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Joined 1 years ago

Okay McConnell says government shut downs are a loser for republicans politically. Why though? I assumed at this point they could do whatever they wanted and no one in their party would care. Are their doners getting money from the government or something?

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This has been my takeaway with a lot of news the last year or two. As depressing as the headlines have been, I'm starting to see an underline shift in public perception. There's a growing fear in the politicians, celebrities, and billionaires at the top that once thought they were untouchable. They're not the idols they used to be.

Yeah I'm right there with you. Biden has accomplished a lot. I don't agree with everything he's said or done but as a whole he's done a fantastic job turning America around. If he can beat Trump once he can beat him again and that is paramount. Plus it gives dems another 4 years to start pushing younger more progressive candidates into the spotlight.

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I wouldn't assume this is the work of a conservative ha

Is a Tesla still a lib car?

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I come for the extras.

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Sure but if people have been able to consistently pay rent higher than their mortgage I think they'll be fine.

In my little bubble people are mostly satisfied with Biden. Curious to see just how true that is nationwide.

So sick of hearing how bad October 7th was. We fucking get it by now. It changes nothing. Israel has proven itself to be far worse. If Israel believes escalation is the answer I'll be more than satisfied to see them take that seriously and allow Gaza to bomb Israel for the next four months, systematic rape torture and execute the Israeli men women and children. After all this is their idea of justice so let them experience justice.

Edit: You guys really need to work on reading comprehension.

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No idea how you jumped to that conclusion but okay.

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Nah, just more people admitting they're bisexual.

Oh fuck no. Don't apologize to the girl or you WILL have something even bigger to feel guilty about. How much random shit do you remember when you were five years old? I guarantee she doesn't remember a bit of it and never will, but you could easily plant false traumatic memories in her brain. That's just fucked up every way you look at it.

Well, it wasn't a waste. You learned something from it!

I have. :(

I felt the same way but ended up going with a volvo anyway because Chinese Investment or not, the company does at least try to make an effort to be more safe, ethical, and sustainable. Given the alternatives I made the decision that volvo was still the right car for me.

Wait so only republicans vote? I thought it was the whole house.

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I had a similar experience as well. I exclusively used android for over 10 years until I starting having to replace phones yearly, sometimes even more frequently. After I had to take my pixel 6 to the repair shop for the 4th time in under a year I bought an iPhone 14 and couldn't be happier. Everything works so much more smoothly and it all just makes sense.

For once in my life I hope republicans do filibuster. It's a win win in my eyes.

I think I might actually remember your comment!

I don't understand it either. Do Dems really think this is what their base wants? I don't personally know any Democrat who thinks this law is a good idea. Immigration is more of a hot topic for Republicans. Why do we keep trying to get republican votes when there are still plenty of Dem votes to win?

My experience as well!! Maybe it's not 100% accurate but it works well enough I can use it frustration free. Definitely hasn't gotten worse. My only complaint is since the ios 17 update it randomly switches back to the default keyboard until you close and open the text box again but that's not a predictive text problem.

You guys really need to work on reading comprehension. I never advocated for anything. All I said is that is if Israel believes their response to October 7th is fair, then it's only fair that the same is done to them in return. That is the world they want to live in. I personally would never retaliate but my comment was not about how I would handle the situation so please don't assume you know how I wish things to play out.