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Joined 10 months ago

The Greatest Era of gaming was when I was between 12 and 22. And this is true for everyone no matter what their age is now. Between 12 and 22 I had enough time and energy to game all night and still go to school and none of life’s problems were stopping me

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Well he a billionaire so $83 million is a drop in the bucket. He’s probably got that much as change in the couch /s

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“I then walked over and said “hi I’m a lesbian” to the both of them. Anyways I’m married to one of them now somehow.” - This is possibly one of the most lesbian sentences I’ve ever read. Congratulations and mazel tov!

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I too enjoy nutting in your wife Hay yo!

If you’ve doing it, do me a favor. Keep an eye on these guys, 'cause around the 74 minute mark, there's gonna be a room full of grown men crying.

I know that not most woman aren’t in to a men just for his money, but the kinda chicks who will double up on a guy like me are!

Once again in no particular order: Ultimata IV - Quest of the Avatar

Sim City 2000

The Last of Us

Breath of the Wild

Trade Wars

Kingdom Hearts

Knights of the Old Republic

Civ 6

Omega - a dos game where you programmed Tanks and set them loose

And right now: Balatro

Please stop getting your recipes from ChatGPT

Yeah, and before that he wrote “The Egg” and a lot of other short stories.

Check out his other writings if you like seeing how he went from writing a webcomic to full time author

I’ve got to second this recommendation. I’ve been using Kodi for almost 12 years and I really love its tracking. And it’s got a heap of other features as well.

I don’t know there seems be a shit ton of Toxic Masculinity too.