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Some poor mfer's shitty regex just got put on blast at a Twitter emergency software dev meeting.

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Shit, I don't know jack shit about this person but I'd lock in this third candidate if it was ranked choice between the three. Seriously, I believe in humanity enough that Guy, Random is my presidential character select choice.

The level of jokes in this comment thread (circa 7:28PM PT Apr. 28) tells me that people really, really don't have great frames of reference for mental disorders of any kind. The article subheadings literally go

  • Sexsomnia can ruin lives

  • What triggers sexsomnia?

  • Behavioral treatments are also available

This shit ruins lives. Lost relationships, arrests, and a complete inability to find any amount of support because of the sensitive nature of the condition. I have ARFID, a condition I won't even explain because it's gonna attract trolls like flies. I have lived in fear because of how it is associated with kids. It dictates my entire life. I have to plan where I can and cannot go to all the time, every day, monitoring what I consume so I don't fall into self destruction.

::: spoiler spoiler
And yes. I wrote this to spur your imagination wild. Don't mention it. Let the kneejerkers respond.

There is no direct cure for ARFID, just like the article explains for sexsomnia. I have had immense help with my condition when I found the right doctor. The fact that they understood my diagnosis and approached me with extreme respect made me cry. That's how deprived of support I was at 22 years old.

Love thy neighbor. Don't assume anything because you don't someone's demons.

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The reality of working with black people will mean you slip up and use some casual racism sometimes. These laws are going to add fear to speaking to coloreds let alone hiring them. And what if they're abused?

The reality of working with women will mean you slip up and and get handsy with them sometimes. These laws are going to add fear to speaking to respectable women let alone hiring them. And what if I'm just talking with the guys?

I didn't always know that the turban wearing guy at the office wasn't a Muslim but was actually a Sikh. But I didn't need to be told twice, and if I did it was never with malice.

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Do yourself a favor and trick yourself into liking the Zero or Diet versions of your chosen soda. Notably, the Zero formulations have less and less aftertaste. I have found Zero versions of Dr. Pepper, Sprite, Pepsi, Coke, etc. I even found Cherry Dr.Pepper Zero, which if you know what that means is just nonsensical. I go back to the regular sugar sometimes and it doesn't taste any better. I enjoy my acidic spiced cherry lemon Dr.Pepper without the diabeetus.

Calorie rant: Why? 1.5 cans of soda is 250 kcal. That is equivalent to 30 MINUTES OF EXERCISE. PER DRINK. 3500 kcals (or calories) is equal to 1-0.5 pounds of fat gained or lost. Stop drinking or substitute soda for 2 weeks and lose a pound/0.4kg. Stop for a year and lose 25 pounds/12 kg FOR NO EXERCISE. Do you know how disheartening to know that all of my exercise is wasted by just chugging a large soda? Do the inverse and save an hour of jogging with a large DIET/ZERO soda.

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Yah, I found my Sanrio-loving fanfic-writing trans bf during Calculus tutoring. Flipside of the same coin. You gotta find the places where the shitposters would congregate. Arcades, boardgame clubs, libraries, gardening clubs, anywhere where Shojo manga is sold, volunteering maybe. You really have to fight to find one in person, but they exist. Wherever being "Autistic is a compliment", my bf says being autistic themselves.

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Mine is infinite ADHD moments where I aim to expel as much information for the internet as possible. I have been accused of typing like ChatGPT. I can and will link to Wikipedia with reckless abandon and use parentheses (with reckless abandon).

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Putin shared a tearful memory of the times they shared on the website formerly known as Twitter, just minutes before he was found dead after exiting a window fifteen stories high.

His forehead constitutes 50% of his face but is relatively clean. We need more scabbed over zits.

Looks like a Madlibs entry

NESTLE and THE CCP are teaming up to buy SPAMCALLERS

Without giving them the benefit of the doubt, it's because they are being processed through the Israeli military court system.

Wait, military court system? Give me a sec here. Let's check Wikipedia... Hmm...

Modeled on the British military court system?!?

1967-87: One in three Palestinians detained... 500,000... Children and women pleading with soldiers...

Indefinite administrative detention without trial... "secret evidence"...coercion...

Ok, claims of physical torture, lack of education, defacto denial of lawyers...

You know, I didn't know what I was expecting from an entry called Palestinian prisoners in Israel, but I feel sick just reading this...

It's one thing to be evil, but it's another thing to be evil AND incompetent. Do one or the other, never both. Don't do a Russia worse than Russia. People are counting on us to do the right thing after we exhaust all of the alternatives.

I was in highschool suffering from multiple mental health disorders and social isolation. I was smart sure, but as I later learned you can't outsmart your own brain. What it took was finding a girl, as studious and hard working as me, but even more stressed and destroyed by home life and a destructive boyfriend that preyed on their undiagnosed autism and major depression. It started when I simply told them that their emotions mattered, that they mattered as a person. Suddenly I was confronted with a person in their most stressful senior year, previously a danger to their own self, offloading their sorrows to me in need of anything resembling emotional support.

I had to learn (the hard way sometimes) how to listen, and listen with intent. I felt this urge, this duty to help, no matter how little I could do with how I was faring. I felt like if I didn't do this, I would regret it for the rest of my life. It eventually lead to friendship into a relationship on fundamental compatibility, but I didn't have any of those feelings at the beginning. I just accepted their texts, their calls, the first ones I had ever made to someone outside of school. It was the first time I ever felt I had a purpose. It was the first time I felt like I could do what was right, rather than what was expected.

Our relationship is rekindling as we both near college graduation. We're far more stable now, but we crave our scant few hours shared on weekends. I can feel my life trajectory flying wildly out of prediction as the day they move in with me nears. However, I know that if it was anything like the last time, I can afford to be bold and to be true to myself. It's one thing for your life trajectory to change, but it's another to be committed to making it as good as possible.

Younger generations also need appropriate internet socialization for the social medias. Need to not live under a rock but also not go off the deep end of Insta or 4chan, respectively.

The finer details of making friends on a discord server befuddles me.

Red Crescent is Red Cross's marketed symbol for Islamic countries, as per Ottoman Empire's request circa 1906. Just in case it didn't ring a bell for anyone else.

I, for one, enjoy mutilating established meme formats with the stylings of a more classic meme

We have not the luxury, the gay, the space nor the communism. My dreams... shattered.

From a software engineering view: Lots of rebuilding the wheel, now with Internet Explorer dependencies. Large tech firms are more and more bureaucratic rather than innovative. Startups slurp up VC funding for the next 200 or so unicorn investments. NVIDIA is THE ENTIRE S&P 500 at this rate with SERIOUS "Peak of Inflated Expectations" valuation. Elon Musk.

All the while the majority of the job is fixing the mistakes of the past, of yourself and of some code monkey in 2003. There's this theory that code replicates the structure of the design team. When that team spans an entire corporate hierarchy with SCRUM standups every 2.5 milliseconds, you wonder if you could do the equivalent of the ending of Office Space to the codebase.

I'm sorry, I'm just... anyway, a sage piece of advice. For the love of all that is holy, write requirements BEFORE doing validation for Aerospace applications, and DO NOT OUTSOURCE THE REQUIREMENTS WRITING. That is all.

They claimed it was volume of posts and the free registration. It costs nothing to make a new account on shitjustworks and completely flood a beehaw post full of just plain mean comments. Beehaw wants some ability to decide who posts. For their own site you have to submit a tiny application, but they would prefer that problematic instances be limited in only posting. They don't mind sharing posts, but federation is explicitly two way. Until moderation tools fill the gap they are doing it in defense.

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Humor usually never ends up as a path towards solution unless the PERSON EXPERIENCING IT makes fun of it. It's difference between laughing at someone and laughing with someone. It's why there's specific lemmy communities for ADHD and ADHD Women with their own specialized memes: They never accuse anyone of anything, and look at things from a kinder view. I have a boyfriend with ASD and the Autism memes fit to a T. It gives the self a sense of understanding.

But outsider humor? I see mentions of House and Zapp Brannigan and how it's basically a setup for a joke involving the legal system. No mention of struggles or legitimate efforts to fix or understand the self. These are not jokes made from love. They are for the explicit purpose of othering. I'm not going to walk up to a tall black guy to call him a "Basketball American" anymore than you should call sexsomnia a "prewritten legal defense".

Can I at least wish that they would die in a manner most befitting of the way that they have lived? Thematically appropriate. Dies in the limelight with comedic timing after being asked to prove his mental acuity. Funeral is televised with literally everything gold plated. Crowdfunding for said event drains potential Republican fundraising efforts for a solid decade. Post-Trump Republicans trying to play up the demagogue position labeled as the new RINOs. All January 6th insurrectionists ultra convicted. Trump Estate dissolved pending all litigation. GOP decides not to go full crazy without demagogue support. Democrats win three straight elections as MAGA Republicans get roped into SovCit demonstrations that have no popular support at all.

Holy shit, 27 years and rubbing shoulders with Dancing Baby for oldest memes. I feel honored to even know of something like this. A fucking webring as the main method of spread...

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It's a cylinder.

Polls are bullshit, both to design and to report. It's maddeningly hard to whittle down human opinions to neat little answers. It's a science and an artform, really.

In linguistics, homonyms are words which are either homographs—words that have the same spelling (regardless of pronunciation)—or homophones—words that have the same pronunciation (regardless of spelling)—or both.[1] Using this definition, the words row (propel with oars), row (a linear arrangement) and row (an argument) are homonyms because they are homographs (though only the first two are homophones): so are the words see (vision) and sea (body of water), because they are homophones (though not homographs).

A more restrictive and technical definition requires that homonyms be simultaneously homographs and homophones[1] – that is to say they have identical spelling and pronunciation, but with different meanings. Examples are the pair stalk (part of a plant) and stalk (follow/harass a person) and the pair left (past tense of leave) and left (opposite of right).

A distinction is sometimes made between true homonyms, which are unrelated in origin, such as skate (glide on ice) and skate (the fish), and polysemous homonyms, or polysemes, which have a shared origin, such as mouth (of a river) and mouth (of an animal).[2][3]

The relationship between a set of homonyms is called homonymy, and the associated adjective is homonymous, homonymic, or in latin, equivocal.

The adjective "homonymous" can additionally be used wherever two items share the same name,[4][5] independent of how closely they are or are not related in terms of their meaning or etymology. For example, the name Ōkami is homonymous with the Japanese term for "wolf" (ōkami).

In UI/UX design they're the opposite of power users, technologically illiterate, bandwagoners, PC culture, the 90% of a social media site's users, average joes, your grandma on the internet. They're used to the conventions of other sites and have little appetite for complexity in their search for content.

None of this is meant with any bad connotations. They're a user class with a distinct set of needs. Beehaw blocks them due to the registration hassle. Kbin is maybe 75% of the way there. Much of the fediverse is decidedly anti-normie. Marxist-Leninists and edgy teenagers abound.

Note that the reason normies have a bad connotation is because their influx leads to a certain homogeneity and a stripping of established cultures. The term is used as a slur to counteract this effect. Those with anti-popular tastes will centralize elsewhere usually.

They claim that they're waiting for the moderation tools and bots that would accomplish this task. This kind of limit is available on Mastodon but not on Lemmy. Presumably they would have granular control where now they only have a nuke.

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The layers on this one is astounding. Someone with legitimate artistic talent had to make 6-layered fandom/furry content. Then someone (named yuri, no less) used it as a nuclear level reply to a PragerU bait tweet. I want to deconstruct it, to fully describe why it works so well, but I won't out of pure respect.

Shoutouts for my favorite Chinese developed game Gunfire Reborn. Borderlands-style Roguelike that you could almost SWEAR was going to have microtransactions. But no, it's one full price + character DLCs that is just start run, shoot dudes, complete runs. It got 99% good translations and a 100% mobile port! It's completely bewildering why this game didn't get treatment on par with Hades and Dead Cells.

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NovelAI is an amazing tool if you want to write stories. Cost: 10-25$ with a free trial, of course. In comparison to GPT-style LLMs, it has far less general knowledge, but it has immense training on online books and fanfiction. If you start writing a story, it will start emulating your style and producing great details with perfect grammar. And the best part? Born out of the dumpster fire of AI Dungeon, no censorship on anything. Full, unabridged NSFW, gore, suicide, war, torture. I've written a medieval war story turned isekai (with authentic battle damage) turned smut. Sadly, unless you wanna rip the leaked parameters floating around 4chan, you can't selfhost. You can store it locally and in a file or in your cookies, and it does have free remote storage too.

Ugh, I keep wanting to add more edits. It has great AI generation bundled in, with most people (notably Japanese) coming for that. All Danbooru trained. Yes, that means what you think it means.

There are caveats, though. You need to actually put in some effort for your first prompts and tweaking the configs. Thankfully, the UI is GORGEOUS. A quick ask on the Discord can give you the up-to-date best options anyway, and they're quite helpful. The AI needs some rather intensive editing, but that's the thing: It's as if NovelAI is the writer and you are the editor. And it's damn good at writing. Railroad onto plot point and it will shine like diamonds in one or two runs through the AI. And? If you get really into the nitty gritty with their actual fantastic documentation, you can do stuff like inject AO3 tags into your story to induce a particular mood, theme, tone, genre, style, etc. I legitimately am going to tell my future kids that I did AI the cool way.

So it's not that the Volkswagen cheated on the emissions test. It's that running the emissions test (as part of the building process) MODIFIED the car ITSELF to guzzle gas after the fact. We're talking Transformers level of self modification. Manchurian Candidate sleeper agent levels of subterfuge.

Oh this? It's just a binary of assorted diffs and plugins to a yet unspecified target apk. Why yes, I will use the end product for personal, non-commercial use.

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Both because they are the ultimate tools in maneuvering a terrible, terrible development environment. For reference, Sigasi Studio costs 2,000$ PER YEAR, and it still doesn't work for our dev environment!

Let me paint a picture: Corporate job that won't let you download anything except whatever you can smuggle through a git checkout. It took a month to convince IT to download vim 9.0 on the server. The programming language? VHDL and SystemVerilog and UVM. Horrible language support that relies on proprietary compilers/simulators, and always the ones you aren't using. The one you are using is so obtuse that it has literally 50 configuration files for a single project. All of it is run with a janky python script with half of the flags not working. LSP support is out of the question since it dynamically pulls files from god knows where with at least 10 layers of ../ relative pathing.

All I can do on vim is

  • ctrl+p for fuzzy file finding and a massive blacklist of intermediate files to ignore,

  • a custom :Make command with custom errorformat that you can navigate through,

  • Universal Ctags with per library indexes to reference those far off files,

  • and a fuckton of grepping for when Go To Definition (ctrl+]) grabs the wrong location.

Vim's autocomplete is almost always good enough. If my laundry list of plugins break, I can literally fix them on the spot and even submit the merge request on github. If you take into consideration all of this configuration and learning effort, I still save hours of navigating through the hundreds of files I have to essentially reverse engineer. My coworkers are all electrical engineers and it shows They're using godforsaken nedit with no syntax highlighting...

The circlejerk subreddits deserve an entire fediverse instance of their own. Not as a bad thing, but it will concentrate the expertise of meme development in a coherent place that encourages it.

If you want to know where I stand, my trans boyfriend came out a long time into our long distance relationship and he wanted surgery. I was a bit torn on the idea, but what really sold me was that he was gonna have a dick if he did surgery. THAT was cool with me, and likewise with the body shape thing. Boobs, ass, vagina, dick is all good with me, balls included.

And the cool thing is? He's having second thoughts on it now that he's moved in with me and away from their parents. Given the freedom to choose gender identity regardless of their body, they are a lot happier and don't need to pigeonhole themselves into a sexual/gender stereotype. I, for one, don't care. His sexual orientation is demisexual due to need for emotional connection, whilst mine is pansexual(?) because I honestly don't care. He does it for me and that's great.

It might be comforting to know that pansexual as a label exists and that your preferences are shared with others. You might find quite the assortment of... 2d images online. By the ratios it's 8:5:1 for female bodies:male bodies:female bodies with dicks. Really, it's not that uncommon. You might find even more freedom once you find the people that give you the liberty to truly own my desires. Feel free to interact with femboys, strapon girls, intersex people, whatever and wherever. Your sexual arousal needs no words to justify itself.

I've got a Linux work server because VHDL simulations are hella expensive. I have to say that if your team isn't willing to RTF-Man pages, you end up with a lot of cargo cult CLI processes. No crystalized knowledge or training, it's hard to start up in it. It's enough that requiring explicit Linux experience for new hires is preferable. Windows sadly has the familiarity benefit. And don't get me started on the wacky custom solutions the IT set up circa 2002...

Exercise! If you can integrate that into your routine or even identity, you can get a lifelong benefit. But it has to be fun, since you want to make it a hobby. Try joining a dancing class, rock climbing, boxing gym, jogging group, or whatever you can do for fun. I'm unique because I play DanceDanceRevolution, which gives a explicit reason to improve my stamina and aerobic capacity. 45 minutes on a treadmill goes by fast with rhythm game music.

For partner activites, get into a boardgame group! I'm talking Carcassonne, Coup, One Night Werewolf, and an infinite many more. Some gamestores have a place to play TCGs and offer some demo games to play. There's probably a group there or online looking for an player, especially in college towns.

Melk (I am Dutch) (I have engaged in multiple imperialistic invasions) (gekoloniseerd)

If there's anything I would not fault somebody about, it's misunderstanding sampling in a statistical sense. Just about the biggest case of "plug into formula and pray" of all of my classes I took. I'm looking back and it's just Greek letters to me now...