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Joined 1 years ago

You live in a digitially organized folder?

From a different end-user POV, seeing the same stuff repeated is not fun. I would prefer to see everything once instead of choosing between seeing almost everything twice(subscribed to both) or missing a little bit(subscribed to one, blocked the other).

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It's less about weeb shit and more about the sounds of the words. They abbreviate it as Ligma (balls hehe got'em!)

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That's devastatingly hot.

It used to be that way on Reddit before they changed the algorithm to force old posts (older than 12 hours and then 24 hours and so on) to fuck off from the front page. It's also a problem that multiple instances show you the same post repeatedly, so a popular post on the front page stays there for a whole week and you will still see it even if you scroll past it.

Lemmy devs simply do not address the issues of the platform.

The problem is that while subscribed you see the popular posts twice. All of them. Sometimes even literally one after the other in the feed lol

Right now we just choose between seeing almost everything twice (sub to both) or missing a little (sub to only one).

Couldn't find it within 5 minutes of searching - therefor I accounce that such a video does not exist

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For everything except the memes I agree. The memes are clearly not generated by 30+ year olds though, and there are a lot of memes. (all of those 196 communities)

For now, in the past 30 days I've seen instances be very active in moderation and development and federation\defederation. They defederate even when they don't need to. This anecdotal experience leads me to believe that most instances will defederate from Meta, but I'm certain that a few of them will not.

You also downloaded ahshhysyyagg.png?

I agree on some points, but I think it's not fair to compare it to email. People use emails for work are somewhat forced to use them pretty often. I don't know anyone who browsed Reddit for work over the past 12 years I've had an account, and I don't believe Lemmy will change that. People are not forced to use Lemmy, reaching the maximum amount of people is usually not the point unless you're advertising, and if you're targeting the Facebook crowd you can... advertise on Facebook - this wouldn't even be anything new.

The question isn't whether or not the majority of users can use the Fediverse without being hampered by the corpos, it's whether or not the core users can. Unless Meta can somehow force federation unto all instances, I will be able to choose an instance that is not federated with them.

My dude, a lawyer's job isn't to "win" in court. The job is to represent the client and make sure that their rights are fulfilled. For a prisoner on death's row, it might mean he gets to write a will and have a last meal or whatever, and that the method of execution will not be cruel and so on.

Company legal firms are responsible to guide the company into those bullshit loopholes so that the company can be societally garbage but not be punished by law, and those work mostly by avoiding court cases or forcing lawsuits in unloseable cases (such as copyrights).

Dude, most people in Israel start a degree around 22-24 in Israel. You're not the only one who served 3 years in the military. Starting a degree earlier is almost exclusively for privileged people. If you can get accepted to a uni at 22, that's actually really early - you'd be the youngest post-army person in class.

If you didn't serve in the military, at least you're not behind in academic terms.

edit: this isn't even taking into account the perspective of age. The time you'll have between finishing the degree and just being 40 is A LOT longer than it seems at 22. I'm 29, you have soooooooo much time. And on a second age perspective, even at 40 it's not a bad idea because you can just do whatever you want.

TL;DR just go for it

Birds can often swim. The fish also can't fly.

The games are coming to Steam. Even if the launcher is there, Steam still gets the 30%

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Pasta and Sushi are two of the strongest foods in the world. Any person worth their salt would try it

You are changing the question to "is a perfect replica of a person considered the same person or not?". That is not the question.

What you experience by using a teleporter is you enter a room, and then you die. End of story. There being another replica of you somewhere does not change that you died. For an outsider they may argue whether or not you died, whether or not the replica is you, and so on. But from the perspective of someone who enters the teleportation room, it's over. Dead.

GOG and Humble are really good stores though

Wikipedia is using this site as the source, and that site shows around 20% market share for Mac. Linux is at 3% and ChromeOS is at 4%, so if you combine them and double that it still isn't at 75% of the market share Mac has.

This isn't mentioning that dealing with Linux compatibility is more annoying than Mac or Windows compatibility. Macs are very uniform, Windows has a giant making sure everything is compatible, and Linux has 900 distros that will never agree to co-operate.

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