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Joined 12 months ago

I would have used Owncloud Infinite Scale but the fact you can’t use your own existing files makes it a complete non-starter for me. I don’t want my files locked behind Decomposed FS.

Unless I’ve read things wrong, which is entirely possible.

I’d like my appliances to stay dumb. I don’t need Bluetooth and WiFi in everything.

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Each year I seem to think “this will be the year I set up IPv6 in my homelab” - but then I never get around to it.

If I have to run both v4 and v6 concurrently, there isn’t much incentive/motivation for me to use v6 locally.

Maybe I’ll get around to it when there’s a net benefit for me for my use case, or when I’m forced to.

Am I just imagining it to be more complicated than it actually is?

My router runs pfsense and I have 6 VLANs each with its own subnet - Management, Trusted, IoT, Cameras, Guest, and Web Facing Servers.

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Don’t forget the catering if you want to be a good host. Can’t be having orgies on an empty stomach now can we.

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Serving pizza and files. What a time to be alive.

mv pizza.01 /srv/mouth/

Another thing to add - these services can’t use the word ‘buy’ because that implies ownership. They should be forced to use a word like ‘rent’.

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One of my clients referred to Zip disks a few days ago. That really sent me back. Only my rich friends had Jaz drives, whereas the rest of us were still using Zip disks and optical media. Those early USB thumb drives at USB 1.0 speeds were also painfully slow.

My portable storage journey progressed from 5.25” floppy disks, 3.5” diskettes, Zip disk, CD-R/RW, DVD-R/RW, 2.5”/3.5” external HDDs and now portable NVME SSDs.

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I often wonder how those people function in the real world.

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One caveat worth noting is that as soon as subtitle burn-in comes into play (especially at 4K), then you’ll easily hit 100% CPU usage and encounter stutters. It’s less of an issue if you’re using good clients and have control over that, but may be a problem if you’re sharing with your family and they have problematic playback clients.

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Being more aware of the passage of time helps me, so setting an alarm is what I do.

I’m guessing you want an all-in-one server setup for NAS duties and services?

UnRAID is probably the simplest from a management point of view for storage and docker.

If you’d prefer something free, then OpenMediaVault works great. It can handle storage (Linux MD-RAID, BTRFS, ZFS, or mergerfs + SnapRAID) and compute tasks like VMs and Docker/Docker Compose all from a web interface. The only problems I’ve encountered with OMV is trying to click through configuration changes too fast and getting ‘stuck’ in a loop of applying conflicting changes. As long as you wait a second or two after hitting OK/apply on things, then you’re good.

I use TrueNAS SCALE myself with docker and other services running in systemd-nspawn containers. I have a separate Intel NUC running Proxmox.

The scene in Horrible Bosses where Charlie Day’s character sings this song always makes me laugh.

One without support for something as simple as groups and where everything has 777 permissions by design.

I’m a Pro licence owner and I tested Unraid for about a year until moving to TrueNAS and Proxmox.

Not OP, but I run Docker in LXC because my Proxmox host is an Intel NUC and I only have one graphics card (integrated).

I don’t want to passthrough the iGPU to a VM because then I lose video output for the host. I also don’t want to use SR-IOV for iGPU because it’s buggy and results in garbled output for HDR content. That’s why, in my case, Docker in LXC makes sense.

Obviously if I had a choice, I would prefer to do Docker in a VM with a dedicated GPU passed through.

I’ve done Docker in LXC for about a year and it’s been fine. Not perfect and not as secure as a VM, but it suits my homelab.

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Jellyfin server isn’t lacking, but the weak point is definitely client software, especially on iOS. Unfortunately they just don’t have the same kind of resources Plex do in that regard.

I run Plex and Jellyfin, with watched status between the two synchronised with jellyplex-watched.

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I have a Xeon E2416G which is the Xeon equivalent of the Coffee Lake Core i7-8700.

What sort of workloads are we talking about in Proxmox? How important are the chipset features of C246 vs Raptor Lake to you?

One feature that I hope that Immich adopts is to allow for external libraries to be displayed in an existing folder structure. There’s no built-in way to do this and requires a script that uses albums as a workaround. A lot of photographers have organised folders by date/event that span years/decades, so it’s not practical to create these manually with albums.

The closest I’ve found is a cron script which does album generation automatically, but it’s not a ‘future proof’ solution since it could stop working at any time.

Memories (Nextcloud), Photoprism, and Photoview can do this.

Immich can’t do what OP wants. It works great for individual personal libraries, but not images that are pre-sorted into specific folder structures and need to be displayed based on that structure.

As mentioned by others, if your primary use case is storage/NAS with only one or two VMs, then for sure go with TrueNAS SCALE.

Where Proxmox wins is the easy backups for VMs/containers locally to disk, local NAS or remote NAS, easy management when you have a lot of VMs (I feel like there’s too much clicking through menus in the TN UI which gets annoying fast), more recent kernel and ability to use LXC.

I use both in my homelab and I keep TrueNAS as a NAS and Docker host via Jailmaker script (for services that benefit from direct/local file bind mounts) because I really dislike the way the TrueNAS Apps feature is handled.

In my experience, TN Apps are just not stable and seem to get randomly stuck ‘deploying’ for no good reason after being restarted or updated. Combine that with the general hostility of the forums and of TrueCharts, and so I decided to not have anything to do with the Apps feature. IX changed a few things to do with app storage that then forced TrueCharts to change how they do things, so there’s been a few occasions where the only solution has been to delete and recreate containers which pissed off a lot of users.

Jailmaker lets me use Docker Compose inside a systemd-nspawn container. It’s kind of funny how this nested containerisation method ended up being a hell of a lot more reliable than TN Apps. I don’t want this to sound like I’m ungrateful for the good things they’ve done for TN by making services easy to run, but their reading their posts, their behaviour and tone online just always makes me shake my head.

Sorry this turned into a rant.

This sounds ideal for either Photoprism or Photoview.

There’s no need for adding all of those flags to your kernel command line - just the ones below will do the job:

intel_iommu=on iommu=pt video=efifb:off modprobe.blacklist=snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec_hdmi,i915

OP just needs to be aware that turning off the EFI framebuffer as above will result in no video output for the Proxmox host.

If you need further IOMMU group separation and your motherboard doesn’t support ACS, then you can add:


If you run into problems with booting Proxmox, then you can simply remove the lines above at boot and then troubleshoot after.

I went into Nextcloud expecting to have a terrible experience, especially with slow syncing speeds which seem to be a persistent complaint.

I was pleasantly surprised that syncing for my 3TB dataset which is a mix of documents, design work, photography, and videos, has worked just as quickly as Syncthing and Resilio Sync on local gigabit network.

I run Nextcloud AIO on TrueNAS SCALE in a systemd-nspawn container with ncdata bind mount from NVME and the rest of the data using External Storage plugin locally.

I only use Nextcloud for Memories (photo app), file syncing and file sharing, so my usage of it is relatively light.

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Ah no wonder it’s experimental.

It’ll get there eventually.

That makes me feel lucky that Australia’s consumer laws are decent. If that happened here, it’s the customer’s choice whether they want to deal with the manufacturer or the retailer.

I care about the underlying tech in the things I deploy, but the reality is that I lack the time to actively do this in practice.

Ideally I would set everything up manually, but it’s just too hard to keep up with 30+ projects and remembering how/why I set everything up, even with documentation. Docker Compose makes my homelab hobby more manageable.

XMP is the most used format.

The way XMP files are read entirely depends on the software you’re using. Some will write adjustment metadata into XMP (Adobe does this) whereas others write that into their proprietary format and use XMP for other metadata.

I imagine if someone had to do it this way for whatever reason, Thunderbolt would be more reliable? Assuming it’s true Thunderbolt using a SATA bridge?

Did you try out Nextcloud AIO instead of setting it up manually?

I agree that NC has a lot of problems. It’s a good example of an application that tries to do everything and unsurprisingly doesn’t do many things truly well. With that said, I was surprised that NC AIO ran well for me despite the horror stories of NC I’d always read. I’ll keep using it for now, but I could easily switch back to using Resilio Sync, File Browser, and Photoprism.

My main problems with Syncthing is that there’s no official iOS client and that there’s no easy selective sync (Resilio can do this) - using ignorelists gets annoying if you’ve got a large folder structure and many files/folders that you selectively need to sync.

My Arc A380 has been great. Intel Quick Sync is so well supported across all platforms.

Arc A310 is also a great option since you can find them in single slot low profile varieties too.

Syncthing doesn’t have an ‘files on demand’ feature though. The way that cloud storage providers do it is by having placeholder files which are selectively synced. Resilio Sync can do it, although it does change the file extension for the placeholder files to .rslsync temporarily.

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There are some quirks with docker in LXC. Nothing that can’t be overcome, but docker in a VM is definitely more stable.

Ideally I would, but I don’t have the time to manage 30 different containers.

When I didn’t have kids, I ran everything in separate LXCs. I decided to just move everything to Docker and move on with my life.

Unless I’m missing something, you can’t have multiple user profiles.

I use Infuse on my Apple TV with Plex Media Server as the backend. I can work with that limitation on Apple TV because my wife and kids use the official Plex app while I use Infuse, but ideally I’d prefer if we all used Infuse.

Would there be any technical reason why those logs aren’t displayed in an easy to view location in the UI? I’ve come across too many instances of a TN/Kubernetes app that’s been rubbing perfectly fine for days and it suddenly gets stuck deploying. I feel like with regular docker it’s much easier to troubleshoot.

Low screen brightness and not playing in a completely pitch-black room (with warm lighting) works for me.

Is that still the case for the Nextcloud macOS client? Because this post from the devs from a few months ago implies that the .nextcloud file extension behaviour is temporary and that they’re meant to be using Apple’s File Provider API, same way that Dropbox and OneDrive do.

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Looks like that feature is still in beta and therefore only available in the beta client. The stable release still uses the .nextcloud extension workaround.

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Ah! Good to know! I haven’t touched my Mac client sync settings in a while so I’ll check this out.

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OpenWRT and Untangle are the most user-friendly Linux options for running on your own hardware, but most people in homelab use pfsense or opnsense which are based on FreeBSD.

Can you view an external library using your own folder structure and not in a timeline display? I was under the impression Immich can’t do that, at least not without manually creating them all as separate albums or by using a script.


I have photos from the last 30 years stored in this type of folder structure:


  • 2002-06-23 Mum’s birthday party — 2002-06-23 Mum’s birthday party-0001.TIF

I’m less interested in using it for photo backup since I’d prefer not to use an automated tool since I curate everything in my library so that it stays organised - I’m looking for something for viewing/displaying and sharing.