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My favorite part about the microchip production line is that it all depends on one company (ASML) in the Netherlands and their R&D. They make double digit quantities of EUV machine and that's it: they dictate the entirety of "easy" technological speed advances in computing.

And then they ship to a micropseudonation being threatened by the most powerful Eastern country just thousands of kilometers away. That's where the chips are actually produced.

And this entire process is predicated on quantum physicists banging together light waves that literally turn chip design into a probabilistically modeled engineering problem.

What fun!

Shoutouts to Asianometry for having the best videos on all sorts of the chip design process. He covers a ton of other stuff but his interests just about align with mine so I'm a huge fan.

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That or modding. Modded Minecraft is done purely because someone wanted to have the functionality of magic wands or engineering or resource processing in their lego game. It's completely unmonetized and gets extremely involved very fast. I fondly remember my nuclear reactor exploding and having to work around the irradiated zone. Good times.

Common Beehaw W for good natured communications

My self loathing dropped dramatically when I figured out I had ADHD. I was no longer labeling myself lazy, wasted potential, or disrespectful. I was simply one with ADHD, a label that promised growth and compromise with myself if I put in the effort. Guides, therapy, and neat tips were unlocked by that diagnosis.

That comfortableness with neurodivergence lead me to trust my heart and my genderfluid tendencies. I don't have the ego to define myself without labels like these.

Their Onion Explains: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is eight years old, but I still consider it paramount to understanding this complex geopolitical conflict.

Best wishes to his family. At home, drawers and other furniture tragically crushes babies once every two weeks in the U.S. If you have small children, as part of your baby/childproofing, buy and use anti-tip or furniture straps to prevent this kind of thing happening.

As for occupational hazards, this is a stark reminder of the risk behind storing large amounts of anything, including grain silo entrapment, flammable material storage, and even the Beirut explosion. I can legitimately say that manufacturing flour is perhaps the most dangerous food to produce at mass scale. As for weight, ss soon as over 100lbs/50kg goes over your head, make sure you have sufficient structural stability in your shelf.

I JUST learned what "self care" actually is. So, I have ADHD and anxiety and probably depression, so I have had medications for all three. Notably my anxiety medication almost immediately removed my social anxiety, etc. But I still felt listless, not knowing what to do with myself, letting my apartment get unacceptably dirty. I get a new therapist and he's got a specialization in "Men's Issues", right? And so he listens to my plight and he says "you care about everyone else, why not focus on doing things for yourself?" He specifies that it's not selfish to do things for yourself, and WOW. I look at my desk, I'm unsatisfied? Cleaned, wiped away. Dirty dishes? Get em outta of the sink and onto the drying rack? Making my bed because I think it looks nicer. I'm amplifying my dissatisfaction into action. It's awesome.

And the best part? He's using Men's Issues techniques and he NEVER mentions it as self care. He knows I'm a smart guy, and (stereotypical) guys don't like these "mental health" buzzwords peppering women's magazines. He simply says: "Do things for yourself because YOU want them." THIS IS WHY YOU NEED THERAPY WITH MEDICATIONS! You can't use your newly modified brain perfectly, you need help. And the right therapist can change everything.

Ah, this got a good writeup by news piece. I first learned about this from Medlife Crisis's The Epidemic of Fake Disease. Statistics about anything as big as cancer diagnoses are beyond complex, and honestly it would take a gargantuan effort of science communication to get this out to the general public. It's... sobering to know that mortality is not morbidity and that harsh side effects create the most important optimization problems of patients' lives. I hope that if (or maybe when) I get confronted with a similar diagnosis, I can face the numbers and the odds with as much of a level head as possible.

Is it useful to view spirituality as makeshift philosophy and psychotherapy? When I pick out the good parts of religion, I see it's not so different to what a stoic or my therapist might say. You can either pray for or visualize positive outcomes and either way it works to ease the mind. Hell, Nietzsche's work has basically a religious conception (the Eternal Return) without claiming absolute authority of reality.

I ask because my Mom focuses on this aspect of her religion rather than dogma. I hope it gives her what she needs.

The federated nature of instances unfortunately might nerf the SEO because they're from different domains. Google wouldn't value instance_1. com more because the clicks to related_instance_2. com are higher.

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Sadly we don't even know what "knowing" is, considering human memory changes every time it is accessed. We might just need language and language only. Right now they're testing if generating verbalized trains of thought helps (it might?). The question might change to: Does the sum total of human language have enough consistency to produce behavior we might call consciousness? Can we brute force the Chinese room with enough data?

There's two views I see here from a software engineering perspective: multi-targeting devices with different specs can get really hard, and that modern development consumes resources in excess.

View 1: If you design a device that won't catch up to modern expectations (limited, shared memory being the factor here), don't expect to run all of the games. Some (or most) games will demand a certain level of resources. Microsoft either expected their status to swing their will upon the developers or were willing to help but just flopped on predicting what would be needed over the device lifetime. It's a hard job, balancing developer need and cost. The hardware developers did their best. This comes down to

View 2: It's an old coot viewpoint, but goddamn are modern computer programs are bloated pieces of mess. This is NOT an insult to the game developers, but it is to the OS and the engine developers as a whole. The entire programming industry has assumed that bigger more betterer computer always gonna come in a year or so. So now we have gigabytes of unused HQ textures in game downloads for no reason. Windows OS with Chrome takes gigabytes of RAM to display a webpage. We went from ultra strict data streaming to CPU rates for Crash Bandicoot to an NVME SSD shoveling half a terabyte a second when you want it in the Xbox Series X. This has left those who cannot afford strong PCs (note: most of the third world) and now consoles from playing the latest and greatest games. Developers leave them behind by grasping at the end of Moore's Law. If BattleBit can produce good gameplay with 256 players on a raw potato, AAA game engines should try and appeal to everyone now.

My BF failed their exam that would have given them enough credit to not have to take a final semester. COVID and a lack of support for their mental health makes this their 6th year of college. Sadly, this means a few more months of long distance relationship, but at least he isn't at risk of being kicked out for being trans.

...For now. I'm fully prepared to make the drive and extract him from a bad situation. We're feeling better than expected, though, since now the dread of the test looming over his head is gone.

I love how modded minecraft has infinite different options for inventory management. Enderchest in a pouch, automatic pickup and sorting, intelligent sorting buttons, autopopulating hotbars, auto delete, entire mods like AE2 just to organize your chest system with a searchbar. It's a nice commentary on how difficult balancing a game around collecting limited resources and accessing them can be. The fact that certain people like certain inventory mods is telling.

Just got a big blue headline on, trying to negotiate their way out of the modtool API debacle. Anyone know the request rate of modtools? I can't imagine a 60->100 query per minute increase is substantial

My god, as soon as okbuddyphd comes to lemmy, then I will truly feel at home.

I think we need to emphasize the temporary nature of this decision. Maybe put out something like a small bounty for better mod tools on the lemmy side? Maybe I'm just being crazy but I fear for the potential schism of the entire fediverse.

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Let me just say that making a broad spectrum survey is very hard. I respect those who have problems with it and with Beehaw for having to stomach data collection for a community with such a broad set of needs.

Manufacturing is actually the name of the game with chip design. Even if a quantum computing design becomes feasible, the exotic nature of its construction will turn any discovery into a engineering nightmare.

As for the type of technology, here's what a competitor looking for the first blue LED said about the Nobel Prize winners: “It’s like I say to people: they had been working on the steam engine for 100 years, but they never could make one that really worked, until James Watt showed up. It’s the guy who makes it really work who deserves the Nobel Prize. They certainly deserve it.”

I think it's because they got wise to licensing. If you secure the rights to an official sports league's image, they will demand that the models are impeccable and the simulated advertisements are grand and that the gameplay is accurate. This means you need to have incredible graphics and at that rate you need to make an overly complex game to justify that massive cost.

Meanwhile games like Tape to Tape turn 2d hockey into a roguelike. There's no way you could convince the NHL to put real people into an (expertly stylized) 2.5d aesthetic these days. The only reason a game like Backyard Baseball got it was because it had intense appeal to the kids on PC, before there was NBA 2K9

I was going to oppose, but I remembered that my boyfriend tells me the 2 year olds at preschool are utterly addicted and I am terrified.

Welcome to Atomoxetine! I remember starting them and gaining the inexplicable ability to predict what time it is before checking my phone. I'm glad some of the non-stimulant medications helps. Just remember to stick with both your psychiatrist AND your therapist. You will gain new capabilities that bring you closer to neurotypical, meaning new thinking techniques like scheduling and habits may become easier. If you think your medication is starting to stop working, therapy was the solution for me.

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You might be surprised to hear that Konami, famed for focusing casino machines, was actually mistranslated on also focusing on arcade machines. There's still a whole rhythmgame scene, but unfortunately it's mostly centered around Japan. That's where DDR, beatmania, Gitadora (the series Guitar Hero/Rockband ripped off) are, including newer series like DanceRush and Maimai and whatnot. If you ever visit the higherscale independent arcades, you might find some unsanctioned imports with some even emulating the online functionality (with gacha, ofc...). Otherwise, your only hope in the states is Round1, which host official imports, and D&B which only has DDR.

To add on to the other commenter, check out Osu!, ADOFAI, Rhythm Doctor, Hifi Rush, and a whole bunch of apps if you don't want arcades.

"You know what, 'Joeseph'?"

"Not the government! Don't say my government!" -Viewtiful Joe, UMvC3 Lobby Shenanigans 6

I'm partial to Defectcoin, if only for claw-based shenanigans.

You better believe it. It's a non-stimulant, meaning you won't get any instant focus changes like the TV might dramatize. Nah, this stuff takes multiple weeks to start to kick in, meanwhile you get all the standard medication side effects. However, it's a subtle but distinct difference when you finally have the agency to say "no, I don't want to watch youtube anymore, I'm going to sleep". And then you go to sleep. And then you get distracted for maybe 6 minutes but THEN you go to sleep. Only six minutes! I don't even remember how I felt before, but that's the thing. It feels more normal than abnormal, it's a lifestyle changer.

Psychiatrists. They know not to give me stimulants after I didn't sleep for 3 days on Adderall. Thanks science for having alternatives.

Aw man, preparing for the nether and writing down my coordinates, terrified of ghasts and facing blazes for as long as I could stand it. I still prepare for any excursion from my base like a packrat.

If lemmy gets extra modding tools this might be temporary. We can only hope devs can figure it out quickly.

FTX and Binance are just about the farthest away from decentralized. It's in the hands of big money now.

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Yooo, they still got the classic cab at Arcade Odyssey down here near Miami. Some guy walloped my ass real bad at it, so I can imagine you can get really good at it. The singleplayer is hard as balls, and you have to be real tactical. Duel wielding joysticks is surprisingly intuitive, but you really have to mind your startup, execution, and cooldown times for both weapons and your movement, meaning conservative play and taking cover is imperative. I can't believe I found reference to it on Beehaw.

Arcades with real arcade games need to make a comeback (damn you D&B for only having DDR). Sadly they're all Japanese and Korean, so you gotta look for smaller arcades or Round1. Rhythm gamers have lots of machines to play these days, so go hunt some if they're nearby.

It's hard for an outsider to separate Chinese people from the Chinese government. I got to see both in my third world country. The people who immigrated were mostly just hard working and didn't deserve whatever racism was being thrown about. But knowing that your country is almost selling out to the CCP is infuriating. Knowing that your country is nothing more than a political pawn in the Belt and Road initiative is infuriating. But the people? They do nothing wrong.

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You use the terminal because you like the UX experience.

I use the terminal because the best IDE I can install on my work server is vim7.4.*

We are not the same.

*VHDL and SV. I can't install python for TerosHDL

Counterpoint: I'm a fan of highly specialized memes, and they worked well to drag the shitty content away from the main subreddits. tf2circlejerk kept me invested in my lost love for the game.

It's a sad fact that they hold like 60% of all capital in the space. The hiccups of big tokens like Bitcoin and Ethereum add such a high overhead cost to transactions. The average user (and their dollars) must enter through these platforms or else get fleeced by the infinite scams out there.

You might find a sweet spot with tech mods. When there's an established hierarchy or crafting automation you plainly must do, it becomes a lot more engaging and you can usually focus on one mod at a time. For example, Mekanism asks you to stack factories upon factories to progress, and AE2 makes that a lot more simpler. I get the crafting and storage mods first before I focus on other mods, personally. That's what gets my ADHD fix on.

I think we need to focus on the format it is best at: If you can put a block of text in a hypothetical text webpage, it will generate the rest of that webpage. The generation will make logical sense within context, but must be assisted by prompting step by step "memory" or other methods. Accurate output will require more and more overhead tokens and eventually become an actual job managing. Until then, it's essentially a pseudointernet webpage without google. You need to trust the output with the same wariness of any random website on the internet.

If they're on PC, you can always emulate these. If you have steamdeck or something I would happily recommend Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story as the pinnacle of the M&L series IMO.

I guess there has to be a lowest common denominator instance. Not at all a bad thing, it leaves the dedicated communities out of their inevitable implosion range which still having access.

Can't wait for Beehaw to have 7 or so golden age years before we drop this place. But it's gonna be a great time in between.