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Joined 11 months ago

I appreciate the absolute humility though

It bothers me that actually dirty and clean are right next to each other. I would swap 'only kinda dirty' with 'actually dirty' and reverse the order of all of them. Clean on the left and going progressively dirtier as we move to the right.

This is ultimately why I decided to roll my own instance. I'm keeping my backup here though in case I mess something up, but full control is nice to have.

1 more...

I moved to Fastmail last year and it's been entirely unremarkable which is exactly what I want. Mail in and out works, it's reliable, I have my custom domains.

It really depends on the level of privacy you're going for and what features you want. For me I needed custom domain support with catchalls. The only other requirement I had was to not be Google. I debated between Fastmail and Proton for a while (Fastmail for features/price, Proton for the "better" privacy.) Ultimately I ended up on Fastmail because I would have had to pay for a higher than necessary account at Proton for what I wanted.

11 more...

Wow this is great. I've been having trouble getting exit nodes working properly with these two. Sad that mullvad dropped port forwarding though so I'm not sure if I'll stay with them.

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A lot of people self host so they are in control. This is Plex taking away that control, plain and simple.

I don't know how many people host completely legitimately acquired content in their libraries, but your reasoning is such a cop out. Are you gonna defend them if they start scanning libraries for potentially illegally obtained content and blocking that because it could "put them in legal hot water?"

I pretty much always leave stuff seeding once I get it these days. Ever since I bumped the disk space on my NAS it made it a lot easier to leave stuff instead of jockeying for space on disk.

My higher ratio items are all old shits like You Got Served lmao

Doesn't this make her point even more? Had to use a bondsman for 20k but he's super rich? Yiiikes

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Like others have asked, how exactly did you create these containers? If they were through Portainer did you use a compose file in a stack or did you use the GUI the entire way?

This will nuke them assuming you don't have something recreating them.

docker ps -a # find your rogue container, copy the container id, my example is a0ff66a83c73
docker stop a0ff66a83c73
docker rm a0ff66a83c73

My suggestion is to go through the process you did to try to deploy them and clean it up from that direction.

You can already do this. You can specify an env file or use the default .env file.

The compose file would look like this:


And your .env file would look like this:


This is how I do all of my compose files and then I throw .env in .gitignore and throw it into a local forgejo instance.

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They have a similar integration with Bitwarden that I've used a bit. I ended up stopping though because I rely on a catch-all and just give out companyname@ or something generic like work@ or family@. Sure it's easy to guess but I haven't had any spam issues in the ~15 years I've been operating this way.

Nobody actually gets my Fastmail login address though. I picked a random string on one of their domains that's literally only used to sign in. A fun little added obscurity feature.

As someone else already said, automated backups should be up on the priority list.

But also maybe try out self hosting Lemmy. It's been a fun little journey and helped me flesh out my Caddy config more than I thought possible.

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Lmao, how have I never put that one together?

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For what it's worth you can convert the database to postgres if you want. I tried it out a few weeks ago and went flawlessly.

You lose comment history and all that jazz too but it's better than nothing. I'm not sure if devs plan to implement a way to do it but it's one of the reasons I decided to roll my own instance. Nothing more frustrating than using someone else's and losing access while they take days to get it back up.

Are these people you trust? I would do Jellyfin and expose it to them via tailscale. Might be annoying for them to have to run tailscale but no chance I'm serving media directly from my house.

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::: spoiler spoiler It's a reference to urethral sounding. :::

Search it at your own risk.

Or extreme heat. I've got family and friends fleeing Arizona every year

I'm taking a dump in my closet

Agreed. I haven't come across any instances I care to participate in that have that enabled though.

This looks great. Gonna give it a whirl this weekend

Yeah I've been using it for about a year and half or so on my main devices and it's been wonderful. I'm likely going to down the list of supported providers from the gluetun docs and decide from there. Throwing my torrents and all that behind a vpn was the catalyst for signing up so I'll continue to look for that support first and everything else is secondary.

I'm pretty sure it's entirely disabled. Their announcement post says it's being removed and doesn't call out any exceptions.

I run my clients through a gluetun container with forwarding set up and ever since their announced end of support date (July I think?) I have had 0B uploaded for any of my trackers.

E: realized you may be asking about proton, oops

Yeah I haven't found anything for cleanup maintenance. Right now with just me my disk usage is increasing ~300MB per day. I'm debating purging stuff older than 30 days or something. The only stuff where my server is the source of truth is my profile and communities on my instance.

We'll see though, this is just a fun little side thing I'm not taking too seriously.

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I don't do it all in one compose file out of preference, but as others have said Gluetun + your preferred torrent client with all networking going to Gluetun. I've been running this way with deluge for a while now and it's been solid as a rock.

Exactly. I went one step further and decided not to use my admin account as my main. I don't run around as root on servers so I try not to do that with apps. It's easier with Lemmy because once it's set up all the admin tasks hit my email.

I also wanted to avoid that vulnerability that hit Lemmy World a few weeks ago that was only possible because the server admin got their jwt stolen, which wouldn't have been so impactful if they weren't on the admin account.

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Wow, I had no idea that there was a quote out there that aligns so well with my beliefs. I grew up in a semi religious household but was never forced to go to church. My parents encouraged me to go, not only to theirs but even go with friends that were different religions.

After going to various churches through some really vulnerable times I still don't subscribe to any religion, but I also can't bring myself to go full atheist.

Too bad that quote is way too long for a tattoo 🤣

I've been running it behind Cloudflare with no issues. I'm also doing it a completely different way than the official docs and the ubergeek method. Mostly because I have a particular way I do my docker stuff.

Every time something has broken it's been 100% on me. My favorite way to learn is by breaking things though, so I also have an account on a different instance in case I break mine and have to wait a bit to fix it 😅

Why do you think AdGuard is better than Pihole? I'm not upset with the job Pihole is doing but always looking for improvements.

Yep. My instance just has me on it and posting elsewhere works without issue. Anything I upload goes to my instance and federates out. It's really quite great not having to worry about the instance drama when big ones defederate from each other. I also turned off NSFW so I don't have to worry about any of that content (legal or otherwise) even hitting my server.

Here's an image of me making this comment via Sync for Lemmy

Edit: I have community creation locked down to admins, which everything disables them on my instance.

9 more... is correct, you can pass the values through that part of the UI. I used to do it that way and had Portainer watching my main branch to auto pull/deploy updates but recently moved away from it because I don't deploy everything to 1 server and linking Portainer instances together was hit or miss for me.

Edit: I just deployed it like this (I hit deploy after taking the screenshot) and confirmed both inside the container that it sees everything as well as checking where Portainer drops the files on disk (it uses stack.env)

Stack settings

Environment vars in container

Portainer stack on disk

I don't know why I did all that, but do with it what you will lol

Yep, my family only had manual vehicles growing up so I had to learn stick just to start driving. AZ here, also mid 30s.

The growth is happening mostly in the pictrs and db containers. I know pictrs is optional if you're not uploading pics yourself, but I didn't want to limit myself on that. I haven't dived into where the db growth is happening yet either. Right now my hurdle is there doesn't seem to be any baked in maintenance tools, so it's all going to be me editing the database directly. I'm okay with doing it but need to figure out how to not purge content I have saved via Lemmy.

As far as NSFW stuff, there's a check box for the instance settings for enabling NSFW instance wide. I have it unchecked and haven't seen a single NSFW post browsing through my instance. It does require things to be marked as such though. I'll probably go the extra step and defederate the porn instances just to add another layer.

Please let me know if you find anything useful for maintaining the instance.

Yeah I use different VMs to separate out the different containers into arbitrary groups I decided on.

I run my docker containers inside different Debian VMs that are on a couple different Proxmox hosts.

I host forgejo internally and use that to sync changes. .env and data directories are in .gitignore (they get backed up via a separate process)

All the files are part of my docker group so anyone in it can read everything. Restarting services is handled by systemd unit files (so sudo systemctl stop/start/restart) any user that needs to manipulate containers would have the appropriate sudo access.

It's only me they does all this though, I set it up this way for funsies.

I thought about setting one up for my main server because every time the power went out I'd have to reconfigure the bios for boot order, virtualization, and a few other settings.

I've since added a UPS to the mix but ultimately the fix was replacing the cmos battery lol. Had I put one of these together it would be entirely unused these days.

It's a neat concept and if you need remote bios access it's great, but people usually overestimate how useful that really is.

Homelab for me too. Started off with a repurposed gaming PC and exploded into multiple hosts, tons of drives, and an itch to keep expanding

Yeah I suppose I could be missing email and not know (because it never got delivered) but I get everything I expect to receive and I haven't had anyone reach out asking why I haven't responded to an email I never received. It's good enough for me for now though.

LDAP support isn't something that's ever crossed my mind for mail, definitely a legit reason to stick with the Googs.

Yep. It was a fun ooh look what I can do that I have exactly zero people to communicate with using those features.

In the same vein, not using Google is similarly silly. Most of my personal contacts use Gmail or o365 so they still get a copy of my email anyway. But at least this way my money isn't going to them and nobody's scanning my inbox to advertise to me (☞゚ヮ゚)☞

I like where your head's at. I'm gonna go with the expecting more indictments angle paired with not being as rich/liquid as he'd like everyone to believe. What an unavoidable situation he's found himself in.