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Joined 1 years ago

I still don’t know why she didn’t even think for a second there could be an error in the system.

Unless maybe she was hiding something, maybe stealing funds and hiding them as overstock?

Oh hell no, I had already relocated to another city in the meantime. Plus the HR manager was present when I tendered in my resignation and said nothing. So no way I would return there

Star Trek moved over as well

My manager didn’t trusted anyone. Had the highest turnover rate in the company. In my position they had 7 buyers within 2 and a half years. Her bosses were aware there were issues within our team, but trusted her more than even numbers on papers as she was their first employee and felt loyalty towards her after 20 years working together

She was. She cost the company so much money during those 4 weeks when production was closed down that even her bosses loyalty couldn’t save her at that point. Hundreds, if not thousands of orders to clients not delivered, clients pulling back and finding other suppliers for their businesses, carriers refusing to deal with her directly, those were all things that couldn’t be covered anymore

I did when I went back in the next day to pick up my stuff. The younger ones were shocked while the older ones thought I exaggerated by quitting. They agreed with the fact that I was cheating saying that I was raising the standard to a point where they couldn’t compete. I still remember our accountant “if everybody did what you did, then the older ones like me wouldn’t have a place to work because you younger people and your computers took away our chance to work”. I do get being afraid for your future and having a resistance to change and low adaptability, so for ones over 50 I really do understand where they were coming from. They were barely learning how to use Facebook at that point…

On the other hand YSK if you need to gain weight fast (for example before an operation, or if you’re having health issues) adding protein shakes into your regular diet does the trick. If you don’t have any protein powder on hand you can use slimming shakes since most of them have a high protein and vitamin concentration, since they are meant to replace meals. If instead of replacing meals you supplement them with those shakes it is a fast way to gain weight. Twice I needed to gain weight fast: once before a surgery, once due to extreme weight loss caused by an ED, and both times I used shakes to supplement meals (doctor’s approval) with success.

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Definitely Heroes for me

There a new influx in the user migration as well, as some subreddits started pinning lemmy and instances on their subs. Also if you go on protest subreddits (such as ModCoord and Save3rdPartyApps) almost every post has a thread/comment redirecting people to the fediverse.

15 years ago that was quite accurate: notebooks and pens. That company hated anything digital

Posting this again, as for some reason it got posted as a reply…

I’m playing about. I am on IOS so I saved the web app on the home screen as well and I find myself using it to find new communities/ comment/ post. I like Memmy as I enjoy the look and feel, I just feel it’s lacking a bit of functionality (such as receiving notifications, or searching for communities), but it easier to block communities on it. Mlem is nice as well, but again lacking a bit functionality wise (does not have search, cannot see post history, cannot receive notifications). At the moment I am switching between them depending on my needs at the moment and I will decide on one depending on their development in the future. I don’t mind testing new stuff and I enjoy discovering updates as they are coming on each of them

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I tried it, put in the link to the community (one of the main Support ones) and nothing happened… tried with another, again nothing. I thought I was using the wrong link, went from the web app, searched for it, copied the link from the search results, went back to Mlemm, pasted it and again nothing…. :(

I’m playing about. I am on IOS so I saved the web app on the home screen as well and I find myself using it to find new communities/ comment/ post. I like Memmy as I enjoy the look and feel, I just feel it’s lacking a bit of functionality (such as receiving notifications, or searching for communities), but it easier to block communities on it. Mlem is nice as well, but again lacking a bit functionality wise (does not have search, cannot see post history, cannot receive notifications). At the moment I am switching between them depending on my needs at the moment and I will decide on one depending on their development in the future. I don’t mind testing new stuff and I enjoy discovering updates as they are coming on each of them

Edit: sorry, don’t know why it posted as reply, I thought I was replying to the main thread

Couldn’t do that, I tried, but being a large open space office with almost 40 people in there. So everyone was in everyone’s business.

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Don’t underestimate how much resistance to change stops people from looking beyond the status quo. Moving away from Reddit is a clear example. I suspect a lot of lurkers from Reddit are actually from the category of Late Majority or Laggards