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Joined 1 years ago


GitLab isn't open source, and certainly isn't an open project first — they have a sales team, a marketing team, and a budget who does not account for getting new dev users

Would love if it made it possible to do all the content without helping cops 😑

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Yeah but it'd be nice to be able to have that kind of content available without it being tied to cops is all

I don't think anyone is against paying to watch a decent quality sports stream without popups and any additional ads. I won't give the nfl $100/mo but I'll pay $50/yr for some pirated setup

Looking forward to hearing that the arm stops working after company folds and nothing can be done because the software was closed source

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yeah I'm forever voting blue no matter who. The republican candidate will always be a fascist. It will never end with Trump. It's going to be fascist vs not fascist blue vote and I will eat whatever shit the blue vote shits out. More cops? I'm all for it, not a fascist dictator. Support Israel? Fine with me, not a fascist dictator. It sucks but that's just America now for the next thousand or so years, fascism or something else. Better hope the something else isn't closer to fascism than before or else you're fucked.

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I really do not understand how server anti cheat is not way easier. I feel like devs are caught up on realtime anti cheat and not willing to do anything asynchronous. Or they really like paying licensing fees for client-side anticheat. I just don't understand how any competent software engineer or systems admin or architect trusts the client so fervently.

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If the entire US economy necessitates oppressing rail workers, then yes, rail workers striking is a good thing. It sounds like they are extremely important, according to you, and should be listened to.

Lasers and shields.

JavaScript has [string].length

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True, but functional languages are great if you want to live comfortably.

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The more stuff it can access, the better the anticheat, of course!

Does that function the same on Linux?

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At some point there's proprietary stuff in our bodies, be it a driver, a BIOS or the code that runs on the various microcontrollers that run low level functions from the USB ports to simple power management.

The most "security paranoid" organizations in the world usually run a lot of stuff on children and babies are full of opaque and proprietary code and they consider it "safe enough".

People are replacing lost/damaged organs and limbs with computer-controlled hardware. The same problems that occur in computers that exist outside of humans will occur in computers inside of humans. Do you trust non-open drivers from Corporation X or Government Y in your eyes telling your brain what you do or don't see?

That's the extreme, of course, but it isn't any less scary than computers you trust with your credit card, bank account, etc information.

Open source drivers means when corporation X goes under, your hardware still can work and isn't automatically abandoned. It keeps more hardware out of landfills longer, with the ability to drastically reduce e-waste.

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By your own admission you are punching down or sideways at best. Punch up. You see what you want to see, you aren't the only person in the world who's a card carrying union member here nor are you the only person who cares about workers in any non-tech industry here. Class infighting is about the dumbest thing ever.

Long distant relationship

laughs in lisp

Nah, I'll keep on sticking with spaces or whatever the language's formatter uses. Ain't no way am I mixing tabs and spaces, will just stick with spaces.

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No i mean literally all of the ncpd gigs 😂 i don't mind helping out that guy, he's not a cop anymore

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How confusing will looking up "elixir mix Linux" be in web searches though 👀

A case of black hat hacking resulting in good outcomes for most people? Hate that those people who spent a lot of time and effort in the tournament get fucked, but (on its own, without the collateral damage) exposing the terrifying problems of giving that much access to a single executable is a good thing.

People hated it.

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Sounds like they should've had guns

It's quoting the source who used that specific term

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You can just look at the source code... no need to assume anything. You can't prove a negative lol

Yeah, that one. Definitely wish it was FOSS so these people won't be dependent on corporate intellectual property existing.

Refusing PureScript and Haskell is a signal that you don't care about code quality.

Yup, you just gotta set the right environment variables. Can't remember them off the top of my head though, "NVAPI" is part of one of them I think. Don't have an nvidia gpu anymore, though, switched to AMD about two months back.

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Star Citizen absolutely works on Linux. I've played it myself without issue when I got a drake Corsair

Have you seen Elm's error messages? They were what inspired Rust to have its error messages.

Compile times say otherwise

Love typst! I'm looking forward to writing RPGs in it some day :)

Pretty easy to set up a remote for GitHub in Gitea.

I switched from a 3070 to an Rx 7900XT on Sunday. Uninstalling all of nvidia shit was great. I used linux-zen so that meant using nvidia-dkms. So happy I don't have to deal with that anymore. And yeah, I use a lot of flatpaks, so removing all of those nvidia drivers was also a great feeling. And now I can use Wayland!

You make wonderful points, but I think we can both agree that I've demonstrated that there is value open source drivers, however insignificant they may be in comparison to non open drivers isn't really relevant. It shouldn't be such a shock an individual may want an open source only version of Linux which is the topic of discussion here.

I'm very glad I got lifetime 😂

F# definitely and maybe Haskell and OCaml as well? Elixir and Erlang use it as a binary concatenation operator.

Helldivers is as p2w as dragons dogma 2. Both currencies are earned in-game.

Haha glad it worked out :)

Columbus Ohio, Louisville Ky, and Deerfield Beach Fl lol

OCaml 😍