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Joined 12 months ago

You can do that today. Just ask Chat-GPT to write you a bash script for something non-obvious, and then debug what it gives you.

From what I've heard, she didn't remaster, she rerecorded those albums. These are new performances.

Wouldn't be rare for someone in Québec to ask "Comment tu t'appelles?" but it's generally understood that this is "colloquial" French, whereas "Comment t'appelles-tu?" is the correct way to say and write it in French.

It's generally better to learn the "correct" language before you start applying colloquialisms.

Have you tried ? I dunno if it's light enough for you, but it's basically Photoshop in your browser, done in JavaScript.

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Cuts like a knife, don't it?

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Could you imagine forgetting The Matrix, but not the sequels?

Doing more with less until we can do everything with nothing!

Unless you turn on "original sound for musicians" Zoom uses AI to filter the audio for voices mainly. I rarely if ever hear any keystrokes or mouse clicks anymore... Lots of other non voice noises get filtered out.

People who make everything they're involved with worse gotta stick together.

You're trying to apply objectivity to a very subjective area. I'm not saying it's impossible, and you should by all means try it, but maybe it would be a good idea to try something that has a better chance, first, such as this:

How about an open platform for scientific review and tracking? Like, whenever a new discovery or advance is announced, that site would cut through the hype, report on peer review, feasibility, flaws in methodology, the ways in which it's practical and impractical, how close we are to actual usage (state of clinical trials, demonstrated practical applications, etc.)

And it would keep being updated, somewhat like Wikipedia, as more research occurs. It needs a more robust system of review to avoid the problems that Wikipedia has, and I don't have the solution for that, but I believe there's got to be a way to do it that's resistant to manipulation.

Crêpes > pancakes

I don't know if it's my favorite, but A Day in the Life by The Beatles is quite a ride.

I gotta have my naturally sparkling Perri-air

I'm sure he got a little cum on his back at some point.

People complain about the total cost too get everything in The Sims, but I don't remember anyone complaining about the total cost of every song in Rock Band.

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I think someone forgot to go back and edit their question

Well then I've got a bonne to pick with you. And don't try to sweep it all under the rug!

Someone would just release a mod that replaces the ads with Monty Python sketches.

Distilled water is safe to drink, as long as you have a balanced diet that includes all the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

The claim that it "leeches" those minerals out of you isn't supported by any real evidence.

I used to drink distilled water at home for years with no side effects.

More like 1D tic tac toe

Kind of ironic that the content they can't monetize through ads is the content they're blocking from third parties

Resistance is futile. (Sorry, I couldn't resist)

I see the love thing as creating a kind of resonance, such that things that resonate together are drawn to one another, and can sync up.

That's how, when he's inside the event horizon, he can jump to the right moments to create the effects he needs to create. Those moments "resonate" with him, and the love between his daughter and him is that resonance.

Time is money

Makes you long for golden parachutes that don't open when their 737 Max loses an engine or two

And the hot wings use the other kind of mace

Democratic Order of Planets?

With Product Placement!

Say you have an average size house, with a 2-car garage on the side. You decide to change that garage into a small apartment for renting. You need to add a wall or two, add insulation, build up a kitchen area (with proper water and power) and a bathroom.

Imagine how much that would cost you for that single apartment. Now multiply that by, say, 50, to convert a large office building into 50 residential rental units. Even with economies of scale, that's still going to cost millions...

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Hate speech is not free. It has a price.

So, you've already tasted lab-grown meat?

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