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Joined 11 months ago

This is why I avoid watching all commercials in America which inevitably take this trope to the extreme every chance they get. Usually referring to the man who is a doddering incompetent who must be ordered out of his “man cave” to perform some sort of yard or mechanical chore to prove his worth.

Yeah I’m happy for them, but it sounds like someone in the 1% had a very 1% experience

I went to modify my 2018 Google Wi-Fi router to add a simple port forwarding rule, and the functionality is completely GONE from their already shitty Google Home app. It used to be so easy and simple on the old Wi-Fi app. I’m never buying another Google device.

This company has reached enshittification nirvana.

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They also buy lots of guns from the US. This is one of the real reasons. Lockheed Martin’s profit margins would decrease by a significant amount if our relationship with SA changed at all.

Even if the Saudis and other major countries in the reason were able to decrease tensions with Iran, Lockheed Martin and its associated propagandists and lobbyists would start beating the war drums to increase tensions and thus sales.

Edit: *one of the real reasons. Added para. on LM ensuring tensions in the region always remain high even when the people that live there and their government’s reduce tensions.

I’m 100% with you. The deprogramming took years. It feels like I wasted so much of my life, and I’m still trying to figure out where I fit in. What’s almost worse than knowing so many vets are still so brainwashed is watching people who didn’t go through the same programming shill even harder for regressive destruction. I work on a construction site and have to listen to these overconfident fascist blowhards rant all day.

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The Supreme Court is prepared to jump through those hoops. They’ve practiced long and hard for this opportunity.

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Mint 21.3 as my main Desktop OS - almost zero complaints after over a year. Everything just works.

Ubuntu using Linux-Surface on my old Surface Pro. Breathed new life into a device I had abandoned (after all 8gb of ram isn’t enough for Windows malware these days). Gnome works really nice on a touchscreen two-in-one. Kudos to the Linux-Surface folks. They took one of the few positive developments from Microsoft (Surface hardware) and made it possible to remove the worst part (windows). Not that I’ll ever buy a Surface again. It also allowed me to retire my iPad.

Fedora Linux on a cheap Dell laptop as my media client. Fedora is nice and runs well, haven’t done too much with it other than Firefox and Calibre. Nice to see a different ‘branch’ in action.

I’m pretty basic and generally lazy so I don’t delve into some of the smaller distros or distro hop. Maybe later I’ll do it with VMs, but eh not sure it’s my kind of hobby. Too many other things to do.

Best of luck and let us know how it goes.

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Yeah and he has a top secret clearance…different set of rules for our special brand of corrupt oligarchs.

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I thought this comment was trolling then I realized that zigbee and zwave are real brand names. You can’t make this shit up.

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My first time. Learned the hard way lol

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Hate to say this but military unit cultures can shift incredibly quickly. All it takes is for a few pirate Eddie Gallagher types to get put in charge and the tide shifts instantaneously.

Let’s say pirate Trump neofascist loyalists get selected to lead 15-20% of units. There will be a tidal shift in the willingness to disobey or ignore illegal orders or simply turn a blind eye to illegal and immoral conduct. It’s quite depressing and terrifying how quickly loyalty to moral behavior falls apart especially with military populations that already attract many of the most susceptible to extremist ideologies.

Letting the pirates (ala Eddie Gallagher) run the ship is never acceptable. Good thing there’s plenty of precedence for this sort of passive toleration to get swept under the rug. Cue “war is hell” “let god sort them out” comments from the brain dead morally bereft Trumpers.

Edit: and yes this is UK and UK SOF but the supporters of such behavior are all the same ilk whether it’s US, UK, AUS etc.

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Yes! Linux Mint is such a great project - it made me excited to get on my desktop again.

People haven’t woken up and mass resisted this criminal thus far so we are expecting this to work? Reminds me of the wisdom of George Carlin late in his life fully absorbing that we are just circling the drain as a species.

Fedora’s near daily update and restart cycle is so annoying esp when you have an encrypted hard drive. I know it’s part of the deal and I’m lazy, but all I’m using it for is a Jellyfin client.

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They should put an asterisk below the reminders **does not apply if your net worth is in excess of $3M or whatever point at which your lawyers outsmart the IRS annually

Can you be more specific about what is not doable and what is not doable simply? AutoCAD? Excel?

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What tf is up with all this hentai content?

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Yes chef!! 🫡

Oh I see, that’s helpful and makes sense. I’m one of those newbs who took 15 hours to set up my own Jellyfin. Self hosting Home automation is a ways off in the distance for me haha.

If it’s any comfort, it took me a few tries to get it to work. It was over a year ago so the details are a bit rusty. I started out trying to install Debian, and it also crashed during installation, so I went back and tried some of the bug fixes. (One was something to do with the MOK). Debian didn’t work after that but Ubuntu did. It was a strange experience, and there’s nothing that would motivate me to switch after I finally got it to work.

Perhaps you can give it another shot sometime and it’ll work. If you hate the custom arch that’s on it, and you don’t use it, you might as well try.

And duopolies or tri-opolies. Most American industries are dominated by 2-3 players that own the majority of their respective markets, acquire or crush anyone who dares challenge them and use their media and lobbying arms to maintain the status quo. Land of the unfree, home of the bootlickers.

Too bad my family and friends predominantly run the gamut from ‘lit the match walk away’ Trumpers to current supporters. Same with most my friends. Sucks to wake up at 35 and realize you have only a few non-fascist acquaintances and family. And many of them either directly work for the government or are government contractors.

And absolutely NOTHING will be done about it. Our system is broken and built to favor the criminal wealthy class and keep everyone else in perpetual submission.

OP I noticed and sent a message to a friend about this the other day. Weather on the iOS Weather app said it would be sunny but it was 100% overcast all day. I thought something is or was off with the app too.

Yeah Amazon has opened the door to the lowest quality hardware out of China to put most name brands out of business for lower priced goods.

In the Software Manager, whenever there is an update you must press “Restart & Install” in order to update. Never seen a restart not be required. Why would I not update when I would be potentially miss important security patches?

Also I typically encrypt during install for enhanced privacy. Probably overkill but yeah. I don’t really have a specific reason other than that.

My other system is Linux Mint 21.3 and restarts are very infrequent.

That’s exactly what I was alluding to but was too lazy to type in full haha

Not to mention he sold his company to Google. So he’s as much a contributor as Google itself.

This is a great question. I think the straight answer is No. But as with anything else, I’m sure there are more detailed answers within different disciplines that study the law of armed conflict (LOAC).

There are absolutely substantial differences between unit cultures at echelon and proportion / prevalence of extrajudicial killings. I would hypothesize that once you reach a certain level / echelon / proportion of acceptance or toleration of LOAC violations, these activities exponentially increase as the pirates take over. US Navy SEALs have been fighting this culture war for years.

I switched to DuckDuckGo and have had zero issues I had on Google that would require any additional filters.

Gotcha, maybe it’s the fact I’m running iOS, I can’t get any type of rule or DHCP assignment options to show up. Just the same two options for telemetry and Nest. Oh well, thanks for the help. I’m getting my new router Tuesday and should be off to the races!

Coastal BC west of the cascades is very similar to Puget Sound region and Portland. Anywhere east of Whistler and Chilliwack is much more rural religious and conservative, similar to central and eastern Washington. Another cultural oddity about inland BC - Kelowna and Kamloops have some of the most violent and active Hells Angels chapters.

Apparently you failed to read and/or comprehend the article.

“From these 14,000 initial victims, however, the hackers were able to then access the personal data of the other 6.9 million million victims because they had opted-in to 23andMe’s DNA Relatives feature. This optional feature allows customers to automatically share some of their data with people who are considered their relatives on the platform.”

IIRC the Google Wi-Fi app had some extremely simple selection process in the port forwarding that allowed you to review the device list with IPs and select for port forwarding. The app would then carry the pf rule regardless of DHCP. Seems very simple functionality that now requires multiple steps to achieve. I’m sure in the product management meetings they assumed the new Nest users were too dumb to handle such logic or just overlooked the functionality in general to speed the migration from Google Wi-Fi to Google Home. Seems like a great mini case study for poor product management.

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If you click into mine, all you see are two options both of which only serve to allow Google to Hoover more of your data.

Looking into this more a couple days ago, it seemed that without IP reservations, you can’t get the port forwarding option to appear. Which I haven’t messed with. On principal I refuse to deal with a router that has regressed in functionality and am instead dedicating my time to de-Google my life haha. I bought an openwrt compatible router this weekend.

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I appreciate this, you totally get it. I hope you can hold onto that remote job. Makes it so much easier to tune out the hate and nonsense. I remain quiet and comfort myself by knowing that if the chance ever arises, I will do everything I can to undermine them. Which won’t be hard considering most of them have the intellectual capacity of a troglodyte.

Wow the more I talk about this the more I want to leave the US forever. There’s so little left here that matches my values.

“It’s called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it” George Carlin

Yeah how tf do you become feature poorer (even with the basics) as your product matures and you spend billions acquiring your competition? Oh yeah…let me click on the original news article on this post for the answer.