3 Post – 209 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If a website doesn't want me to see their shit, then I guess i won't see their shit. I already have some sites that don't work because of my aggressive use of lists on my pihole, in addition to the usual browser plugins. If a site doesn't work now, I just move on. I don't give a shit about any site enough to put up with this type of bullshit.

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Jesus christ. They aren't going closed source. It's like all these people are new to Linux and don't understand the GPL, nor the politics behind the license.

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Republicans have zero intention of making the country, or the world, a better place. Cartoony levels of evil. I get why people bitch about the Dems, but I just can't understand why anyone would support Republicans. Fuck this two party system. We really need some type of change.

Never trust someone religious. By definition they are ruled by fairy tales, and that's not a rational approach to living.

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Republicans are wild. A twice impeached, twice (so far!) indicted, disloyal, adulterating, serial grifter is leading the race for them. Absolutely amazing. I guess it's true what I heard. The only American Standards^tm^ are toilet seats. Imagine how awful you have to be as a person to vote for someone like that! So god damn weird.

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Let me summarize in two words: Fuck Republicans.

If anyone cares, this is an Apple thing.

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On one hand, I really wish there was a RES add-on for Lemmy. Just so I could filter out the cascade of posts about reddit. I left the site and don't give a shit if it burns or not. On the other hand, this is pretty funny to read about.

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Passed under Biden:

  • PACT Act
  • American Rescue Plan
  • Impressive job growth and low unemployment
  • Bi-partisan Infrastructure
  • Helping defeat Russia

Not a complete failure, but I mean if the alternative is another geriatric, but one who is twice impeached, twice indicted and scummy, it's a shitty choice, but it's the only choice.

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It would be nice to have a strong challenger, but the DNC protects its elders. I can't imagine any Dem not endorsing Biden as it's the only choice, and not endorsing him is a strange waste of political capital.

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Not to mention fantastic spending on college/university (GI Bill) to both slow the impact of returning military on the job market and to create a highly educated work force. Also, incredible help for people to become homeowners, creating generational wealth (GI Bill again), unless you were black.

People act like high taxes on the wealthy would be a problem, when in reality what happened is the wealthy poured more of the excess wealth into their businesses, which benefitted everyone. It's so annoying that we freaking know what works and what doesn't (trickle-down), yet still argue about their efficacy.

I thought it was kind of funky at first. But I do like the idea that if one of them turns into some reddit-like hellhole, there will most likely be something similar on another instance. It doesn't take much to subscribe to multiple similar subs.

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It would be so great if all these big "social media" companies just went out of business.

It would be better if he introduced some legislation that said if you partake in child abuse, through interstate underage sex trafficking, or don't report or do anything about sexual abuse taking place in sports that you oversee, that you can't be a Congressman. Wish in one hand, and shit in the other.

It would be crazy if they actually get the votes to change The Constitution for this. I can't see it happening. But I've said that too many times and been wrong over the past almost decade or so.

The Constitution says that a person can't be under 30 to serve in the Senate. Is that saying that there aren't any sub-30 year olds who would be great Senators? Why is one arbitrary limit OK, but one on the other end of the range suddenly undemocratic? That just makes no sense to me.

It sucks that you can almost never say anything criticizing the Dems without a bunch of political white knights knee jerking "SO YOU WANT REPUBLICANS IN OFFICE??!!!"

No, just want Dems to be less like the Republicans I grew up with 40 years ago.

I was so hoping that crap like this, FAFO, and the other weak sauce bullshit wouldn't make it over here. I was stupid for even hoping that.

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In Capitalism, police protect capital.

The parties don't care what people want/need. Occasionally putting the lipstick on the pig fools too many people for them to care.

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Russia doing Russian stuff.

This is good. I used to think that, here in the US, the 1st amendment was a wonderful thing. Watching the anti-science and magat growth based on straight up lies has made me question that belief. As hawkwind says, it's important to know who is deciding if something is fake, but so often if it gets to that point it's like we're missing out on fucking common fucking sense. If someone can't tell that an election wasn't stolen, or that a person isn't a criminal when they admit to crimes, well...fuck 'em.

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The first time I was at St Marks Square some Euro dude stripped to his underwear and started sunbathing. Police showed up and told him to put clothes on.

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Well I don't, so I strongly support anti-trust legislation and much higher taxes on the wealthy, on wealth, to prevent stagnation.

Republicans will latch onto anything they can if it means they dont' have to actually do their fucking job.

It's gross, but not surprising. Fox is just being Fox and it's drooling, struggled to pass the GED, sycophants just drink it up.

So protesting intolerance is "no better" than promoting intolerance. Got it. Both side, blah blah, or something.

I thought those things had gone the way of fidget spinners and pet rocks.

I try to tolerate everything except intolerance.

Both statements are true.

People decry most "both sides" arguments for legitimate reasons. But this geriatric pandering takes place on both sides. It is absolutely disgusting to witness.

I've been saying that, with varying levels of disbelief, for decades.

It's freaking amazing, and terrifying, how quickly the right wing wackos have been able to demonize a group that almost nobody has even thought about in forever. It's like a case study in finding some marginalized group to vent rage on/about.

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I just really don't understand people. I could not care what people do with their lives. I don't care what TV shows they like. I don't care how well they take care of their plants. I certainly don't care who they love (within legal restraints of course). If anyone is able to find someone who they bond with, that's a good thing. More power to them. It's freaking bizarre to get worked up about how people live their lives. I've been alive for 5 decades and I've never understood the hate for the other, but it's frighteningly common.

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Ah thanks. It is about the false belief that morally we are worse than before. Yeah, that makes sense. I thought from the headline it was general welfare of the earth, and that just didn't make any sense.

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Yeah, historically that didn't work out great for everyone. There's a reason if you open a public business in the United States you are expected to serve the public.

It will never happen, for so many reasons.

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Seems like I was just reading about Muslims being fans of the GOP. I get it, they both want religious theocracies, but it still makes me scratch my head. Politics are so stupid.

It's always projection with those traitors. Always.

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I was never a twitter user, but from the headlines I've seen it makes me think that Musk has some slimy back deal that will pay him off somehow if he torpedoes the site.

I remember years ago a bunch of people were bitching about the cost when some family that got rescued in the middle of the ocean. The coast guard response to the money complaints was,"Look, if we weren't rescuing them, we would be running drills to prepare to rescue them at the same cost."