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Joined 1 years ago

Feels like Biden should have coked up beforehand

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They're like buttholes for your computer

BG 3 is so stupid, it's not even optimizing micro transactions for maximum profits

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Aww it's too hard.. well make it simpler by not charging shitty little fees.

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That's cool but I'm more concerned with real shit like climate change, the wealth gap, and the global rise of fascism.

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Lol hilarious labeling the left who support a livable minimum wage, voting rights, medicare for all, safety regulations, civil liberties, unions, a fair tax system, etc... Radicals

No, the precedent is needed. When you lead an insurrection against the USA, you shouldn't be allowed to run for ANY office.

What happens when you are rich and famous and everyone around you treats you like a god.. I imagine you lose any anchor to reality.

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It's a good thing we all got 33% pay raises... Right?

Looks like Turtle stroked out. Fortunately he gets the best medical care available paid for by the taxpayer, whereas he is adamantly opposed to Medicare for All to provide this benefit to all Americans.

Woah there hoss, let's make sure it's worth playing on one platform first.

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All the subscription services going up in price constantly. This bullshit is hard to abide.

This is actually an excellent way to trigger faster regulation of fakes. I applaud this.

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I wonder how many bots get offers

Republicans want to punish the poor.. but tax cuts for the filthy rich.. such pieces of shit, I sure hope the karma train runs over these motherfuckers

Lol everyone knows a Trump never pays their debts

The only sane option is Biden. Take that how you like.

Have you considered becoming a furry

Excellent so now they'll be paying volunteers for their work!

I mean it doesn't seem to be a smart career choice

It's ok Microsoft are very sorry you found out

Ooh so scary, gravy seals in their depends

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This iteration of "AI" is hilarious, the people who were telling us not to steal IP are now trying to convince us it's ok.

Smart devices are basically data sniffers scooping up any info about you and your family, your habits,. They watch network traffic, listen to your conversations, and record video,. I'll stick to dumb devices thanks.

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Is that you, Zuckerberg?

Microsoft needs to seriously work on quality control of their own controllers.. cynics might say they are built to fail

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This movie is going to deliver

Their woke agenda and woke books, and woke teachers and woke doctors and woke postmen and woke Santa Claus and woke... FFS stfu you fascist pig

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I'm a parent and I sure af would not tolerate this fucking corporate propaganda being forced on my son.

Need slim fast for the brain

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I mean it doesn't matter how a game gets made to me if it's great. If there are a huge pile of shitty games, I just won't engage. Same as it ever was.

Yeah maybe the thousands of innocent women and children being indiscriminately killed would disagree... If they weren't dead.

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The god that lets kids be born with terminal cancer. Your god, not mine.

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Breaking News! Shocking revelation that world renowned dunce doesn't know something

God I hope we don't go through a phase of crappy games designed and developed using AI.

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Yeah that's how it works, you fucked around and something something

You wouldn't download crack cocaine

AI = profits! Except if you stop paying people a livable wage, they can't buy your iPhones or your Teslas.

We're in a weird place where Republicans are openly trying to turn the country into an autocracy, and a large portion of the country supports them.

Yarr you need some wind in yer sails matey