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They asked nicely. Then they abruptly started threatening termination. Keep in mind this is after they had to close a few offices when the regular employee RTO mandate resulted in a large amount of attrition.

So now there are people with 120+ mile round trip commutes because they live within the cutoff distance. Nearly all meetings are video calls anyway due to team members being scattered all over the world. When folks asked leadership why in a company-wide meeting months ago they basically said to suck it up.

This has morale pretty low, when it was already terrible even for folks that prefer in-person and live close. Some quit after the announcement. The brain drain is already causing an impact because there’s so much tribal knowledge and teams are silo’d as hell.

Never seen a company so out of touch or be so openly hostile to their workers. It’s just wild.

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"Can I live with you?" I remember my Dad joking. I said, "Maybe you should have thought of that when you kicked me out when I finished high school."

Smaller subreddits usually supported by a few power users are dying off. I remember it taking me a couple hours to read through the top posts at end of day. Now you’re lucky to see a week’s worth of genuine top posts.

Posts getting roasted in the comments for being too boomery, capitalist bootlicking or hive-mindish happens less and less.

Because the people that flock to these platforms first are usually technically adept nerds and free thinkers.

Dunkie’s review is hilarious

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I took a job with a multiple hour commute. I was miserable and alone in an unfamiliar state. I was working 16 hour days just to keep the place from imploding after they laid off the rest of my team with zero warning. Had just broken up with my girlfriend. Things were bad. That coupled with the insomnia led to me basically not sleeping at all aside from naps for days on end.

We got hit with a major storm and after 5 days of no power or heat my parents suggested I drive to their house. It was about 2 hours away. I jumped at the chance to get out of that hellhole. Hopped in my car, thought I was a little sleepy but I’d done longer drives many times before. 2 hours was nothing… right?

I started dozing off about an hour in. Couldn’t keep my eyes open. The lines on the road were hypnotizing me. I remember cranking the A/C to max even though it was freezing, turning the radio up and even slapping myself in the face to try and wake myself up. Nothing worked and I started getting scared and looking for a rest area. There were none and there wasn’t a safe spot to pull off. I thought I could make it as I had ”only” 20 minutes of travel left. Nope.

I started microsleeping. Though it’s possible I was doing it the entire time and didn’t even realize it. Nothing would keep me awake. At all. Until I woke up to my car bouncing off a concrete divider on the left side of the highway when I had been in the right lane before. I remember hearing horns blaring and people gunning it to get away from me. I was definitely awake then. I drove home the rest of the way white-knuckled, eyes big as saucers. Couldn’t believe nothing worse happened. I felt like such an asshole putting myself and others in danger like that.

So I can see this happening. Ataxia is no joke. It will creep up on you slowly. You might not even realize you’re microsleeping ever. And hers was obviously much worse than mine. If you think you have insomnia or sleep apnea, tell your doctor.

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I made a burner to see for myself after using it for work a few years ago. It’s a complete dumpster fire now, way worse than before. Bots and shitty animated gambling ads everywhere. Porn bots and scammers are trying to follow you every 2 seconds. Elon’s dipshit musings/ragebait are forced into your feed even when you block him. Any tweets you make get zero engagement. remaining accounts are either bots, racists, fascists, or creators and celebrities moaning and/or hemming and hawing about leaving all the time because muh ego. It’s not even worth witnessing the spectacle.

It’s also fucking straight up broken half the time. Mastodon is a breath of fresh air in comparison even pre-Elon. Wish more would use it.

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Pure damage control lingo. Anyone in the game for a while knows exactly how Broadcom operates. Theyre not hanging around while they squeeze the juice out until it becomes another SAP or Oracle. If he thinks a subscription model isn’t going to cause a mass exodus, he is a fool.

She's right. People are tired of the status quo which is slowly being dismantled by Republicans in the House, etc. Attacking them only further entrenches people who lean right. Hilary already made this mistake when she thought Trump was an easy win and ignored flyover states. This is how you lose swing state votes, too. Biden and his team have done a lot of good things, but it's all for naught if nobody sees it - his messaging sucks.

In the article I read one of them dropped a 25 pound rock on its head until she was exhausted. She’d almost given up when it finally started letting go. Before that they were stabbing with a small knife and kicking the shit out of it with tree branches and nothing was really working. They also tried choking it out but said it felt like it was made of iron. Scary shit.

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I bought a keyboard kit recently and to my horror discovered all the “documentation” to build it is on Discord. The creator’s last message was that he was working on other things after losing interest, and was not monitoring it anymore. So all the channels are full of messages asking where he is, what the status is, is he coming back, etc. I had to scroll back through dozens of pages just to find the docs.

Maybe put up a wiki on GitHub or something? Especially if you don’t want to run a forum or plan on dipping. It’s not that hard.

Yeah let’s eat this animal that consumes jellyfish like they’re tictacs…

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They buy competitors with a good product and put their name on it.

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And The Boys with Homelander when they realized he’s a caricature.

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A large percentage of serial killers suffered from childhood abuse and trauma. Kids in the foster system are often abused and traumatized. I can see it.

This is a good thing. No matter how they try to paint it. I only stuck with some when interest and content waned because I was grandfathered in. When Netflix etc. took that away it made dumping them an easy decision. Not an “impulsive” one. There’s no point in being loyal to these companies. Especially when they pulled this shit after previously they claimed we were locked in on that pricing and started forcing ads. Greedy bastards.

It’s a joke unless you need something overnighted or next day and as a bonus - it will usually be improperly packaged and delivered with malice.

Prime Video catalogue is a pale shadow of what it used to be. Exclusives have dwindled. Now they want 3 bucks for no ads on top of paying for Prime? Naw.

Counterfeits are everywhere. That’s what Aliexpress is for (half joking). Frequently have to check the manufacturer’s site when pricing or picture seems dubious.

One delivery driver commandeers our neighbors’ empty driveway, swings the back doors open and blasts shitty pop music at full volume while fumbling through deliveries for 30 minutes every other day.

Buying direct is now often the same price more or less and you can get in a week anyway for negligible shipping price. Or even free shipping if you spend x amount.

So we cancelled too.

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Ours made everyone come back to work at one office if they live within 60 miles. Datacenter floor is collapsing. Two areas are closed due to vermin being exterminated. Charmed life.

After seeing the horrific stuff my demented friends have made dall-e barf out I’m excited and afraid at the same time.

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Aggressive Shih-Tzu owner had stopped to chat with Cane Corso owners that kept them chained up out front while they sat on their porch, and her little bastard got bold. Corsos snapped their chains and were shaking him like a paper plate. The sound it made as they ripped into him… Then suddenly silence and grunting from the neighbors struggling to pry the Corsos off. Somehow little shithead survived.

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Depends on state.

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There’s no reportedly. Pictures all over Reddit now.

Lead acid is fine. I’d get the cheapest one you can find with OEM- level cold cranking amps. Otherwise they’re almost all the same and made by basically 3 or so companies. Ignore the marketing.

AGMs are very durable and tolerant of poor maintenance but you pay for it.

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Vine understood that. TikTok doesn’t and YouTube shorts is a glitchy mess. I use an extension to hide them because of it.

Cucker Tarlson bringing us the “real” story. Putin is worried about slanted journalists not agreeing with his narrative, gets the biggest softball pitcher ever and can’t even talk around his ego. Mad cringe.

Arstechnica looking like a malware proliferating site itself on mobile.

I've seen them owned by the RSS functionality. So many little hidey holes. I can't imagine how diverse their infrastructure is.

There’s a company doing this already. Giant battery sits behind the cab. They drive up, unplug it like a LEGO with a huge robot arm, plunk in a new one and good to go.

We do as well. I remember kinda scoffing at them before my incident. Had to learn the hard, stupid and expensive way it’s definitely true.


1000% There were some sad posts on the subreddit. I thought they were trolling at first but, no.

You should see how they talk when they think they're in their echo chambers. Hell, they just do it in the open now.

This is a tactic to make them seem objective. Don’t believe it.

Yes. Hilary thought he was easy work. Blew up in her face.

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Yes. My wife has dual citizenship. We joked about it at first, but now it's no longer funny with all the crazy shit going on in the US. And our state is becoming massively overpopulated thanks to the horrible economy. The only real thing keeping us back is family but it seems like we're all so busy I never see them anyway.

I use Amazon to find stuff I want or need. Then I look to see if I can buy direct and more often than not it’s close or close enough in price and shipping. Or I look for a specialty retailer like B&H if it’s electronic, Jenson USA for bike parts etc. As a side bonus they usually know how to pack items properly too.

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If you don’t regularly get enough restful sleep you can start microsleeping and you wont be aware of it. I’d have a stern talk with your brother about that since he does dangerous work as an electrician and has a young daughter.

The option to install Opera should be removed.

I'm finishing up moving all my accounts to Proton. I don't trust them at all anymore. Late stage capitalism at its finest.

The Science Diet for dogs with food sensitivity or allergies isn’t bad. Kinda bland.