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I accidentally pirate crap I have legitimate access to because I can't be bothered to figure out which damn platform its on. I have access to quite a few through work due to my industry at no out of pocket costs.

The times I try to actually search for something, it'll be listed on multiple platforms but 0 to 1 of those platforms will actually have what I'm looking for included with the subscription forcing me to manually check each one.

It is easier to just pirate.

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Tries to steal electron for Trump: 5 years probation

Steals and distributes Trump's tax records: 5 years prison and the judge wishing they could throw more against the terrorist to democracy

When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.

  • Goodhart's law

Advertisers made it a target to have a high review score so now they are just another advertising cost.

SEO did the same to the web.

Bots and now AI are infecting social spaces as users figured out reviews are now shit and would turn to special interest groups.

For the low price of billions and a decade of work they could build out hollow core fiber coast to coast to get the last 1/3 c.

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Roughly 4 out of 5 companies I've seen that have received investments in my industry in the past 5 years have been Israel R&D startup companies.

Not my wheel house, but if I had to guess, the ruling class in the states has a lot of investments tied up in Israel.

Take with a grain of salt, as this is just an anecdotal observation.

It's a font, there is no risk of data collection...

TeamViewer checks for a font their app installs when visiting their website to fingerprint you.

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Aye, the right to free speech does not mean the right to an audience.

"High five" instead of "paw" for two dogs which wasn't the accident. The accident is they learned to associate high five with wanting something. When they want pets, food, bones, or toys they obsessively high five at you.

My cat does it now too. Maybe they learned it from the cat who saw they got treats for high fives. My wife hates it. I think its hilarious.

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Don't Look Up!

Porn works on Stealth available on f-droid if you switch the source to web scrapping. Not that I advocate using Reddit right now ever again.

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More of a wish than a challenge but federated identities would be awesome. Home instance offline? No problem, just switch servers. No need to try and sync settings and subscriptions between accounts.

Blockchains already do this with public key cryptography. Your "login and password" would just be a Mnemonic Phrase. The fediverse just distributes the public information to use that phrase.

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There is a Public Assisstence board game from the 80s. We had one when I was younger. I can't tell if it was a "anti-welfare" game or just making fun of the whole system. I grew up pretty poor, so I always assumed the latter as a kid. Since the welfare track was easier from what I remember, now I'm not so sure, lol.

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Saw another quote on Lemmy on a similar meme that resonated. Its not that I have something to hide, its that I don't trust the observer's motivations or their judgements.

I'd watch that mockumentary.

Android is LTS kernel + Google patches. I know it's not the flavor of Linux you are talking about, but most of my apps are side loaded via F-Droid and a few from Aurora as a Play store proxy on a de-Googled ROM (GrapheneOS). There is no walled garden here.

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We do not know who else may be watching.


Yeah, I thought the magic words were "I don't recall". Seems to work in all those high profile cases, or maybe its just being wealthy.

So Google, Amazon, Apple, and many other large companies in the IoT space are using a blockchain as a federated data store:

It stores the data needed for Matter [ ] device attestation.

I think its an interesting use case on how entities that don't particularly trust each other can operate a federated system. Accounts are linked to an identity out-of-band in order to have write permissions to the chain. When an account writes, all the readers of the chain have reasonable assurances of the author of that write. No company can inject false state as another company without that company's guarded private key. All transactions are also auditable as an additional assurance the data isn't undergoing a malicious act.

tl;dr; interesting use cases for tamper proof federated ledgers.

"You smelled it you dealt it" kept everyone quite when I was in school so long as there is plausible deniability for the source.

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Its a play on the 7 layer OSI Model. Layer 8 would be the user, also known as an ID-10T (idiot) or PEBKAC (problem exists between keyboard and chair).

Its a type of fiber optic cable where the center of the cable is literally hollow. Normal fiber uses a glass core. Light passing through glass also travels about 2/3 the speed of the light since the speed of light is only constant in an empty vacuum. With hollow core, light is no longer passing through glass so its speed is much closer to the actual speed of light.

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Projection from Trump.

Excuse to hate for his supporters.

He's fanning the flames for Jan 6th the sequel.

Some idiot I know has been telling people he just read that Jan 6th was staged by Democrats to entrap Trump supporters and we all need to find unbiased media sources to really know the truth. They eat this shit up.

6 is old news. 6e is where its at with 2.4, 5, and 6ghz support.

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Similar upbringing in Catholic school. Acts of humility like a poor person giving what little they have holds more weight than a king giving their weight in gold, the golden rule, and showing general compassion has stuck with me decades later. Education was pretty good too. None of that dinosaurs lived 6000 years ago or whatever crap. I attribute the education to giving me the critical thinking skills to not fall for the indoctrination. I could tell the poor giving message was a lead in for tithing. Taking a message of helping someone in real need no matter your status to support this church that was the best looking building in town didn't pass the logic test.

Signal is my preferred messenger right now since I convinced my contacts to move to it. Collects the least and it is private.

There is also Session which is a Signal fork that removes phone number linking.

Matrix for a privacy focused federated messaging system is another option.

I don't see it dying from my perspective. Its only been getting better and better. The only thing I could see displacing it in my org is maybe Rust due to WASM proving a transition path.

We use TS on the back end to leverage our teams existing skill set and libraries we've built up.

I know it's a meme to use "the next best thing" in the ecosystem, but we've been really happy with the newish Effect library + Bun runtime. Effect is like a merger of the older fp-ts/io-ts libraries (same author works on both) with Zio from the Scala ecosystem. It vastly simplifies the former and the new stuff with dependency injection and defect management is refreshing. With the Bun runtime, we see a 15x faster startup time (great for dev). Its halved the RAM requirements in prod. We don't even need to transpile... We still do for prod to tree-shake dev-only code to ensure its not available in prod, but deploying to dev is FAST.

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I might check it out once a week to see the dumpster fire using the Stealth app on f-droid. It's read-only, doesn't support accounts, and has a web scrape mode in the settings which still works for porn.

That's a rite of passage for anyone working on Cisco's shit TUI. At least its gotten better with some of the newer stuff. IOS-XR supported commits and diffing.

  • Alice gives Bob a Secret Note.
  • Alice and Bob agree on a way for Bob to scramble the Secret Note so that Alice can unscramble it.
  • Bob scrambles the Secret Note.
  • Bob gives Carol the Scrambled Secret Note.
  • Carol gives Alice the Scrambled Secret Note.
  • Alice descrambles the Scrambled Secret Note.
  • Alice tells Carol the Secret Note came from Bob.

Now, Carol trusts Alice and Alice trusts Bob. By passing this note around, Carol can trust Bob since Alice trusts Bob and she trusts Alice.

Passing the note around tells Carol (Web Server) that Bob (Web Browser) has trust from Alice (Attestation Server) and is not some imposter just claiming to be Bob.

The same host could fake the payload to the attestation server. Cat and mouse game with security through obscurity.

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If the curriculum format teaches students to be test takers, I'd give them extra points for working smarter.

If my job gave me work while on my vacation, I'd be talking to the labor board if they didn't pay me at my consultation rates.

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I use Nix, even on my Ubuntu machines, to install tooling in my user profile.

Nixpkgs unstable stays pretty up to date. The few I want something on release day or bleeding edge nightlies, I override the derivation source. I use nvfetcher to pull the latest release or head of the default branch as part of my update routine.

I'm pretty new to Nix, so its been slow integrating into my workflow, but I plan to start integrating flake's into my repos. My team seems to have constant issues with keeping their tooling up to date which breaks things locally from time to time.

"Record high profits." Greedy taking advantage of economic shifts because a company that isn't growing its profits no matter how profitable is "failing."

Daily with a USB-C DAC (prefer no DAC). I've had Bluetooth headphones ranging from $30 to $300. Keeping them charged is just a pain in the ass and the battery inevitability wears out due to too many cycles.

All my peers stalling our remote meetings for 5+ minutes when their air pods die or have pairing issues also annoys the fuck out of me as it happens every damn week. We do a lot of pair programming sitting in discord all day.

Until the tech improves, I'll stick with wired.

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Are peoples memories that short? He posted this 2 months before he "tried" distancing himself from the idea.

I'm on Graphene. Mullvad is only 1% for me with 16h30min since last on a charge. I'm at 56% with 1h30m screen time.

I used GPS as I did some driving with maps and my music app accounting for 29% of my battery usage.

I throw my phone on the charger at night figuring battery tech and software management is good enough.

Are you WiFi or mobile? I get shitty mobile service so if I'm off WiFi my battery tends to go to shit. The VPN usually accounts for more as I assume it keeps reconnecting.

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Delete Browsing Data on Quit > On

No more purple links!

Not completely secure. If the same entity controls the entry and exit nodes (any maybe also relay?), it is my understanding that traffic can be traced back. Low probability, yes, but not completey.

You haven't been married to crazy I see. Even if you manage to get away, the scars are forever.