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Joined 12 months ago

Newsom looked strong on MSNBC post debate.

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I don't get why people idolize him so much. Paying to go to seminars and such. Yes buy assets not liabilities, not complicated but he regularly pushes over leveraging yourself and working in the grey area of financial independence. Him and Ramsey provide good advice on targeted subjects but going all in and following these idols will lead to ruin for most.

Imagine all the illegal stuff a trump will need in office in order to refill his treasury. How much he would have to sell (secrets). Imagine.

And he raw dogged.

I never understood why Republicans hate immigrants. Low educated labor that is highly religious. And if crimes are committed, these people can fuel the incarceration complex America has as well.

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No presidential pardons for you.

Correct. He will get Republican Governor pardon for this one. Everyone acts like any of these felonies will have consequences. Dudes gonna skate, he needs one dumb red hat in that jury box. One.

No it's an "official presidential act"

Yes he does. He has to either pay the judgement to her, or put it in escrow if he plans to appeal

No he doesn't. I hate trump as much as anyone else, but all he has to do is get someone else to post bond (he will still have to provide a percentage to cover). There is a long list of people/companies/countries that would take that gamble assuming he gets reelected.

Not just the jury, you also need all the appellate courts.

He can't do anything with these shares, by the time he can they will be worthless.

Didn't Musk teach you anything? You never sell the shares you borrow against them.

4d chess would be trump placing shorts before they even went public.

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If they control the ballot boxes why not just have Haley get to general?

Houston resident, lots of strong opinions on this.

First, this happened because schools have been underperforming for some time. The line in sand was crossed and the state decided to step in. Secondly, from my understanding with radio interviews and other online sources, they repurpose the library to redirect students who cause distractions in class. If you disrupt in the classroom, you join an isolated zoom session from the old library.

I'm not suggesting this approach will work, just letting everyone know the thought process.

You ios or Android user?

If it just adds content to radarr and sonarr, it wouldn't matter for Plex. Just set to scan folder for changes.

Problem is getting a conviction in time. Of all the criminal cases, the only one that might have a verdict in time is the hush money one and I don't think that rises to a felony.

I'd like to think Dark Brandon will resign his secondary day in office. He just wanted to say I beat the fool now we good fam. Here, Harris you run this shit I got bingo.

Isn't big picture only 720p?

While that might be true, she should just take a leave of absence and let her people get this to trial. The most important thing is to get these cases started. Fight your moral victories later, this is too important.

No way Rico case happens before election, the DA couldn't keep her pants on. It will be years before Rico trail starts and by then all Trump needs is governor or DA lacky to drop everything. The Jan 6 case is the only one that could happen before election.