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God, after playing as Desmond i was so excited as a kid at the possibility of a game set in the future, then they kill him and the series.

Man that's weird, like really fucking weird. I know it's a Disney movie and the masses obsess over those for some reason, but was it really that big a deal?

Admittedly i don't play mmos very much, but from what I've experienced they are in no way designed around building community.

The focus on instanced, end game raids makes it more or less impossible to have the spontaneous interaction that originally sold the genre. The combat being optimizable the way it is gets rid of any creativity or self expression (and hurts the games in other ways too). Even little things like maps and map markers remove reasons to interact. Then auto matching and market places remove what little community is left between the lines. Community is formed in spite of have design these days.

Huh, i didn't expect more phantom breaker

That's the reason i prefer a system where you can 'sculpt' a character rather than fiddle with sliders is so much better. Don't see it very often, the last time i used one like that was probably fallout 4.

Why are conservatives so fucking stupid

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This is one of those 'innovations' people mean when they say capitalism drives innovation. Not the hotspot, the pointless extra charge for something your phone can just do on its own.

Genuinely don't understand the troglodytes that do this shit

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Does the ps5 even have games yet?

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Yeah i never looked into getting any kind of delivery job solely due to the idea I'd need to be able to find my way around the town I've lived in my entire life. I could get lost going to the grocery store and it hasn't moved in, like, two decades.

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And it's well known that Trump has a thing for Ivanka, he's making an incest joke

If they aren't I'm supporting climate change

Now they have to listen to me whine

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It'd be genuinely moving, if it was about anything else. The last hold outs of a wilder Internet? I'd cry. A bunch of dipshits clinging desperately to a storm of nonsense? Only tears that'd come from that is if i laughed too hard.

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They just found one of the many think pieces about how conservative comedy usually sucks and is trying to get their little jab in at the left. They probably don't even know what their talking about.

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Who could possibly have predicted the obviously objectively bad thing would be bad?

As a rural white (I'm one of the good ones i swear): we are ignored, it's an objective reality that the better parts of the country neither attempt to understand rural America or the problems it faces. No blame here tho, i spend most of my time trying to ignore this shithole too. Some places in America are nearly third world levels of bad, even when the was an economic reason for these places to exist they were terrible and the people are awful in so many ways. There is no 'but' here if anyone was expecting one, no saving grace, no happy ending.

The only way i see this working out well is if it starts in the cities, though. Organize our cities better and force reasonable housing costs, then relocate most of rural America to someplace better now that it's not insanely expensive for basic survival there. Sure an actual farming town might not be and to be relocated, but shitty coal town #4642 shouldn't have ever existed in the first place and rail stop #556 has been dying for over 100 years. It'll be good for future generations to not be in places like that.

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You should know that Jordan Peterson gave himself brain damage by going to Russia so he could get put into voluntary coma because he couldn't quit benzos. Everyone should know that, it's amazing.

Anyways, YouTube is almost certainly trying to force you down a right wing rabbit hole. It'll do it if you have even the boost vague interest in politics (or games!).

In person? My first job was pretty sweet, pretty much everyone understood worker solidarity, even most of the management was good people. One day i warned my friend that i was probably not going to show up the next day, you know just giving him a heads up. Well this new hire overheard and apparently went to management over it! I got chewed out by the only guy in management that acted like managing a shitty big box store in the middle of bumfuck nowhere was a holy calling worthy of power and respect.

Ending unrelated to the boot licking; after that, this prick has the audacity to act like i was his buddy he could be a bigot with. don't know why he thought i was his guy there (i was white and the most heteronormative looking man in tht department, but even then i openly hated him and was super close with the openly and obviously not cishet guy) but i got him fired over it.

I should be a little grateful though, he taught me that not every homosapien is a real person.

I'll never get how these 'people' think it's a good idea to control culture like this. You fuckers hurt too! You won't magically get real music or art if you make it impossible to make it

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Suburbs should not exist. I get Urban, i get rural, but there is absolutely nothing justifying suburban.

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Rain world is up there with the best games of last decade.

Terraria is amazing.

Dwarf fortress is obligatory.

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Being untethered to reality is literally in the core of stock trading. It's nonsense, modern day magick for the least cool people.

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They, frankly, should be ashamed. Although, ashamed in general.

... Cuck chair?

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Ridicule has a much bigger effect on these people. They enjoy hate because it's fully what they expect, but to be belittled is a direct attack on their ego.

There is a war on piracy in Japan? Huh. Guess the fact i haven't even noticed speaks to how well it's going.

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If you talk like Joe, you are stupid. Plain and simple.

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Being realistic about B's chances while he fiddles as Rome burns isn't endorsing trump. Just felt the need to throw that out there.

Honestly, some people are too stupid to be considered people, imo. Sure that might make me a bad person, but at least i can say I'm a person.

That seems like an even dumber reason to waltz into Russia.

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When did we slip into unreality?

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Nothing and everyone all at once

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Yes. I live in a southern shithole and i'd completely get it if America decided to bomb the entire place into a parking lot with no warnings.

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The only time I've ever cared about someone shoplifting was when they stole from the store i was working at and, this is the important part here, tried to act like i was too stupid to get they were stealing. My dude, i don't care if you are stealing, just walk out, i couldn't stop you even if i cared, but please skip the stupid excuse making.

It is bizarrely Yakuza

Fetishization of the concept of civility. Liberals have always preferred a negative peace to even incredibly mild disruption, and that'd include hating people who want nothing more than to see the world worse for everyone. Hang out with leftists instead if you want to see people rightfully angry.

We all know this was completely necessary at any level, but why the hifi guys? Aren't they the best bets you could hope to invest in? They make good games that sell decently with less investment than AAA massive failures need.

We should not be encouraging the least among us.

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Yeah the rain world Dev fought to get their game back ages ago, it's why they could continue working on it.