1 Post – 72 Comments
Joined 1 years ago
Reviewing has become a nightmare of sifting through under-documented kernel code trying to decide if this new feature won't break all the other features. Getting reviews is an unpleasant process of negotiating with demands for further cleanups, trying to figure out if a review comment is based in experience or unfamiliarity, and wondering if the silence means anything.

Damn I feel that

What an interesting year. This has to be the 4th or 5th large tech-centric company that's

  1. introduced some really shitty policy
  2. pissed off it's consumers
  3. then backtracks to some degree after backlash

Just like every other company that's done this, the backtrack is likely meant to appease the consumers before the policy gets re-introduced later. Perhaps with slightly different wording.

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The future's looking bright for those Russian knock-off Steam Decks.

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Not the OP, but here are some alternatives anyway.



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I've just assumed they don't care. They've done scummy shit for years, and it doesn't really matter because they'll still sell massive amounts of their first-party titles. So any bad faith they garner with a subset of their audience or old fans is just dust in the wind since it won't ultimately impact sales.

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IMO, I don't see reddit ever going back to what it was even a year ago. Like many other lurkers I didn't actively post much on reddit, but I used it a ton for searches. Reddit was (and still is to a much lesser extent) a great place to find support or posts that might address an obscure problem you have with tech in general. Trying that today gives me mixed results at best. Subs are private or the replies that were helpful are now deleted. A lot of the search results that you might've found before don't actually show up because the user deleted their account and/or posts. Its far less useful for this purpose than it was even a few months ago and I think we'll see traffic start to reflect that pretty soon.

I strongly agree with both points, but it should be noted she was making almost 75k as a teacher according to the article which is definitely on the high end for Ohio teachers

was also a cheerleading coach and yearbook adviser with a salary of $74,720 at the time she resigned.

Reading more into the article, she's been teaching for 30 years. 75K for that sort of experience is ridiculous

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Hell yeah. Xfire, Counter Strike Source, and Toonami made up the bulk of my childhood. I hardly hear it talked about anymore

XFS has been the default file system for RHEL since RHEL 7. A lot of places typically roll with defaults there, so it makes sense to see it still widely used.

Nix and Home Manager have been my go-to for managing dotfiles and symlinks in my home dir

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Absolutely. You shouldn't have to dump 30+ years of your life into your job just to get a wage that should be the baseline salary for your job.

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God and Guns. Name a more iconic duo

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Would be really cool to see these new Snapdragon X Elite laptops shipping with Linux.

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Sorry if I wasn't clear in the post, this is strictly a personal use notebook.

That's correct. Even with this backtrack, it's a safe bet that they'll likely re-introduce this same policy with different wording once they believe their consumers have calmed down.

git stash my friend

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Yeah, this is something I'd expect to see on Moral Orel.

Yea but you can always git pop if you need any of your stashed changes

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Mega man Star Force

Almost all of these IDEs have language-specific features in them. PyCharm has Scientific tools (like SciView) for generating graphs using code and data. Rider features a pretty nice Windows Form builder for generating and creating GUIs for applications. Etc.

I can't imagine it being very useful or practical to unload all these language-specific plugins each time you open the program to write in a language that can't utilize those features.

This is the right answer, and I wish more people would grasp that.

Pretty neat. You can use this with RPCS3. Unfortunately it's probably a matter of time before Take-Two/Rockstar ruin all the fun as they've historically done with fan projects.

Those that work forces...

Cool so we can claim these frozen embryos on our taxes right? We can get state benefits that are allotted to children for these embryos as well?

Or else what? Nothing? Or are you going to say enforcement of the law (a policy) is situationally ok?

I posted the list of alternatives simply because OP asked for forks.

What’s wrong with Firefox

Me posting this list shouldn't be an implication that I believe Firefox to be bad. I'm offering alternatives as the OP requests.

and how do the forks address those points?

Every one of the links I shared have detailed information about how their product mutates the original Firefox or Chromium browser. Do you really need me to copy-paste that information into a comment?

Sonarr and Emby were pretty much the only things I needed to scrap streaming services entirely.

The Midas Touch of Shit at it again

Or they can keep using the same engine with the same issues because gamers will definitely buy their next title en-masse despite the previously mentioned issues. Eg. Starfield

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Hell yea! I try to play old retro games with the family as the seasons change. This year I'm going to show them some of my favorite PSX titles

  • MediEvil 1 and 2
  • Heart of Darkness
  • Skeleton Warriors

Coolest shit I’ve ever pulled off happened on a sick day

Probably just spend more time contributing to foss projects. Maybe write technical documentation.

Ah yeah that's pretty inconvenient. Does suspend work with a button push/shortcut, or is it broken altogether?

Personally, I'd prefer it if the game industry was similarly as open as the movie industry, where you can easily find what they're making every step of the way, even if it gets cancelled.

Agreed and I think this greatly highlights what the actual issue is. Publishers will often announce these games years in advance, provide very little insight into what's actually being worked on, then deliver a product that may or (often) may not meet the expectations they've set for the game.

I really like the idea of transparency similar to the film industry where there's often interviews on site with relations to the film's production. I know some developers and publishers will have a blog dedicated to game updates, but that's just not as engaging to me as an actual interview with developer or individual(s) actively working on the game. At least then we could form our own opinion of a game's development state instead of taking the publishers word at face value and being let down in 5 years when the expectations set aren't met once again.

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It would be the exact same amount of effort you'd use to get new software on other distros. Both Arch and NixOS have very straightforward methods of installing new software that aren't any more difficult than doing so on Debian or some other distro. Both Arch and NixOS support independent package managers like flatpak and snap + they support Appimages.

I'd also add that OP doesn't even need to use NixOS to use nix packages, whereas Arch or Debian would require systems based on those distros. So if anything NixOS tries to make it very easy to add and configure software. Where does all the effort come in?

I need these for a scientific research,

Lol. So you're go-to argument for this is false equivalence. Steam is a digital storefront. Vavle can't process digital payments without that information.

Also, research funding is a very real thing and anyone requiring funding is using an actual payment processor (Stripe, PayPal, Wire/ACH) which is going to require that information anyway.

Do you operate a payment processing company? Where can I find your privacy and compliance policy? Why do I need to send my financial credentials directly to you (an individual)?

Yeah that argument falls apart very quickly when we apply real-world policies to your hamstrung argument.

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Oof that's a sort of big deal. Geerling's (geerling.guy) well-known in the Ansible world for the Roles he publishes to Ansible Galaxy. This could end up being a lot of work for people in enterprise scenarios if his roles for RHEL stopped receiving support and engineers have to start rolling their own solutions.

I understand and agree with his pov though. I don't see the benefit to walling off access to the RHEL source behind their subscription. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable can share some insight

Pulseaudio isn't part of systemd.

Haven’t you always dreamed of having a launcher to launch your launcher which launches the actual game? Seriously who approves these choices

Making individual instances bigger is not a good thing, it makes everything more centralized.

I agree. I think one of the easiest ways to encourage users to bring up more instances is to minimize the requirements and steps needed to get a Kbin or lemmy instance running. Its not a very complex process to get an instance running, but it can be difficult to locate the relevant information you might need to spin up an instance without reaching out for support. That could end up putting people off of setting up an instance.