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"Hey, it appears to be int most of the time except that one time it has letters."

throws keyboard in trash

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True, and also true.

Do the insurance companies shield themselves by dividing into regional/state zones?

Edit: also, because it seems it'd be safer to balance risk v reward across the whole country. (They also invest insurance money in the stock market where most of their profit comes from.) Although, I suppose it'd be easier to grift states of their money when it looks like a subsidiary is failing rather than just looking at the whole balance sheet instead.

API is sitting there cackling like a mad scientist in a lightning storm.

Separate containers works like a dream when one app starts shitting the bed, gets auto-cycled, and everyone else just chills. Not surprised on the Reddit downvotes though. That place is so culty, especially now.

With governance across the US destroying libraries left and right, what IA is doing is basically a necessary future.

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To bring sexy back.

(But seriously, what a terrible television program, one old man spouting nonsense and the other looking confused and lost. There was absolutely zero reason for anyone to watch it.)

Short of congress impeaching Supreme Court members (which they can do), it seems the only real answer is to just expand it so that it has so many seats, it is effectively as useless as congress.

That's an astute observation. The Democrats are like the perpetual optimist from 90s cartoons that think the story always ends happy, the good guys win, and all you need is honor and trust and a good soundbite to pull through, instead of actually playing chess, or checkers, or perhaps politics with enough forward thinking to actually plan a few moves ahead for once. Perhaps they should hire an evil person to teach them how the R's think.

It really doesn't seem to be the political climate to do something good for the people right now, at least in the US. I feel dirty even typing the last part. It's so sad.

All the old Marijuana convictions being overturned means the corporate prison system has a shortage of free labor. Seems like jailing the homeless puts them back on top. Big Brain SCOTUS. /s

If done correctly, it also forces devs to write smaller more maintainable packages.

Big if though. I've seen many a terrible containerized monolithic app.

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They also have less workers per store now as they employ tablets for ordering, I believe, and some cooking processes have been simplified or removed.

The largest grift ever

All of his work has been grifts from the OG X to PayPal and beyond. He just seemed enigmatic or inspired to some people for a time, enough that kool-aid was drunk. (South Africans do have a way of mesmerizing people though, must be the accent.)

That some good technology happened to pop out of it along the way had less to do with him, and more the engineers tasked with making it happen.

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And as much chain fast food as possible. They're all doing it to varying degrees.

Learning to "life-hack" a web site for deals (especially when in a crisis) shouldn't be a prerequisite for purchasing food at a reasonable price. The onus should not be on the consumer to not get ripped off by the seller.

This is just a continuation of systemic failure of business running rampant on the web without any reasonable regulation to prevent it.

Motorola released the Skip tag line around 2013, including a keychain battery that could charge your phone, and had Bluetooth and could use that service to locate whatever it was attached to. 2013.

That's Pure Michigan, friend.

Snopes oddly released a "this is false" on that a few days ago.

Edit, found the link:

Gotta love corpo news.

have made some people stingier

They’re no longer appreciating service industry workers

Shut the fuck up and pay them a living wage you animals. Don't try and continue pitting individuals against each other. "Blame the consumer for everything" is so played out at this point.

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And you must rinse them out, too.

This step right here has to end. Recycling facilities should have cycling filtered graywater loops to do the rinsing. Using clean drinking water to rinse out containers is an absolute waste.

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Why do they keep calling it a war? A one-sided genocide of people trapped like rats by their captor, does not a war make.

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Similar to the theory that The Simpsons made a generation not trust nuclear power.

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But all this is known. We’re all gonna be scrambling when we reach that point, spouting “We didn’t listen” like that episode of South Park about this very issue.

That's the thing though, we, the we being your average human on the planet, are put in a position to have very little power to do anything about it. In America specifically (not so sure about the rest of the world) you're kept busy trying to manage your health insurance (if you have it), your retirement fund (if you have it), your job (that may or may not have unpaid on call), your home (maintaining and cleaning your home/apartment/townhouse, trying to do repairs yourself because you can't afford to pay for others to do it as prices for service/repair work have skyrocketed), your food (it is too expensive to even buy fast food anymore so you gotta cook to save money), your car (gotta own a vehicle as the US doesn't have meaningful public transport, gotta make sure it is insured, maintained, etc.), your bills (gotta juggle those credit card and points cards and discount cards to get the best deals on every purchase!), if you have children, then you have to manage all the facets of their lives as well including making their food, cleaning up after them, taking them to/from school and other extracurriculars, deal with any school system issues, and on and on.

By the end of the week, you just want to have five minutes to catch your breath, but you can't, because you only (maybe) have two days off of work and those will be spent catching up on whatever chores you didn't get done during the week.

Democratic governance was meant so that we could vote people into office to manage the governance, but now that is so bloated and broken, we also have to collectively stay on top of our nation, state, county, city's issues so we can be aware and try and "fight" back whenever we can with a letter or a council meeting. Never going to have time to go to a protest or skip out of work for a week to protest with your work/dollar because living paycheck-to-paycheck with no safety net means you're homeless if one thing fucks up.

The whole system (again, in the US at least) is designed to keep one so busy that one doesn't even know their way out of the week, let alone to take individual action to collectively organize and kick these politicians and corporations in the teeth for destroying the human habitability of the planet.

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The China love on the Lemmys is a bit odd.

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Tech engineers need to unionize. Many probably feel guilty of even considering such things because the salaries are insane compared to other jobs, but it doesn't matter. Being treated like shit is being treated like shit regardless of how much money you make.

The psychological abuse tech companies regularly push on engineers is unhealthy, and then the constant layoffs that literally play games with peoples' lives just to make a family of yachts a little happier. It's disgusting. Sad thing is, some tech workers may not even notice how far down the well they've traveled with the constant pressure the companies try to apply to their staff.

The constant goals of annual tech releases and huge profit gains were never sustainable. Tech bros think they're being so "disruptive" but they're just playing a grift with lipstick on at the expense of thousands upon thousands of lives that shouldn't be as stressful as they are. All while creating mountains of ewaste to help push the planet towards being uninhabitable.

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A majority, 78%, of U.S. workers say they don’t take all their PTO days, and it’s highest among Gen Z workers and millennials

Younger professionals say they don’t ask for time off because they feel pressure to meet deadlines and be productive

Another article sensationalizing the term "millennial" for clicks. Millennials are in their 40s now.

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It's a really weird and very American problem. Our home broadband either doesn't exist or is really expensive in any given market, and tends to have clauses, conditions, etc. Like Comcrap limiting people to 1TB/mon (very easy to burn through quickly by just watching some television programs) unless they pay more for "unlimited". People, as taught by Capitalism, hunt for the best deals. Paying one bill instead of two saves money. Some have light enough home Internet requirements that they don't need expensive home broadband.

Then the companies get pissed that we're doing what we are supposed to do, find the best deal for our needs, so they set up false gates to make sure we follow the path they want us to follow. Then they pay off the regulatory agencies to allow terms like "unlimited" mean not unlimited, 3G HSPA+ being known as 4G. 4G being known as LTE, 4GLTE or 5Ge. 5G being known as 5G, 5G+, 5GUW, 5GUC, (even though, with the exception of T-Mobile in many markets, that 5G will actually be non-standalone and anchored to an LTE packet core, not 5G SA) and all the other damn arbitrary marketing buzzwords. All of which really mean nothing because the 5G spec allows a carrier to flip on the 5G availability flag on a phone even if 5G doesn't exist in your market.

Most of this, AT&T is the biggest perpetrator of by far. Especially the lying about 5G.

The rules are all made up, nothing is real. Time for the arbitrary monthly bill increase for no reason! Pay up, chump!

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Immediate loss of all Federal funding. Welfare states like Louisiana will feel the pinch quickly.

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NHS is just suffering from decades of destruction at the hand of the UK's version of US Republicans. They want it destroyed and continue to whittle away at to make perceptions such as this the norm, until they can fully destroy it.

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It can't have faster charging because it lacks the space to dissipate the thermal energy to stop it from catching on fire. If it did support 45W on paper, it would still charge slower to prevent thermal runaway. The "Ultra" models have thermal cooling systems that rival laptop computers just short of active cooling fans.

It can't have UWB because it's too small for the 30,000 antennae they have to jam in the phone. 4x for cellular, then GPS, WiFi, Bluetooth, Wireless charging, NFC, and on and on.

These phones, especially Samsung, jam so much technology in such a small package. We're brushing up against the laws of physics.

And lets not even talk about then also expecting good cellular reception when on your lower cellular bands. Take 700MHz for example, an ideal 1/2 wavelength antenna would have to be 21cm/8.2in tall, so they have to use fractional wavelengths that further degrade performance potential, again, due to physics. (While still also supporting the fractional wavelengths of 30 other bands.) The plus and ultra models at least have space to approach more usable antennae for better reception. The tiny phones (and watches) don't really have a chance.

Now, Google's software feature nonsense, and the way handset manufacturers manipulate price for a few cents worth of storage increase are both downright criminal. However, the telephoto lens thing again goes back to space and reality. Telephoto cameras take up a ton of space. Look at a teardown of the S22 Ultra to see how big the camera modules are.

That's actually an annoying point I recently observed though. The S24 ultra has a lower resolution 10x camera than either the S22 Ultra or S23 Ultra. I think they're trying to make up the difference with "AI" instead of real sensor/glass. Maybe it'll get rid of the camera rattle though.

About damn time. They should have never been allowed to grow so big in so many markets to become the only player. They're literally mentally crippling a generation of youngs that now don't know how technology works. I remember a young coworker at a technology company a while back remarking, upon finding another coworker's Android phone, "Oh wait, this is Android? Well, we're going to need a hacker to figure out how to use that thing," and he sat it back down, defeated. Wat.

Electric vehicles aren't helping with the transition to electric vehicles. Cars are more expensive than ever. If one has a choice between an annoyingly necessary vehicle that can get them to and from work and take care of long trips, or something that costs the same (or more) and can't even get you halfway across the state on a single charge, which would one with a limited budget pick?

I have some friends that tried to take the plunge with EV. They bought one used, so some age on the traction pack. Cold-ass winter came along, the car doesn't do active thermal management of the pack. They could barely make it 24 miles between towns. Their next car will be a hybrid. Until EVs are priced similar and behave similar to ICE cars, it's going to be a slow roll to convert people.

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You'll take your overpriced medicine from your out of network pharmacy and you'll like it. At the fake markup price. And good luck getting that ultrasound, they're going to code the billing wrong so instead of it being $40 it's $1000. That's freedom talking.

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Honestly, it wouldn't have been a bad place to be if they hadn't destroyed it from the inside. Windows on ARM is super stable. You can still build your own computer, or at least buy one with user-swappable parts. Linux has become much easier and wasn't too bad to use even a decade ago, but it was nice being able to have a non-Apple computer running programs and getting work done that was just there to do the business. I'm speaking as one that attempted to use the kool-aid for a few years after Apple stopped using user-swappable batteries, memory, disk, their hardware upcharges are pure asshole insanity. I'm fully capable of using Linux, compiling my kernel, modifying driver source to work around problems, but, I don't want to when I'm just trying to pay my bills. Streaming media services come and go with Linux support, hardware support is often lacking until the work is done to make the hardware work correctly. Windows, for all it's .... windowsness .... worked. Until the last 8 months when they decided to put a molotov cocktail under the hood and see what happens.

Apple is headed this way too, now that they don't have SJ to errantly blow up the current tech to try something new and random (although, had he survived his cancer, he'd have just gone Musky with age like a lot of that generation has, mmmm leaded gas!) Apple will hold on just a bit longer because iOS gave them one new platform reboot (ish) to live off of, while Microsoft is still kicking around technical debt until the end of time.

Oh, edit though, I've been migrating my machines to Linux one by one now. Not going to bother sticking around to see that Windows train wreck continue.

Those that caused the switchover to Flint River water that resulted in the disaster surfacing definitely should be drawn and quartered, no question. Snyder and his city managers put all this nonsense in motion and should be charged with crimes against humanity.

However, it's also a systemic, deeper problem in the US. Flint's pipes didn't suddenly become terrible overnight. The entire water system was in disrepair for decades. The only reason it didn't surface sooner was they were regulating the water going through it to hold the demons at bay. Even when it was working, pre-disaster, the water was safe to drink, but horrible from a drinking water perspective.

The whole system was a giant leaking piece of junk that basically kept working due to positive pressure pushing contaminants out of the leaks, and the pH level being maintained so the old pipes wouldn't start leeching into the water. That a GM engine plant had to switch water sources because the water was damaging the engine construction is just mind-blowing. Human bodies are vastly more delicate than engines.

Flint's not the only one either, many American cities with aging water infrastructure that wasn't properly maintained all have/had similar problems.

We are such a short-sighted country that seems to so quickly forget that our infrastructure requires constant maintenance and updates. I really think the generation that got to live among all the New Deal and post WWII infrastructure just thought they lived in a magic time where all this stuff just exists forever, rather than realizing it takes stewardship to keep things "the way they are". Now, we on the back end, reap the rewards of everything falling apart at the same time, faster than we can fix it.

Oh, no. They were just idiots in this case. If they want to really hurt you, they'll, just force an EMT to administer a lethal dose of ketamine, or break an old woman's arm over a petty theft from a walmart and then leave her wounded and untreated in jail for hours, or shoot an unarmed kid that called 911 because he was tripping on too many drugs and needed help. (All things that have happened in the area in the last few years.)

Texas doctors face harsh penalties for performing an abortion that does not meet the criteria for a medical exception — fines of at least $100,000 and up to 99 years in prison.

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Just a really weird loud subsect. They're so loud now because they finally realize they're the minority and they don't like it. So they throw tantrums like children because their lifestyle is a commitment to low education and blind faith in a corrupt version of reality and a misinterpretation of their own faith.

Sadly, the Internet (troll farms, social media, etc.) has enabled easy access to loudness, to make it seem like they speak for everyone, when they don't.

There are plenty of Americans that are Christian and not apeshit. There are also plenty of Americans that are neither Christian, nor apeshit. These two groups just don't go around screaming about it all day because they're normal, sane, properly educated people.

This and many others are reasons a switch to Linux has been so joyful. No more Windows trying to guilt me, nag me, push me, trick me, abuse me to use shit the way they want. It's so much more....quiet.

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