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Joined 12 months ago

🖥️| Digital dreamer, coder | Cruising between bytes and bits | AI-generated visions with a side of tech talk | Debugging is my cardio, pixels are my palette | Where algorithms and imagination entwine


This one:

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The only perfect background is to disable all icons and keep it black

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Be careful and double / triple check on what information is stored on your account, especially chats, payment information, purchases, subscriptions and so on. But I agree regarding TOS if they ever find out the account will be locked most likely.

I see you’re on the right floor this time

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I’m surprised in most posts I’ve read about this there wasn’t a mention of Yacy which is a P2P distributed indexer / search engine. It heavily focuses on privacy. I’ve used it in the past and it worked great for my use cases to bypass censorship. It’s still actively developed after all the years. Would definitely recommend it or try it out as an replacement. The installation and usage is fairy simply.

So I tried this and even but it will find only brown/gold and light blue/blue/white depends where you focus it on. This image itself contains no black pixels simple as it is.

Just want to add you’re right but what pisses me off is that they still can influence decisions based on this. Let’s say his shares are sold at x day, just do some decisions before that and boom your auto sell share price is now either higher or lower. Only because it’s predetermined they still influence it and SEC now can’t do shit.

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I’m envious of that system :o if only those stupid neighbors wouldn’t be around

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As once a great man said: “Anyway, like I was sayin', shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That- that's about it.” ~Bubba

I stopped first in the lower floors checking out the fancy talk meme :D was wondering what tea post and few memes higher found it


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Yeah I would also suggest to stick with 1g switches and if the need for bandwidth is required then create a LAG. 2.5g is currently just finding adoption at this point.

You sure try modlogs are public? Some already use the name “mod” to hide their own mod profiles when doing actions and it’s trivial to setup admin actions to remove posts / comments without listing them in the modlog, while I agree it’s better than nothing it’s still up to each individual instance to decide what they give price of their admin / mod actions.

Yeah I just don’t understand this as well, even if the dress was confirmed black and blue, where the heck are those colors in the image? The blue I can still go with if using color picker but the gold is clearly there, even color picker says it’s gold from the image alone. Doesn’t mater what the real dress is colored in if the picture conveys a different story. I see also mostly white and gold and no matter what can’t change it besides looking at the other images of this dress.

You could use something like / however I haven’t used this one myself but it builds up on CodeLlama model so the quality should be good. I haven’t seen other models specifically for SQL queries yet.

Edit: it includes all the hardware requirements and some demo examples in the links

Yeah couldn’t agree more, even highlighting the dark pixels does nothing in python if they are closer to the pure black hex value. Simple RGB values of this image is just not black but at least some sort of light blue/blue if not white.