain on Infomaniak and most of the self-hosting tutorials I've seen recommend Cloudflare. Would you suggest something different?

and (from what you know of course) there's no way to make it work as automatically as it was before using adb?

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And do you have to enable some setting on the desktop side to make it work from linux to android? 'Cause I tried and it wasn't working out of the box (maybe it's because I was using GSConnect without having install KDEConnect, could it be?)

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For anyone else with the same issue, Clipboard sync is disabled by default on GSConnect, but can be simply enabled going to the extension settings and then tapping on the device name. (Yes, I just found out that the device name was tappable and there were lots of per-device settings, wow)

Even if the corporate is a public benefit corporation with open source foss code both for server and client?

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From what she said, ActivityPub could have adapted to what they wanted, but probably don't want to. On Bluesky you kinda loose the community feel of your instance that you have and that many people (me included) like.

I elaborated more on the "problems" she listed in another comment here if you want to read more without listening the episode

When it reboots the fans are kinda loud until I enter the password for disk encryption, then everything is as expected. Temperatures are more than ok both before and after the random reboots.

Sorry for the noob question but, how can I run a memtest on it?