1 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Ikr, ever since I was kid I was told that I am part of generation that knows it's way around tech. Growing up and realizing that most of gen z can't comprehend simple IT related concepts was... disappointing.

Though at least they are aware that they need to remember their own passwords (looking at you boomers).

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Though I don't this will happen

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Turns out the best zucks idea is not zucks idea after all.

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Yes, instances share data. It's called federation. Nice intro to how all this works:

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I love this show. These brilliant jokes always come so unexpectedly for me.

Yep, no more karma farming bots reposting all the time.

DDG also partly buys results from Bing, so more good results with none privacy abuse. I only switch back to google when searching for images, DDG sucks at finding images.

You should find some small local cinemas. Sure screen is smaller, but so is the price and the atmosphere is great.


I wonder if at some point this will happen with twitter to mastodon. I know mastodon has currently larger community then lemmy, but I believe there never was this moment of sudden growth.

Exploding cars on parking lots and RV with meth lab inside causally passing by.

At this point it 100% is. I could bother and use nonsense apps, and their poor players. But now that I need 5 subscriptions and it's still like 40% chance that I find movie i want to see there it's simply stupid. Also consistency with plex and much better quality, not to mention frequently found bonuses like deleted scenes or interviews with creators / actors. Another thing, it's sad to see people switching to streaming lose their interest in exploring filmography by genre, director etc and only come down to brainlessly watching any garbage recommended by netflix.

Do they really restore manually deleted content?

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Good guy floppa

Holy shit that's a spike

I wonder if it keeps up. Also how does it look compared to reddit nowadays.


What the dog doin

Crazy? I was crazy once

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IMO this already happened. I've been seeing too many short videos content on reddit lately. That's why I've been slowly abandoning reddit. Eventually API changes made me switch to lemmy which is turning out fine right now.

Real question is where do you keep your beans.

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Another step into overwhelming success

Boris looks like ant

Looking at you Wrocław...

That's what happens to your linux if you install powershell

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Preemptive rejection

He thinks you can't see him

Preferebly both

Come here Coraline...

But seriously, very cute

And verification symbol...

They are the one that should know

Is that nautilus? Very slick

That's enough slices

Twitter implementation seems good enough. Big display name with smaller unique handle below. Might be a bit bloat, but solves the problem.

Sadly not anyone, only admins. Beehaw situation is risk with big instances. At least it's easy to change one if you start to dislike current.

His concern is probably that in comments etc. only username is displayed. You have to go to person's profile to discover their instance.

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