1 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Assuming OOP does infact just microwave poptarts and relies on other ready-mades, I don't think they have all the necessary equipment for baking.

I just think it's a tougher place to start in because while you get exact measurements, there's more nuance and less room for improvising.

I tried baking something (pigs in blankets) for the first time after having cooked for years. If you are not fully prepared for every micro-disaster that can strike during dough making, your life will be hell. Cooking pasta only has the prerequisite of knowing how to boil water, and reading the time for how much to boil the noodles.

You can follow the instructions on bread, quantities and time to bake, and yet there's still stuff you have to account for and know from experience.

Baking is the worst place to start for a beginner, because it reauires more precision in ingredient quantity and technique. There's little room for error.

Whereas with cooking a simple dish like pasta or rice, you have more leeway with quantities and cooking times and preparation. And wayy more room for error. You can easily experiment with more/less of ingredients because it won't affect the overall dish and flavour much.

Whereas with baking, dough for example is hell. You need an almost astronomical precision unless you want to glue your entire kitchen, or make it too runny, or too floury. Baking also becomes more difficult wihout measurement devices, whereas with cooking trusting something loose like a cup or just eyeballing isn't catastrophic.

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gamers will use what little voice they have to place the spotlight on a shit game and giving it an award, getting people to buy that game. Holy shit this is stupid

I'd rather see "gamers" vote for actual good and fitting games for these awards, starving shit games from any attention and money.

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Why AI generate when you can google it? (bonus points: a real turtle experienced this!)

the limit got increased to 25 mb

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how much did they pay you

Or maybe he's saying the company's desire for profits took precedence over allowing people to read actual sex crimes and be upset about it.

Plus his first concern was the victims clearly, after having clicked the linka nd being blocked off from accessing it by a paywall. Maybe you should have taken your advice and moved along

I clicked an ad for roblox in 2012 when i was a child. Probably the only ad i don't regret clicking on, accidentally or not.

I think I also might have clicked an ad on kongregate around that same time period.

Now I use an adblocker, so I can't really click on ads even if i wanted to

I mean, apart from Biden. He gives a fuck, clearly

Apart from doing a dumb thing and die, why the absolute psychopathy?? Do you realise this person didn't steal the land themselves?? Are you that desperate to be a racist prick for no reason?

Don't just blame the war and whatever Russia did on random citizens of the country lmao


This would only hold up if the person is using male/female and not man/female

And assuming this still holds up, why not go with male/woman? The type of people to use this shouldn't be bothered, i mean thry throw the term "alpha male" all the time

Oh wait, i think the solution is to just use man/woman unless you're in a very biological discussion

Not the shit

I would hope it's not

I feel like this isn't something about not using metric measurements but rather something to help visualisation. I'm all for using metric but it's still nice to have something to attach to the number. Especially for bigger numbers.

Even in countries/places that use metric, i've seen comparisons like this like (x meters = 1 footbal stadium) and so on.

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just a few more years of animal torture, as a treat. Can anyone help me understand why it would take so long for a ban to happen?

Fake colonoscopist?

And if you stop helping Ukraine and it runs out of resources, what do you think will happen?

Russia will see this and be like: "oh sorry Ukraine i'll continue when you are rich"

I dislike war as much as the next guy but I also dislike the idea of Russia taking over Ukraine. And Poland. And Moldova. And any other former USSR state

yeah i was mostly just thinking how stupid it is to vote for starfield as "most innovative gameplay"

I mean, AI doesn't go out by itself to generate art, its someone somewhere asking it to do so. And while most of these are simply eye-candy, im sure there are people out there that use AI to generate art that actually communicates something. So then, it becomes a tool like a paintbrush, but modified to be accessible to everyone.

Anecdotal but once out of curiosity i gave an AI one of my drawings and generate something similar, and the results communicated what i wanted to, without it being the exact same image, and it also inspired me, rather than making me feel bad about my own art.

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tinnitus and sometimes a car driving outside

at least these reviews are more informative about a game than the "just leaving this cat here" for thr billionth time

And useful to let you know if a post is actually genuine/useful, or something you should probably ignore and disregard because everyone else that read it before you discarded it as bad

no it must only be for content farming

but then i am a bit confused, if i can use an account on every instance, why is there an option to make accounts per instance in the first place?

Why isn't there a centralised account log in, and then you select what instances you want to browse?

Also what happens if say, two people have the same username, but are on different instances?

sorry for the myriad of questions i am still new to this whole thing

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I don't think OOP wanting to leave Israel will harm the struggle of the community. Plus, who is saying they can't help the cause by being alive and doing things in Europe/Canada/US?

Another thing to consider is that someone fighting for a cause they don't believe in might do more harm to the cause than good.

okay but you make posts with the expectation they are public. Votes only change a number, and are a way for you to show support/disagreement for something without broadcasting it to everyone.

If you want to broadcast it and make it public you can reply to a comment

huh, interesting, do you have any examples of this?

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that makes sense, i didn't think of that.

assuming no alien got there first millennia ago and then packed up and left

left handed and right brow gang aswell. Wonder if it has to do with brain hemispheres

i have a question: i've made accounts on multiple instances thinking i won't be able to post on them otherwise, is that okay?

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holy shit that's cool

With this attitude there is no way in hell you should or could be the leading authority on human conversation.

It's called social anxiety. I'm so sorry someone being anxious is inconvenient to you.

Have you considered not commenting?

Why not use the calculator app?

(at least on Sync) if you go in settings > filters, you can hide posts by certain keywords

Why draw maps? theres an NPC that gives you a map of the current area, you can locate him by the sound he makes.

Oh and theres a charm that shows your location at all times on the map

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i see, makes sense. Its been a long time since i played HK, but you can also increase charm slots.

Also you're not supposed to be able to use all of them at once, you have to change based on situation (although you can have one charm over thr limit at the cost of double damage received)

good luck with your custom map search though, Hollow Knight is a very good game

actual zombie

i would post but for now i don't have anything to post. I was more of a commenter on reddit anyway

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what about horse carriages??? road networks were built for those way before bikes existed

i don't really get angry in debates but yes it's fun. it's also funny seeing the person i'm debating get angry

personally i liked having debates with people in the comments. Sometimes i'd make a dumb joke about the post, but most of the times i'd just be completely silent

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