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Their idea is that democrats won’t get back into power.

I’d rather eat pussy, as suggested in the top of the photo.

I disagree. They need to understand math, but not being able to calculate math problems in their head.

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Cheers to the women of the fediverse, and the world, on your day. Glad to have you around :)

Yep, looks like Phony Stark is at it again.

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Can we please put some kindergarten nannies in charge of that nation…?

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Do they really understand what they are asking for, and the scope of it? I have a hard time accepting that this many people fully understand who and what Trump is and entails, and voting for that.

Also “simple”. “It’s a simple feature.”

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Those voting records could come in handy any old time…

I worked in a post office once. I once had a customer demand some package delivery option, if I remember correctly. He was adamant that it was “only a few lines of code”, that I was difficult for not obliging, and that anyone in the postal service should make code changes like that on the whims of customers. It felt like I could have more luck explaining “wallpaper” to the currents in the ocean…

Those from the USA that grab the attention are not sane, but I assume there are sane people there. What are their take and outlook on this? What’s their outlook on the future, and are there developments in their outlook on the USA?

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Hi, thanks for sharing and yay for diversity 😃

I believe that it’s not for nothing that simplicity is considered more sophisticated. Many, many cycles of refinement.

That is genuinely freaky. I mean they should know better. Like way better.

Republicans only seem to be pro life until the child is born.

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I can absolutely see growing unrest if this continues. It was a bit close for comfort during the peak of BLM, but I can absolutely understand why it happened.

Good summary, I got about the same impression. Looking in from the outside it seems so obvious that there is a lot of corruption, consolidation of power, consolidation of wealth, but I guess it’s difficult to do anything about.

The scary thing is that that frame of mind exists elsewhere as well. But I guess it’s more of it in the US.

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I haven’t seen anyone mention rubberducking or documentation or understanding code as use cases for AI before, but those are truly useful and meaningful advantages. Thanks for bringing that to my attention :)

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Then marriage becomes a jail. How can she escape if he is an asshole? Unfaithful? Violent? But that’s maybe the point?

Absolutely. If one just “does as told” without understanding without understanding there is no way of knowing if one is lost or not.

I’ve had similar experiences in school myself, and they truly are detrimental to both learning and the joy of learning.

I’m glad you are doing better, and thanks for sharing your story :)

You know, looking at world news, maybe kindergarten nurses should be in charge of the world?

“Freedom for me, not for thee”?

Stanky Phony Stark?

It’s scary as F to look at that madman getting closer to getting that kind of power again.I shiver to think what he’ll accomplish when he’s prepared.

“Pro human capital” is a good term, thank you for introducing me to it. I’d say numerous, dumb, poor workers who are desperate to serve for scraps because of austerity.

Feel free :) (I’m not the origin BTW)

He’s more like a Phony Stark level “genius”.

I like foolhardy in this context. And a foolhardy index would be interesting.

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I don’t have a solution for that, unfortunately.

I can understand that you feel that way, is there any of your rights that seems safe? And from what I can gather there’s not a majority behind those changes - it’s a religious minority that one side needs in order to get a majority that is allowed to dictate this direction?

I haven’t seen The Handmaids Tale, but I’ve heard it’s good, and I’ve put it on my watchlist.

Those vocals are pretty good for being computer generated. It’s no replacement for greats like Bowie, Simone, Jagger, Winehouse, Yorke, etc, etc, but it’s not supposed to be. Sometimes it’ll do the trick, sometimes it’ll be a necessity, it’ll work for some backing vocals, demos, sketches, songwriting experimentation, guide vocals, and so on. I hope we’ll see awesome AI tools being used to make awesome music.

I definitely have that fear myself, but I hope human resilience hangs in there. Besides, I don’t think I’d care if the masses listen to bland shit by 17 songwriters or bland shit by AI ;)

There has been synths that has been used to trigger vocal samples, among other things, for like 40(?) years, and this almost sounds like an evolution to that?

There are a lot of technological innovations in music (vax roll recording, tape recording, DAW recording, tube amps, transistor amps, amp modellers, Mellotron, analog synths, modular synths, digital synths, soft-synths, etc, etc, etc), and I think there’s surely more to come, and awesome new music to be made possible from the technological advantages.

I agree that the technology is not the problem, but how it’s used. If, let’s say, giant corporations feed all of human art into their closed, proprietary models only to churn out endless amounts of disposable entertainment, it would be detrimental to the creation of original art and I’d look upon that as a bad thing. But I guess we as a society has decided that we want to empower our corporate overlords at the expense of ourselves, to go far off topic of the original thread :/

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