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Or it could be solved by good city planning. Or hell, even bad city planning, just not this down right malicious shit we have now under car culture.

Now that i think about my first job was fucking wild.

My buddy was in a forklift taking some stock down and i was spotting, basically just hanging out and making sure no one got in the way. A few minutes after the normal time it'd take he thinks something is wrong and calls me to take a look (from afar) to see how fucked we are; the answer was very, the pallet was barely holding together at all, but i couldn't see a damn thing from my position. Before i could get back to spotting we heard a loud crack and the world went still, i imagine for much longer by him, and not a second later we had hundreds of pounds of foul smelling mulch everywhere.

I had a lot more there too; babysitting an old man that looked on the verge of death with no management anywhere to be found, moving hundreds of pounds at a time by hand, dealing with the best conspiracy theorist ever.

I've been bored everywhere else I've ever worked.

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This isn't cyberpunk, just a dystopia!

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I'm as okay as someone can be in a society made to create suffering.

Does it? Is this really a selling point? I don't think any layman needs to worry about documents that long and absolutely no one needs to summarize a web page in normal browsing.

Edit: not that I'm against it or anything, just kinda stumped that this is considered important.

Dude has a long history of being completely clueless.

For some reason i was expecting a sci-fantasy instead of a crappy, generic mmo isekai, I'm very disappointed.

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I feel like, if one contract falls through and your company is in shambles, it wasn't a very good company.

Wouldn't surprise me, with pirates generally being pretty permissable and that being the only trick right wingers seem to know.

"outside of the reason he did it i have no idea why he did it"

She's absolutely about to become a daughter of cacophony or something.

Who is booing this man? He is completely correct

I am gonna make use of this if it's the last thing i do

Remember, never annoy the person handling your food

Genuinely what i thought it was for a second

Turns out the world is flat. And under a dome. And Jesus is on top of the dome. And aliens have visited us in the dome. And so much more.

minimum 10 foot fall into the cold mud with my pants down. Please don't.

Twilight is a Harry Potter fanfic? Wow this is just wild

God damn the kids really don't know the difference. Anyways i use it less probably because I'm browsing Lemmy on my phone in-between other tasks, but maybe I'll start spicing things up.


A room full of crazy best girl

The textures are so not worth the space. Sounds? Sure, we are still making progress with audio design that can be noticed and enjoyed. Graphics? We are way passed the point where we can meaningfully improve on those without making concessions that just aren't worth it.

Okay this is a great jumping off point if you can convince a king to make you his personal scientist with all the resources they implies. Like, i could get the electricity going without killing myself with time, but I'm gonna need subjects to test out the health and safety stuff.

That really isn't what that phrase means, taken for granted just means people thought it was a normal part of life. It's taken for granted now that we don't have metallic skin and electric eyes, but if we are lucky that won't always be the case.

Look the worst I'd do is hunt humans for sport, it's much nicer than what most of our overlords do to pass the time.

Don't worry, it'll get worse eventually

You're gonna have to tell me more, like a name perchance

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Enough of your wild theories, we are trying to answer this question need in reality

I figured this would be about the games themselves (not that they are actually good this year), weird. Do people really get hyped about ads? I'm subbed to the YouTube channels that the games i want to play will announce on, why would i care about ads in an event that is supposed to be it's own thing? Is this how it feels to be out of touch?

Most of the nominees were just not deserving (through an the categories) ngl

Beats doing it outside about 10 or more feet over muddy ground

He sets up a speaker to play rock music, gets plastered, then gets in a sauna

I gotta wonder where this stupid idea of perfectly round disk shaped spaceships came from, because it's pretty stupid. I've seen seen someone on tv suggest Buddha was an alien because of disk shaped iconography and it's just weird.

Between this or running across an infinite lane stroad, I'd pick the stroad. Although I'd prefer to step away from cars as a common method of transportation altogether.

That's a good one, I'd love to be able to enjoy things in their native languages rather than butchered (at best) translations.

What can i say, the dude abides

It shocks the machine spirit

Okay, but I've just created a functional train in the normal game, so that's one thing sky Islands don't have

I've only got a little bit into the game so far and man everything about the game just hits home. If it were just a bit bigger or more freeform it might have been my favorite. I love the weird but recognizable world! Reading letters that sound like they could be straight out of our future hit really well.

Unfortunately it trails a bit behind Seasons A Letter To The Future for me though because it's less open.

No idea what's going on here but i think I'm into it

Ever play a TTRPG? Give it a try, if you live in an actual civilized place you probably have a local game store and they almost certainly host games. If you live in absolute nowhere like me you could probably find local groups online. And to be clear I'm not talking about dungeons and dragons, despite what people say the ruleset isn't new player friendly (it's complicated, the books are poorly edited, missing rules, it's expensive, etc. etc.).

Try out World (or Chronicles) of Darkness, at a base level they are easier to understand than any other ttrpg i have ever played (with lots of room to get more out there as you play) and it's got a large community (as far as niche hobbies go). Oh and it's cheap, Chronicles is best about respecting your money, but generally you only need to buy a single book (the rulebook for the creature you are playing as).

Pathfinder is also a good choice as the second most popular ttrpg and they offer their rules for free online. the second edition is simpler but it does front load a lot of information on you at once (which is a good thing, you won't have to go looking for edge case rules that don't exist). First edition is also really good, but it's more complicated and you might be less likely to find games since the second edition came out.

War gaming could also be a good way to meet people, but i don't do that as much so i have less recommendations to offer, I'm afraid.