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Joined 11 months ago

Amazon employees who refused to relocate near main offices of their teams were told they either have to find a new job internally or leave the company through a “voluntary resignation.”

How dumb does he think people are? This just makes me angry because they're probably going to get away with it too.

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Starting from the home screen, your main home page on Apostrophy OS is called the “Domus.” It’s a grayscale page with shortcuts for the Aphy Store (Apostrophy’s own app store), your calendar, contacts, Apostrophy’s VPN service, your files, email, and more. You can’t customize anything on this page, and everything you do here is run through Apostrophy’s servers for maximum security.

So far, not so good...

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The one and only time I was put under I said "you know what you're doing, eh?" And he just put me out. I didn't mean to say that, I was just nervous. I did see a nurse laugh though so that's nice.

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Unfortunately, we are penalized by the modern Internet for leaving all previously published content live on our site

Even if this is true, which I doubt, why not edit your robots.txt to disallow them to index it and leave the content up?

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Cracking means decompiling the files, debugging the code and finding the bits that check if you have a key/subscription and changing it in such a way that it passes. Not exactly something you can learn from scratch quickly.

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I found this

That's all I know.

I've been in a bad place lately and I kind of needed this. Thank you... At first I didn't know how to answer this question.

Going to bed and calling the cats in to sleep with us. Some one always goes in the 'leg basket'. When I wake up I pet anyone around, kiss the S.O. and start my day.

It's not everyday but I leave sticky notes around with sayings or love notes for the S.O. I enjoy everything about this.

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I'm not curious at all. Let's just stop this shit already.

How unlikley is it they've held back at minimum one airplane and a big ass bomb (atomic, nuclear, etc, I have no idea) for the USA? Best effort or not, if one thing gets through some people are fucked. Some is more then none and that's too much.

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Get a provider. r/usenet has a good list in their wiki. This is the "seeder".

Sabnzbd or NZBget is the software you'll need to do the actual downloading. This is like utorrent/qbittorrent/what ever you kids use these days.

Sonarr/radarr to automate.

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I'm not sure how to do what you're looking for but you can install rockbox on the iPod and then just copy the music files over normally. That's what I've done and it works fine on Fedora.

At first, anything that was free. Then I found the *arrs, moved to Usenet and never looked back.

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Neat, my kindle is in airplane mode 100% of the time too... I never knew you could jailbreak, reading about it now.

Edit: and I'm on 5.14.2 guess I'm going to jailbreak. Amazing, thank you!


Live and let live man. I don't care what everyone does in their own time, have fun, live your life and be happy.

Where I have a problem is when someone forces me to do something. You NEED me to watch this show? No. Watch it in your own time.

I have no idea but I had the same question. I also love the fact that We'd believe that he'd do something like this.

Please tell me it's real.

Just here to say that the *arrs and Plex use sqlite3 databases. If these are over the network then they're going to run SUPER slow.

At least for me, when running it over NFS the arr logs were full of waiting for locked databaae and Plex started to show similar warnings in the logs after a few people were using it.

I THINK the idea is you don't need a VPN with a private tracker. Other then that, the selection is usually better, and the seeders have faster uploads.

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There was an article a couple years back saying that manufacturers will use cheaper components for the same products, making it LOOK like the same TV but it's actually built cheaper. The really bad ones will keep the same product number/SKU but others will usually append a letter or two.

So the over all cost might be less but you're actually getting a poor quality version.

I didn't know how to feel about the headline when I read it, is it possible to do that? I still don't know. It's not really for me to decide how SHE feels either. It just sounds.... Weird? And not possible? I don't know.

Regardless, in my mind, it depends on what the action was. If I send a text to your phone to hack it, then I guess I'm "assaulting your phone" but if the phone is the medium used to get to you then obviously it's towards you.

And this can all be made moot by the software devs with an input box "keep non-friends N meters away". Its all tech and virtual. Whatever she has a problem with can be an option to toggle for her.

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I'm late 20s/early 30s. Since ~2011 the only social media I used was Reddit. No Facebook, Twitter, etc, etc.

What you're saying is exactly how I met my now wife. I looked after myself, did shit I enjoyed, found community events, hobbies groups, lived life, met lots of people, made new friends. Eventually I asked one of the friends on a date and now my best friend is my wife and I can't be happier.

I will say, not having Facebook was a problem in some areas though. I missed out on group activities, group hobby chats, that sort of thing but I didn't care. Friends would invite me to some of them anyway. Also, It might have changed these days but a handfull of people refused to trade numbers, they wanted me to add them on Facebook which was impossible. I didn't let that get in the way either but it was kind of 'hard' to miss out on a potential friendship. It all worked out in the end for me.

Or movie-web[dot]app

Iptorrents themselves have one. I've never used an IPTV provider, nor do I care but ipt has one.

My guess is they're reselling the same one or two actual sources that are out there.

I personally miss the hack/custom receivers out there where you'd just download the keys from forums and have your own, straight from the source.

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What's your goal? To have a good ratio or to help seed obscure stuff?

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The ghost is clear, pick up the paste.

I prefer the TorrentFreak article on VPNs.

I've been running a container for them at home for a couple years now.

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No load, only play.

A PI will not be powerful enough to run Plex. For one person with direct play maybe but I'd suggest a lenovo tiny or something like that. Old desktop would be fine too.

If you want to transcode 4k or have a lot of users, a desktop+video card is recommended

If you're 10+ hours away clocking in for 2 minutes isn't possible.

If you're ever in this situation, look up constructive dismissal. Basically its better to stay home and be "fired" and refuse the voluntarily resignation. That being said, the USA has a lot less protections for employees then Canada or Europe but it's good to be informed anyway.

This is the bit I read that sold me on it.

But if you do jailbreak a Kindle, you’ll be able to install third-party apps like KOReader, which bring support for eBooks in formats that aren’t natively supported by the stock Kindle software, such as EPUB and CBZ files

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This was my thought exactly. Work is a RHEL shop and I had settled on Fedora after distro hopping. Ubuntu was for the new guys getting into Linux.

My self hosted services were all CentOS and more recently Rocky/Alma. After the shenanigans RH pulled to make their source harder to obtain, I'm working through my personal ansible scripts to get up on Debain. I'll never go back to RHEL or the forks.

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I came here to say this. What the fuck is going on in this one?

Let's see if this works.

x formerly twitter

BTW, I use Arch.

What does Plex pass give you that you want to pay for it? I've considered it for awhile now but never bought it.

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I have mixed feelings towards this entire season so far. I'll say this is one of the better ones for sure but something seems off.

I didn't not enjoy the covid ep, the entire back story to Santa changed, etc, etc. It's all been said before but it still feels different.

Consoles (Xbox, Nintendo, PlayStation) are all hacked eventually. All that will happen is someone will hack a camera to sign any image sent to it.

I think this tech (signed pictures) is just going to make the problem worse. Once a camera is hacked, it's "signed" but fake... Same spot we are now but now we have fake verified pictures

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+1 for nzbgeek.

I also use nzbplanet but they seem to have the same options as geek. and DrunkenSlug are my "backup" but only because they don't have a lifetime subscription.

In the Usenet subReddit wiki you can find an awesome list of providers and their backbone. Again, I'm cheap so I went with the cheapest one I could find.. it's rare but because I'm not using "the best" I'll need to use torrents to get anything I can't grab from Usenet.

Covid for sure. /s