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Seriously, Elon is speedrunning the destruction of twitter

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Twitter‘s real world relevance is highly overvalued. Journalists who practically live there instead of doing journalist stuff elevating its cultural impact manifold. Mastodon shows how much of this impact is lost, if there aren’t enough promoters. The grassroots picture Twitter painted of itself wasn’t ever close to true, it was just a single-way microphone for narcissists. Reddit‘s cultural value is highly underrated in comparison and I believe a good alternative can catch enough nexus posters who will keep good content coming. As with every FOSS project the biggest enemies of success are the people within. Lemmy (as Mastodon) has a lot of difficulties with fracturing due to its federated nature and the differentiation between kbin and Lemmy is already divisive for the community. I hope the more technical minded audience of Reddit is able to overcome these barriers for entry and find a new home here.

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RE-engine Resident Evil games and remakes!

Total tangent: But I feel Apple‘s transition from PPC to i86 has been much more rocky than from i86 to ARM, primarily thanks to Rosetta, which is essentially „hardware accelerated emulation“. I feel like emulation has come a long way in the past few years. Xenia is doing great stuff for Xbox and Yuzu ist really great. Good times ahead I feel.

My Joycons have survived BotW, AC:NH, Three Houses, Metroid Dread and Metroid Prime, which I all played religiously. But they finally started drifting during my early hours of TotK. I just bought the Gulikit ones, switched them in less than half an hour. Great experience, no complaints, just not drifting joy cons.

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DayZ, PUBG and Tarkov gave a lot of devs the illusion they could compete in a live service multiplayer market if their games was just good enough. But these examples aren’t really that economically viable to support in the long run (DayZ hasn’t ever pulled their highs of twitch viewership in the actual game) or have been outstandingly innovative. Even established publishers and studios struggle getting a live service game off the ground and supporting it long time. The truth is: only very few have time for more than one of theses games and that market is highly saturated. While a singleplayer-first game has a long tail and can be bought, promoted and updated as demand and popularity cycles (No Man‘s Sky, Skyrim, Hitman 3, etc.) live service games need to capture all of their audiences attention all the time to stay economically viable. I don’t know how so many devs and even established publishers could jump on that band waggon. Suddenly you aren’t just competing with another similar game, but with every game all the time and additionally every other medium that takes time to consume away from your game.

Additionally: While spez’s reasoning isn’t sound on the matter, it IS true, that user generated content is highly valuable to AI firms. With ChatGPT out the door, we shouldn’t expect anything to be written after a date a few years back to be written by a human. But this means these data sources aren’t “clear” from generating a feedback loop: If every conversation is potentially three chat bots in a trenchcoat the fourth chat bot learning from that could be of a reduced quality. Therefore every AI firm (of which Facebook is regrettably one) needs to think about how to farm user generated content. I don’t think Zuck wants to be in the cloud business of hosting instances, at least not primarily. On the one hand he is a reliable business partner for regimes all around the world and “moderating” federated instances is a way to keep this business, on the other hand this will help Facebook to gain access to user generated conversation, and more important: potentially block competitor’s access in the future.

Oh, I think you are right, my bad!

Picking up games I am currently playing on my gaming PC like the RE-engine Resident Evils and remakes or Jedi and Hogwarts have been my best experiences so far. Yes, graphical fidelity isn’t as good, but the general seamlessness gives serious Switch vibes, but for modern games instead of the more „mobile“ feeling of the average Switch game.

We have known UbiSoft to be out of ideas and options. This seems like they are grabbing for straws. Yes, people liked Black Flag more than AC3 and more than Rogue, Unity, and Syndicate. But I don’t think the gameplay (especially the dull cities and the even worse reality levels) holds up really well today. They shouldn’t have crashed Skull and Bones as hard as they did and developed a full fledged Black Flag 2 without the AC ballast and more pirate stuff.

The nexus poster on Twitter are often technically inept (journos, real life famous people, etc.). Therefore I understand the migration to Mastodon and such going slowly. But I have high hopes for the likes of federated Reddit-alternatives, since Reddit’s audience is a much more technical crowd. The only fear I have is the FOSS community’s infamous infighting over non-issues. As long as things like Lemmy or kbin are federating, this is probably a non-issue, but as soon as two or more of the major players get hung up on something irrelevant and cannot reconcile, the party is over as soon as it began.

Off topic, but what is going on with the air bubble in the lower left corner of the screen? Is that etched screen defect or just a screen protector?

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