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Duck Detective is great, perfect short game. Hopefully they have the framework there to do more cases like Golden Idol did, because I would love to play more

This is a bit victim blamey but why the heck would you buy a Huawei device outside of China? Have to assume you can’t be familiar with the many criticisms…

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Whoa get those perverted thoughts out of here commie scum!

I would say isometric adventure game

Back when I was a kid I got into building a cantenna and aircrack-ng when my parents shut the internet off every night. Wasn’t addicted to games, just found it interesting and entertaining. Also came in handy in the days of shaped internet when you ran out of GB for the month.

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Enshittification is real

What are P-Cards?

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And read essays and visual representations of the timelines and… still not understand it fully

I know it will probably never happen but I find it fun to think they could do a time jump IRL, do a new season after years so everyone is literally older

Last I heard I think they had lost or fired 7 Editor in Chiefs across their holdings in the past 8 months or so. From what I’ve heard they are run pretty terribly for the people that work there and G/O just generally suck.

The former Kotaku EIC in particular did not have nice things to say about them on The Games Press podcast

Epic already tried to sue Apple and Google for basically this, saying they had to charge their customers more to account for Apple’s cut given there was no other means of acquiring.

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Didn’t they already say it doesn’t include the FES content?

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Persona 4 / 5. So many bops.

Reminder that every day’s great at your Junes

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Not sure what you mean, the linked article was from months ago and the in person vote was yesterday. People had plenty of time to decide to make an informed choice and many decided not to.

I have used GamersGate, GreenManGaming, Fanatical and Humble without any issues

This is Kojima’s Xbox Cloud Gaming (whatever that means) game though. So I could see it being PC and Xbox only and not Playstation at least

I also ate horse in Japan and didn’t enjoy it

Ha, funny timing, I actually just got this working yesterday.

I recommend going with OpenTyrian2000 rather than the GOG edition. It has some extra scaling options and music works out of the box.

Basic steps:

  • download OpenTyrian and data files (in Github description) from
  • extract all to same folder. Data files should sit in same directory as OpenTyrian2000.exe
  • (optional) if you have a Windows PC, you can try running it and it should start up normally
  • assuming that’s all working, copy the files to your Deck
  • add a new Lutris shortcut to existing game. I used latest Wine.
  • test that you can run the game on Deck, it should boot and play fine with sound and all. Scaling options are in the OpenTyrian2000 menu option.
  • (optional) on Steam side map escape key to start so you can pause the game if needed. All the other default keybinds seem to work though I did not test for long so others like weapon switching may need to be changed.

Hope that helps! Let me know if I’ve messed anything up or if it’s not working for you

My case is abnormal, but even more rare is the guys that continue to be in pain for the rest of their lives. Didn't find out about that until I started digging deeper because of my persistent pain.

Dang that sucks your urologist / surgeon didn’t let you know about this. Mine was very clear that though it is rare (was quoted 1% which seems kind high to me) he doesn’t recommend going through with the procedure if you have testicular pain in your day to day as it could be a risk factor for having permanent pain afterwards

Yeah Worthikids did this which I think was made with Blender?

Still looks damn incredible to me, though I am kinda wistful and sad that this sort of “handmade” art is slowly disappearing (including 2D handdrawn animation)

Basically Cloudflare aren’t giving a piece of DNS information which Cloudflare says is good for privacy and says is bad for their ability to load content from regional CDNs

It seems to be down currently but you could do it here

Not sure if there are any other Spaces setup to do illusion generation

Been playing this too, it’s great.

Unfortunately am hitting some hard lockups in the last chapter or two on Deck so have put it down for now - seems to be a common issue based on some forum posts and ProtonDB.

I played through Portal Reloaded just before this which was excellent too, the puzzles are SUPER hard though, way harder than Revolution.

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For podcasts I highly recommend Into the Aether. They only bring games they like to the show and it’s a super chill and positive show that feels like chatting with friends who are really into vidya games. The episodes are quite long but great to listen to.

Fair but it’s also easily avoided by buying literally any other manufacturer who doesn’t pull shit like this

Is it true that they are variable length and slow down the boot / wake time?

Notepad also has persistent tabs now and you can close without saving

Nirvanna the Band the Show

Lil Gator Game for a pretty short (maybe 4ish hours), VERY cute love letter to growing up and Zelda. 3D adventure sort of platformer I suppose, not dissimilar to A Short Hike

Bit of a meh month for me after last month which was fantastic.

It Takes Two is a game I am in two minds about a little, it’s very fun and well produced but I honestly just hated the two main characters and their decision making in a way that sort of undermines the entire storyline. But definitely worth a play as one of the few couch co-op games being made these days

I wish it would go on sale… ever. I’ve bought it multiple times across several platforms now, I really don’t want to spend $60 trying to get all the DLC on PC

Consider this scenario: I ask you how long it would take you to go to the shops and buy a carton of milk.

You could probably give me a good estimate based on your previous experience going to the shop and buying a carton of milk, but to actually tell me how long it would take would need you to go do the thing then come back and tell me.

Even with your estimation, something could always go wrong and cause your trip to take longer than expected. Maybe there was a traffic jam, maybe the shops are sold out of milk, maybe you get mugged along the way.

Loading bars are the same thing. There’s no way to definitively say how long something will take without doing the thing and seeing how long it DID take. The best you can do it an estimation based on known factors (eg. how long does this thing usually take). So in that sense loading bars are fake

Have you played Pokemon Unbound? Always hearing good things about that one but never tried myself

Yeah it does. Apparently running in Windows under Proton is less problematic but performs a lot worse, so I didn’t bother. I’m sure it will get fixed, guessing the end of the game probably just isn’t as well tested as the first 80% because that was pretty flawless