1 Post – 45 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Infosec researcher | writes @


Every time ive seen an article about worst state it’s always Mississippi :-/. But these days thanks to awful leadership Florida and Texas are making a case for the crown.

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China. Also, no one is saying FB is fine, but since it’s American then gov pretty much shrugs. It was FB after all feeding the NSA yeah?

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Not sure what you mean by “reputation”. But generally I think it’s hard for anyone to like their Dentist visit. Even a “checkup” typically involves a cleaning which is invasive and uncomfortable. This is compounded by the fact that people don’t take care of their teeth so feedback from dentists is almost always poor. I don’t think Dentists have a bad rep, but I can safely say I don’t look forward to my visits 😅

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Twitter —> Mastodon Reddit —> Lemmy (and Kbin) Discord —> Matrix

Honestly the worst name though…

Caryn like Karen?

Marjorie like Marjorie Taylor Green.. the Karen-iest Karen to ever Karen?

Awful awful awful.

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Eh. Bad take imo. It might be failing this individual, or failing to be a clone of Twitter, but it’s certainly not this black and white. It’s experienced massive growth as has the larger fediverse (a success by one measure for sure). Will it capture significant market/mindshare compared to the big social networks? Maybe, maybe not. But this isn’t necessarily the “goal”. Meta has taken an interest, so clearly it has gotten the attention of one of the big dogs. Blue sky is a Twitter clone but has the promise of “federation”, which again you see signs of imitation (sincerest form of flattery right?). I don’t disagree with everything OP has to say. I do think the software, UX, and other aspects of Mastodon and other fediverse “things” could use some work but that’s the best thing, they’re being worked on! And faster than ever, especially as more of the big corps continue to enshittify and drive away their user base. To claim that Mastodon has “failed” or “is failing” is not only ridiculously premature but also imo missing the larger trends. For me, it has been a huge success and continues to get better.

It’s been a bit since I got an episode up but you could check my podcast - It’s tech / infosec-themed. I’m pretty sure I take a lot of jabs in the other direction haha.

It’s a microblogging service (similar to Twitter), ran by a small dev team and backed by Jack Dorsey (of Twitter origin). It’s been in “invite-only” closed beta forever so it has never really gone super mainstream. Some communities have kinda made their way over there but for the most part it seems threads and mastodon will run away with things in terms of being heirs to Twitter (imo). Bluesky is building their own platform (AT) that will allow others to stand up their own “bluesky” instances that federate with each other, similar to how mastodon works on the Fediverse with ActivityPub. Not sure what the progress is with that but am skeptical it will ever actually be a popular choice given the success of AP/Fediverse and the fact that threads and other large platforms (Wordpress, Tumblr, etc…) have already implemented or committed to building in AP support.

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This is 100% true. That said, I bet most redditors had no idea this was happening. But as I think about it. I bet most sub mods did, they could have found spines… but like you said…

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Not by me. But maybe by like 2-3 folks…

Who’s asking for this? The future is bleak

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Don’t give your stuff away to Medium. Buy a domain and host everything from there. Sites like square space can be used to help you monetize.

No small feat to become a top 5 hated person on the Internet for a day. Well done Internet Brands exec team.

Why not both? I love my site and always work to make it unique. But I also like to write and have “useful” content. Check this out to find more cool things on the IndieWeb

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Be young. Young folk never sore

My last three jobs...

  • Applied directly to the req on the company job portal
  • Recruiter contacted me about the role
  • Recruiter contacted me about the role

Try one with no algorithm. Mastodon is a good start for this. Fill your timeline with what you love.


Yeah that's definitely how I approached my site to begin with. A. a place for me to write about stuff I personally want to remember and go back and look at. and B. a place where I could share information I have that I repeatedly tell others. Over time though, I found that people did indeed like to read what I had to say and found it useful. This is always a bit shocking for people who write, it's a great feeling to know others read your stuff haha. I think I'm an OK writer but I certainly have a unique-ish style. The world needs more indie writers with unique voices and styles. Too much of the Internet has become SEO farming trash and AI generated nonsense. Us "real", authentic humans have to take it back.

I love Reeder for iOS. For service I’ve been using Feedly since the beginning so I’ve stuck with them. But these days there is probably better (and cheaper) options.

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Windows 🤣

Careful though. Maybe not as "private" as you may think... a thread from -

lol. She’s like the newest Covid variant…

Will def check out when it hits iOS AppStore or TestFlight.

AI brainworm

Ah interesting. One more in the “negative” column for Bluesky then imo. What Mastodon gets right (perhaps in a sea of things that it gets wrong) is that it relies on people to build and maintain their communities, rather than hoping that technology can solve all the issues of moderation, etc… Yeah, there are improvements that we hope will get to AP. It’s obvious bsky is just not the future.

Yes. Bring back blogrolls!

Careful though. Maybe not as "private" as you may think... a thread from -

Since you found my comment here I’m going to safely say you aren’t in the “most redditors” camp I referenced 😅. You’re one of the good ones.

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Covid, war, alt-right fascists, AI, TikTok, capitalism maxed out, climate change, where should I stop?

A measured response to be sure. Thanks for writing it up. I'm definitely not the one who's going to tell you for sure what CloudFlare should or should not do in this case or any other cases. It's a tricky business to be in in terms of making those decisions. That said, I do think there is a line to be drawn SOMEWHERE, and because of this they would eventually need to deplatform something. If that signals to the regimes of the world that Cloudflare can be influenced than so be it, but to me (and I think a lot of the people who were going after Cloudflare during this time), Nazi's (and those sites you mentioned, e.g. Kiwi Farms) are easy to draw lines for. Good thing I'm just a dude on Lemmy and not a high powered CF exec hah!

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Because AI is the literal worst.


Basically this AI hype train, won’t be long til this is default (if it isn’t already) and they steal all your notes/writing to feed LLMs and monetize your work without you knowing.

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What kinda notes are you looking to take? If you want something real simple but works across all devices, is super fast and with great search, try Simplenote. If you want something with more power, I’ll echo what others here have suggested and say Obsidian. Don’t do notion.

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You do you then! I tried notion but switched to obsidian because I found Notions web UI awfully slow given I just wanted to muck around with plaintext and markdown files. It wasn’t a bad product though. They’re popular for some good reasons too.