5 Post – 227 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

We're not allowed to have nice things.

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Plugs can be more secure, but they also can't.

You don't want plugs to be too secure because they're supposed to be temporary. Plug in fast, unplug fast.

There's a benefit to plugs that come off easily: That's the weakest point. If you kick a cord, the cord doesn't snap, it just comes unplugged. If you make your plug stronger, maybe instead the cable breaks and now you've got lethal voltage swinging around, or you have arcing inside a connector or inside a cable that starts a fire.

There are electrical connections that are more secure used in industry or other places. For example DIN plugs or Brad Harrison connectors.

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It's a normal situation when you have big migrations like the reddit migration. Same thing happened on mastodon with the various twitter migrations.

A lot of people migrate thinking they're reaching the promised land, realize they aren't getting what the want from the new platform and go back. It's the nature of bandwagon jumping.

It's just fine. The process of growth is dynamic, and the people who remain are the ones who like the platform.

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It's the internet. Eventually if you're popular enough, some jerk off will say something dumb.

It's cheap and easy to do it! Watch: I'll kill you!

The internet is not your friend.

The worst is when the problem is something that will only manifest at scale, so your bosses are going "You should have tested it before putting it in production!" And I'm like "DO YOU THINK I DIDN'T TEST IT BEFORE PUTTING IT IN BLOODY PRODUCTION!?"

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Honestly, I've been considering minetest the real successor to minecraft. It's just really decent, and it doesn't have all the risks of minecraft being controlled by someone else including opening the game being gatekept by their centralized servers.

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Always has been.

It's one of the reasons why lemmy never really took off until the great reddit migration despite having a decent software product.

It's surprising how much just keeping track can mess with behavior, eh?

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I feel like that's worse on android and ios. The former it's like "I saved it somewhere in this byzantine folder structure!" and in ios it's like "Fuck you we don't talk about folder structure"

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Unrelated, I love those stairs. They seem like a disaster waiting to happen but I love them.

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There's lots of talk about "web 3" as regarding some crypto nonsense, but I think activitypub is the next step of the web, where different platforms communicate and you can have your home and you reach out to everywhere you want to be, and it's all integrated at your home.

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I mean... I already use ubuntu, so...

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The saddest thing is that with the destruction of the media over the past 20 years, I'm still waiting to hear whether it's actually any good or not.

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The most important thing for everyone to remember is that if you don't fully own the thing such that you can install and run it without asking permission, or if it isn't simply free and open source, then it can go away at any time.

Peertube has streaming with xmpp based live chat. One really need thing with peertube is it will do peer to peer live streaming, so if you have a really popular stream all the people watching your stream will end up serving it to other people who are watching your stream.

I wonder what would have occurred afterwards, since DNA degrades pretty much completely in a couple thousand years. Did the cold weather Protect the genetic code, or do these creatures have something to protect their genetic code?

Also makes me think of the oxygen catastrophe and the ice age that followed. Overwhelming majorities of all life died out, but I assume some of what survived has traits like this?

About 200 pounds.

There's always recalls going on, so it's not indicative of anything when they happen.

I've had 3 newer cars from 3 brands in 3 countries, and all 3 had a recall of some kind. In each case they just bring it in and fix it...

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I’ve been reading through the bible via a kids bible with my son.

One of the things that legitimately shocked me is how I was completely wrong about assuming I got the gist of everything via cultural osmosis. Yeah, there’s a few spots that we hear all about, but story after story after story I’d never heard anything about.

"one of those AMERICAN MADE self driving cars"

Rip the Simpsons

Real talk, start a peertube channel but only if you're doing it alongside other platforms.

The top channels on peertube get maybe 70 views per video and they've got big organizations behind them quite often.

If you going to do it, do it because it's something you want to do, not because you expect views, or fans, or anything like that. If you happen to stumble upon success, great. But that's not something you should expect because more likely than not it'll just be yet another games channel.

Yes, and we can do something about our own instances. Depending on your reverse proxy there's a couple options.

You probably don't want there to be an easy solution.

But there's no second egress?

Threads federation really is a tempest in a teacup. People getting worked up over nothing.

Meta's failed twitter clone probably won't even federate with the threadiverse. Just look at this post. I see lemmy, I see kbin, I see lotide, I don't see mastodon, pleroma, friendica, and so on and so forth at all. I don't see minds (did you know that minds federates?), just a few programs of the same type.

These pieces are deeply authoritarian. Trying to take personal responsibility for command control of everyone's words and thoughts and actions must be taxing, especially when there isn't actually any mechanism for implementing such control.

Adolf Hitler himself could rise from the dead and start up a new instance running a trans furry port of mastodon or lemmy and there isn't much to do but block and move on. That's because it's libre software. If you want somewhere you can lobby and totally control, you don't want a decentralized libre platform like the fediverse, you want big tech.

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1 million will be required so they can be paid minimum wage with 30 years experience and a phd.

I don't think anyone expected them to go full EA before going full EA.

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I ended up giving up on kbin after almost a week of trying to simply get it to run and federate. Ended up running Lemmy (though I'm presently using lotide as my main threadiverse experience) and after days of not being able to federate with kbin.

Hoping kbin federates with lotide soon.

Really like the project in a lot of ways, but when I tried it, it just wasn't ready yet.

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Many many years before the reddit migration, /r/goldandblack had a lotide instance that consisted mainly of posts crossposted by a bot.

The constant dump of empty posts on my feed really helped me understand that you don't want to blindly mirror reddit posts. If you just want a list of stories, an rss feed is better. You come to a link aggregator for the discussion around the links and without the discussion it's just a crappy version of an RSS feed.

Some people who haven't experienced a ghost city online don't realize that.

What if I told you that this is just how the media treats everything, including whatever moral panic whoever is reading this believes in?

Yes, even that one. No, that one's not real either. Yes, I know you saw it on TV.

I think one of the key things we need to be teaching our kids about everything from technology to nature is to think for themselves and apply rigor to make sure that they're not being let down the garden path. In the book I wrote to my son, the first chapter is not about the basics, it's that he should question everything including and especially me.

In the UK, even conservatives hate the conservatives. It's quite impressive, really.

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Here's an alternative question: Do we really want the fediverse to take off like big tech did?

I sort of like that this little corner of the Internet isn't filled with a bunch of megacorporations and political bot farms trying to fiddle with our opinions to their benefit. Once it gets too big, it's going to lose something really important. Also, I fear that it could become impossible for a little operator to run an instance anymore.

Pfsense or opnsense are really powerful options.

You'll need a wireless access point as well, but those two are quite powerful and can run on quite powerful hardware.

To be fair, pretty much every government breaks its own rules, particularly when privacy is involved.

We have the largest and most invasive world governments in the history of the world thanks to the overwhelming technology that allows such a thing. And even governments that pretend to follow the rules just get their buddies in another country to do their dirty work for them. "I can't spy on you, but England can!"

Don't worry about it budday!

The chocolate industry hasn't found a viable alternative to African slavery 160 years after the emancipation proclamation, but they've got this fossil fuels thing licked!

The key is to use an alternative that's actually good, and most of these companies were never going to make an alternative that was good, just one that was exploitative.

Most of my purchases the last few years have been gog. The only game service where you actually own the game afterwards.

Tbf, depending on the region, that's just how the electricity is made. The fbxl network runs off of electricity generation made up of 86% hydroelectric and biomass, with the balance made up of wind, solar, and natural gas.

As I have repeatedly repeatedly said, with a geography of canada, the entire country could be 100% renewables in a decade or two if there was a real focus on hydroelectric generation that is presently powering entire regions, and it would make people's lives better in the process with plentiful inexpensive hydroelectric we would make electric heat the most competitive and thus would start offsetting burning fossil fuels for building heat which would have a massive impact on carbon emissions since buildings make up 25% of total emissions and most building heat is done with fossil fuels because electricity is too expensive and the costs are rising so people are migrating to fossil fuels even with the carbon tax...

But I digress...

I deleted all my big tech accounts, and lots of people are posting on the fediverse.

"Of course you do."

Do you want your mother to know how you dirty talk to your girlfriend, or what sort of porn you watch? do you want her watching you jerk off? Do you want your boss to know about that rash on your dick? Going further, do you think every pretty girl you walk up to should know about every dirty thought you have about them? Do you want that guy you hate at work to actually know exactly what you want to do to him?

Anyone who thinks they have nothing to hide aren't thinking hard enough.

Honestly, if you're running public facing services, you should run the latest everything you can. There's a risk that stuff breaks, but at least you're not having to worry about patched exploits.