2 Post – 98 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Why couldn't we switch back to glass as our primary container material? Wasn't that always fully recyclable?

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I, also, am hip and with it. Witness my funky fresh lingo and in-your-face attitude, home skillet.

As a South Carolinian, I'm afraid for my mixed race family. I'm going to be getting my son a passport (my wife and I already have ours) and I'm seriously considering fleeing the country if the Confederacy rises again. I will not live in a nation where my wife and son may not be considered equal. I've lived here my whole life, and I used to think we were past all the racism and stuff like the Klan. The last 8 years have shown me how wrong I was. I've lost a lot of former friends to this, and I'm ready to go back to living somewhere I don't have to worry about basic human rights, democracy, and the basic decency of my neighbors.

Yeah, definitely like the rapist Brock Allen Turner.

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How is it legal for him to use funds raised for a political campaign on his personal legal fees? Isn't this a kind of fraud or something?

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Queue loud song by The Who...

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Does anybody remember the way the floors had a springiness to them and how they squeaked and creaked as you walked across them?

How about the mental kind of threshold-looking strip in the middle of the floor from wall to wall where I believe they had connected two halves together, if I recall?

It's a good stick. Not as good as the one I saw on the Internet recently that had a nearly perfect guard and hilt like a sword, but still pretty awesome.

For the people that want to ban sticks here: please don't take away my joy!

As a born and bred southerner, I wish Reconstruction had continued with harsh penalties until the freedmen would be able to retain their stake in government without the backing of the Union Army. As it was, after the compromise following the election of 1876, the Republicans effectively sold out the former slaves for thirty pieces of silver. Of course things went right back to white supremacy, just with different words for the institutions--not to be funny, but it was literally slavery with extra steps (sharecropping, Jim Crow, poll taxes, literacy tests, and the like).

There were so many missed opportunities from the late war to that election. I've always thought land redistribution to the freed slaves (aka "forty acres and a mule") would have gone a long way towards establishing a class of black landowners while eating away at the power and wealth of their former masters. That kind of economic freedom would have gone a long way towards ensuring personal freedoms could be defended and retained. Simultaneously giving poor whites more education and economic freedom could have robbed the elites of their mob over time.

As it turned out, they created a stratified set of underclasses, with African-Americans at the bottom all over again.

Anyway, it would have been a mercy to white trash like myself and freed slaves to just crush the old master class until they couldn't rise again. Lincoln was wrong about letting the Confederates up easy. Maybe if Andrew Johnson's impeachment had resulted in a conviction, things would have been different. Again, so many missed opportunities...

I enjoy Sam's Club's "Scan and Go" feature in their app. I scan my items and pay in the app. I never have to interact with a soul, and that's peachy keen in my book.

Where are you planning to go? I'm inclined to want to leave, but I have no idea where to go.

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I liked Google+, mostly because it wasn't Facebook, I guess.

Christian here. Can confirm that he checks a lot of the boxes for me. It's terrifying to me how completely the alleged Church has accepted him.

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If there's a reason why he's "not a pedophile" as they claim, let's hear their reasoning. Miscarriages of justice do occur, but there's no outcry that this dude got a raw deal. In the absence of any evidence to the contrary, I'll trust the verdict of the court, indicating that Steve van de Velde is a pedophile.

Being one of the lesser-endowed, I'll allow it.

Adam Something is a favorite of mine.

Naw, that's an Allen wrench. They're useful and contribute to our society, unlike Brock Allen Turner, the rapist.

It's not the herp, it's the derp.

Yeah, but Trump doesn't have the lobes for it, either.

PC Load Letter? What does that even mean?

I read the "your" as singular at first, raising the troubling specter of people having their multiple asses cleaned. If it weren't for an ancient South Park reference with Dr. Mephisto's multi-assed mutants, I think I'd be worried about how my mind works. Maybe I should be, anyway.

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Interesting. Looking at the Business Plot, it looks like Smedley Butler may just be a new hero of mine. Thank God they chose someone who wouldn't go along with their crap.

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Their breakfast burritos are good, cheap, and a great value for your money. Use their app, and you can get free stuff regularly, too.

EDIT: I'm talking about their lowest tier breakfast burritos. The higher levels are not worth it.

And now I'm blind. Thanks!

The high level of sheer incompetence at all levels, but especially in management. I'm lucky to work with competent folks directly, but the sheer amount of work created by stupidity outside of my department is soul-crushing. I can present definitive proof of systemic failures all day long, and no one is interested in doing a damned thing if the people or departments in question are politically powerful within the organization. Neither I nor my immediate colleagues are perfect, but we acknowledge our failures and try to create solutions. So many others, though, seem so invested in the status quo beyond all reason.

No spez?

What can I say, your stance on mammary glands, while not controversial, per se, might be a little too racy for some voters.

If someone wanted to purchase this legal weed, say, in South Carolina, is there a guide somewhere indicating what is legally available in that jurisdiction?

Asking for a friend...

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We're talking about the way a TV show starts called CSI: MIAMI.

Basically, there's always a clever remark from the lead, followed by the opening credits accompanied by part of a song by The Who.

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As discussed elsewhere in the comments, the Union should have crushed the southern elites until this nonsense was dead for good. As a modern southerner, I can attest that was the time to deal with this foolishness.

I do this thing where I pop my ears (like when pressure changes from altitude) and then it's like I'm hearing my breathing inside of my sinuses or something. When I breathe this way, it effectively blocks conversations I don't want to overhear. Do other people do this, or am I odd?

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Anyone remember light pickups? I had one of the last Nissan hardbody trucks, and I loved that darned thing. I abused the heck out of it and it lasted forever. There's nothing really like it now. Supposedly the rebooted Toyota Stout will be in this range, but I suspect it won't really be the same kind of truck.

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Late Gen X, here. I'm embarrassed by the reactionary nonsense I've started to see regularly from my own generation. I'm lucky I didn't stay brainwashed with them.

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In a sense, it was about an economic system: slavery. Economic freedom for me, not for thee.

I heard the song in my head.

Six figure incomes may not be as impressive as they once were, sure, but many of us may never make that much. Don't downplay it. This is still a great accomplishment, and you are rightfully proud. I hope you are able to enjoy it. Remember, you work to live, not live to work. Vacation days and other benefits are part of your total compensation, and none of it matters a whit unless you use all of your salary and benefits on things that make you and the people you care about happy and healthy.

Keep up the good work!

You're right. I'm an idiot.