3 Post – 32 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Genuinely don't understand how reddit has failed to make money.

Reddit's entire value is based upon the unpaid contributions of its users- they generate and moderate all the content on the site for free, and these are the things that bring people to the site.

How entitled must one be to think they can ignore all this and be fine?

Also how tf is reddit not able to break bank?

The functionality of their website was relatively simple - not underming the reddit devs here. The costs must've been minimal before the redesign and the dumb ass decision to host their own images and videos. Did they burn up all their money for the redesign and the shitty app?

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Am Indian, I'll try and explain this crap mindset in the Indian context.

Why is queer people existing “dishonorable”???

Queer people are considered disgusting + a Strong Community sense to the point of toxicity.

Firstly, there's a lack of understanding:

Queerness is viewed as a choice, not an identity. A heteronormative environment + lack of education causes people to think that queer people are being quirky or rebelling, refusing to "listen to reason".

Secondly, Abrahamic religious and Colonial Influence:

Ancient India was kinda chill with queer people. Transexual people were ok, being able to live freely and own property, with some places even revered the trans people in their religion. Gay peeps, however, were thought to be unnatural for opposing the traditional family structure, but were punished lightly with small fines for indulging in homosexuality.

The whole stigma around Queerness started when Portugese settlors aggressivley punishing sodomy as early as the early 1500s in Goa. A few decades later, Mughals conquered their way into India and punished homosexuality with lashes/whippings/stonings. British Raj then took over almost all of India, and codified Homosexuality as a crime all over the country, and then labelled trans people as a "criminal tribe" and persecuted them.

A common point of discussion in Indian circles is the still-prevelant post-colonial starvation mindset in so many people of India - pursuing European/American beauty standards, disregard of own local culture, blind belief in western cultural concepts, racial imposter syndrome, validation from white people, sexual repression etc. This irrational distaste for queer people is a part of this mindset that has been left-behind and ingrained in the many cultures of India.

Overall, Queerness is considered dishonorable as it is seen as a form of "extreme rebellion" in the "most repulsive of ways".

Why do those commiting the violence do it?

India has always been a communal country. Even at it's peak, it was an alliance/cease-fire of hundreds of princely states and kingdoms ruled by communities. There was also the caste system that became more and more rigid and oppressive as time went on.

Anyhoo, you and your family was entirely dependant on staying by your community (community could refer to your caste, your tribe, your village, or your large family). It was a difficult task to move to a new community. Any sin or crime that you did also brought shame upon your community, and it was upto your community to correct the issue themselves and restore their honor - resulting in a heirarchical, community-priorities-first system.

While archaic, this mindset is prevelant in modern India - especially since your community is your primary support system, and there is a vast difference in socio-economic status between tight-knit and loosely-knit communities.

Those resorting to violence think that Queer people have commited a disgusting crime in a rebellious manner, all the while discarding everything that was done for them, ultimately bringing extreme shame to the family and the community. Therefore, they avenge and restore their honor by punishing the criminals for indulging in sin.

It's a toxic af dogshit mentality, especially propogated by those in power within the communities, using hate to keep their authority in line. But it is coming down slowly but steadily thankfully due to alleviation of poverty, diversification, healing from post-colonial mindset, and lesser dependance on your community for survival.

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Hell yeah! I'm Hindu and I love it.

I loved mythology as a child and devoured every myth from every culture I could get my hands on. Later this evolved into exploration of religion. I've read religious books of many religions - Hindu epics and scriptures, Buddhist scriptures, Jain scriptures, Quran, Bible, Guru Granth Sahib, and the Avesta - I enjoyed them all, and my parents encouraged this exploration.

I ultimately came back to Hinduism because a lot of the stuff in it made sense and resonated with me, and let me adopt a mindset that works well for letting me process and ascribe meaning to the various experiences and phenomenon of life.

Hinduism is a collection of hundreds of belief-systems - a lot of which are uber chill, some literally cult-like, some polticised and weaponised for oppression, and some that are intense but harmless. You can choose what makes sense to you - I personally follow a pretty chill belief system, but it also makes me seem not serious about it.

Oooh and it is fun in the community - festivals, temples, ceremonies, and various cultural events -there are so many of these, and each of them very fun depending on the people involved in the celebration.

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Yeah, same. I went back to my facebook groups and instagram pages for a while when reddit went crappy, and it really highlighted how helpful downvotes were

Downvotes are helpful if they are used properly (off-topic, hate speech, rediquitte, etc.), but I see people using it as a dislike button lately and that has made many discussion annoying and exhausting. Also, downvotes latently breed a hivemind which is like one of the worst parts of reddit.

Yup same. I've gone through their post history, and also the histories of mods listed on r/adviceanimals, and can't find this post or comment on this post. Huh.

Yooo tell me about it. I grew up in a nice city in India, and it was so damn-walkable but also car-friendly with great public transport when I was a child. I remember us being able to walk everywhere to get everything we need, and trees everywhere. There used to be so many shopping-streets or eatery-streets where you could just walk around, explore, and just hang out, walking all the while.

Nowadays, it's asphalt everywhere. Wide roads and expressways taking over everything. Damn high temperature due to the roads absorbing all the heat without any trees to block the sun. It's nigh impossible to make a plan to walk somewhere, because footpaths are disappearing slowly.

The only walkable parts of the city are in the richer areas, and they are specifically built so, ugh.

Hmm, I think "pretend you're convinced of this stuff" is a long-winded way to say "believe" - belief is an inherent, basic feeling in humans - you believe your loved ones when they say they love you, you believe someone when they ask you to trust you, you believe someone when they claim something about themselves, your dog believes you will come back even though you have disappeared suddenly when you go to work, people believe love to be more than a chemical reaction inside your brain - all of these things happen without you knowing 100% sure what the exact situation is, without you knowing a numerical value for all the stats, or what will exactly happen. Sure, you could base your thinking around probabilities based only on what you have observed or simply just believe things. I think belief is one of the things that seperates setience from plain sapience.

It's probably best to seperate a fanatic from a general religious person - I use religion to frame and try make sense of things that I can't know by pure observation or those that don't have a straightforward answer - what happens after death, what is purpose, why is there suffering, etc. - in an attempt to look for something other than "it's all meaningless, everyone and everything happened by pure chance", plus there are a lot of philosophies and stories that make for good thought experiments.

I can’t comprehend someone literally shopping around and picking how they’re going to view… reality. It’s just reality

It's also probably best to shed the narrow "Religion = mindless god worship" view - people are complex, as are cultures. Not all religions push aggressively for blind faith and discarding of logic in face of reality (many do, yes, and I'm sure that has shaped your view on religion). In a way, you can think of religion to be positive nihilism for many - ascribing meaning to the meaningless or unexplained.

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It Takes Two has a great protagonist

Aw that's a bummer. But based on their full comment, they don't seem narrow-minded about it just a bit.... frustrated? Oh well I can empathise.

Haha thanks for liking it - I'm grateful I got a chance to explore without people being down my throat about it.

Regarding my choice for Hinduism - I guess it all started when I wondered about what happened after death. I grew out of the idea of eternal heaven or hell pretty quickly - started to dislike it a lot, infact - because eternity of consequences for a jiffy of a lifetime seemed too inflexible - so this eliminated the Abrahamic religions, Zoroastrianism, and some ideologies of Hinduism that believed in eternal heaven/hell.

I really liked the concept of reincarnation and karma. It made sense to me. You live a life, and the circumstances and options of your next life are decided based on the deeds of that life - you repeat this cycle until you feel like your soul has experienced all it needs to, and break out of the cycle, complete and one with the world. So the options left were Greek/Roman, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikh.

I didn't like the Greek gods they seemed more like mortals with power than divine beings. I dropped Sikhism bc it's monotheistic and I like the idea of multiple gods for everything. Following Jainism sincerely was a bit too extreme for me.

There were other factors like the way each religion described morality, mortal priorities, and ideal way to lead life - I liked some and disliked some, but I mostly avoided religions that were too rigid and inflexible on how daily life was supposed to be lived.

Ultimately, It ended up between Hinduism and Buddhism. I picked Hinduism because of its scriptures - Gita, Mahabharata, and the Upanishads - there's a looot more but these influenced me a lot. And also because of the flexibility it offered - I could pick a belief system, or make up my own belief system as long as it was in line with the core beliefs of Hinduism, and you could philosophize enough to justify your beliefs (There's even a school of thought, that believes in the gods but actively chooses to ignore them lol, and it is considered a valid Hindu ideology).

While I identify as Hindu, I haven't picked a definite school of thought to follow - am currently following a blend of different schools of thought interweaved with my own logic, and haven't yet solidified my beliefs - I still have a lot of reading left to do.

Ahh, I think I rambled a bit too long, thanks for hearing me out :)

If you're interested, the short story The Egg by Andy Weir is a fun read - it is by no means a descriptor for any Hindu beliefs, but the concepts and vibes of reincarnation and one-ness of everyone/everything are pretty similar.

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Ooooh yes it does. I enjoyed the song a lot, thank you! I think I'm going to binge Pamplemousse entirely, their work seems like it'd jive with me

I loved your suggestions, thanks a lot

Little Talks was cute, it reminds me of Anyone Else But You by The Moldy Peaches but with more energy

George Thorogood's song is not the kind of music I usually listen to, but damn is he engaging and jivey

I think Alice's Restaurant is my fav from your suggestions, but lol it's almost an audiobook with it's length

Love songs seem to be the most common in this style - I also have a large number of such songs in my library. I prolly should've asked for non-love songs specifically tbh, but the current suggestions are pretty great so can't complain.

I'm on the other side of your opinion - I like that phrase. "Content" can mean art, audio/visual media, writings, etc. - basically anything that we consume.

IMO, Professional creative like artists/writers/performers are all content creators but not not all content creators are professional creatives.

In this day and age, everyone creates music, comedy, videos, skits. Some work a job primarily but create media or rabbitholes that can be scoured through.

I think "content creator" is a nice catch-all term for personalities that do a lot of stuff that can be casually consumed for entertainment or discourse, especially because it stops limiting said people to one occupation like "musician" or "author", while also preserving the seriousness of those occupations.

Mostly it's because we're using Telegram for our workflow and everyone is pretty used to it by now (including our parents, who're slow to adapt).

We're gonna be sharing videos, photos, and files on an hourly basis, and not every person is invovled with the every other person's workflow. If it could ideally be a messenger, we would have conversations regarding these files, and the chat history+notifications on new file upload would be pretty nice.

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Imagine the whiplash I got, when I went online and saw people hating on three storied building with their own gardens, and calling them commie blocks, acting like it was the greatest indignity to live in them. Yikes!

I just downloaded Tightrope Theatre - and it is pretty awesome rn. A classic platformer challenge, it has a hundred levels and is enjoyable

No problem, thanks for hearing me out - It's the first time I've been asked about it on the net and it was a fun thing to write.

Ahhh I really understand your difficulty and hesitance - there's so much confusion on where to start and how to read, and also so many translations butcher the work and frame everything in a western perspective. I had a similar experience, yeah.

I have a suggestion that sounds silly but I think is very helpful for this: Start with kids books. Pick up a religious book for kids that tells the stories and the teachings - they highlight the main events, and convey the themes and intents of that religion in a simple, easy-to-digest manner. Then read a book for young adults - they lay out the deeper parts of the religion, and grislier parts of the myths and teachings. After doing that, you become familiar with the names and places and stories, and reading the big books with all the depth of that religion becomes a tad easier. Also, you learn how much fanaticism is present in the religion from the subtext.

Oooh and I recommend listening to the lectures by some of the gurus and religious teachers online - there's loads of them, and some are crap, so just filter them out as soon as you hear something stupid or sexist or any other crap. Religious books are a big chore sometimes, while these lectures are usually pretty easy-to-digest, and tell you a lot about the currently held beliefs of a particular religion.

After that, I think it's just something that becomes easier as you read more of it. It does become a bore time to time, and for Buddhism, Jainism, and Hinduism, you'll have to read works by different authors if you want to get some actual info, as there are so many versions of a scripture and so many translations of it.

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Some may disagree, but the root is very much shame, imo.

A lot of the parents of gay peeps I know were pretty chill about queerness, until their kid turned out to be one and they were shamed by their community. One of them started crying immediately when their kid came out and screamed about what society would say, but then adjusted and decided to prioritise their kid after a few hours.

I usually find Homophobia to be instilled through religion or hate media - In that sense There isn't really any systemic homophobia through non-abrahamic religions, which make up most of the country. That said, there has been a recent trend of few online personalities (few religious ones among them) copying western right wingers and denouncing trans people - which I find worrisome.

Most of the homophobia I have encountered I'm people here has usually been instilled through movies or online communities or through interactions where gay is used as an insult.

A homosexual kid who moves away will probably still be targeted, sadly. It's the "rebellion" that's the issue - there are many cases of honor-obsessed weirdos that have targeted their family peeps who went against the norm in different ways.

Wow, the song was an experience. Chills.

Thank you!

That was a great song, damn. Thanks a lot. It's so simple yet deep. It's gonna stick around in my head for a while

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Yeah, I plan for this to be a LAN thing only, we're all currently living in the same house, and only need it when we're working indoors here, so it shouldn't be an issue.

I'm currently setting up nextcloud, as it's file transfer is impeccable, and it has a somewhat-functional chat feature. I have been having a little problem setting up the domain name + certificate - I would love to configure this to an internal IP but it seems that's not allowed for some reason - nextcloud documentation is suggesting a reverse proxy for setting up a local instance which seems like .... double the work? I'll try that if nothing else works out, and I'm gonna try it with a self-signed certificate for now, if that fails I'm not sure

Holy shit

That's sad

XMPP sounds great, but I heard it has difficulty with file transfer. How was your experience with it?

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I use Syncthing already for a lot of my stuff, but it doesn't fit the bill right now. I've been reading about Matrix while looking around for this, do you have any experience with it?

Anytime, friend. Have a happy journey!

Seems to fit all my needs, the talk app looks a little dull, but I think it will be pretty functional for our needs

I also found Mattermost and Rocketchat while looking up nextcloud, and they seem promising too. Any idea about them?

Hmm, that actually sounds manageable, as I don't plan on storing the files on server for a long time. Only issue is the notifications part I think, not sure how to configure that . I'll check it out

I second the suggestion of an A-series Samsung. My brother has an A24, which is pretty great. It's doesn't have the same performance as a S-series, but it's a great device at its price, and more durable and better battery life than the S-series imo.

Thanks for the recommend, I'm taking my time going through all the suggestions here, and have been listening to this song for the past week - and wow this one is great, It made me tear up at times and I love the lyrics

the misogynistic myth that women only care about money and/or fame

Genuiney disheartening that this shit is re-surfacing again. I remember this sentiment going about around a decade ago, and then subsiding. Now it's resurfacing. Every generation loves to repeat the mistakes of it's past

Lol, I kinda agree, which is somewhat related to another thing I won't miss: The teenagers.

The lockdown + reddit's new direction of becoming more like fb/insta has drastically increased the number of teenagers on reddit. I hate it. It's like an eternal summer-reddit.

The discussions get crappy and stale, they don't follow rediquette, they are insufferably naive but aggressive with their opinions due to twitterification of their online socialisation. and so.fricking.horny. TIFU and Askreddit almost completely became horny fantasy posting, and I blame the teenagers for it.

God I feel like a terminally-online grumpy old man for saying it, but UGH interacting with teens online is like a human rights violation.

It's simply a more honest model - you get content, they get money.

I would love to be able to pay for an ad-free experience for the various websites and services that I browse and use in a straightforward way instead of being leeched for ad-revenue

I mean, yeah, leaving is always an option - but I would rather prefer exploration of the possibility of a better solution. Not to mention, there doesn't seem to be an option for moving your account from one instance to another. I would like to keep my comment and post history if I ever do move instances.

Besides, leaving might not be the ideal solution, as blocked instances seem to block back, and many instances have a "follow our blocklist, or we will block you" rule from what I have been reading.

you can always go to the instance itself directly and browse things there.

Eh, I would like to access all the stuff I want to see in one feed, ideally.