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Joined 1 years ago

Furry tgirl, it/its, i like old/weird games, talk to me about morrowind.

“Until the age of 18, I believe you belong to your parents,” this is a disgusting view.

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"Arkansas State Police policy on PIT Maneuvers allows for officers to utilize this use of force, when it's objectively reasonable based on the circumstances." right so whenever they want without accountability

like, ethically. they should have quit and joined the blockade.

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just get a shitty computer tbh, worse graphics is fine actually.

what no mention of tumblr? thats quintessential girl internet :p

"This is WELL beyond anything that Israel has done in the last few decades. Civilians killed during military actions in Gaza are not even remotely similar to this" why? they're still dead.

so like its entirely possible for it to both, but, from the way you phrased it as "wanting to be trans" it seems like your questioning things rn? i just want to mention that being trans is an option, you can do that if you want.

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like i usually hate the whole, "buy a 2tb ssd, its only like $60" line. like to a lot of people that isn't something you can just drop casually for a video game (especially on top of the price of the game itself!) but I don't really think thats the perspective this writer is coming from.

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like, just off the top of my head there's that whole "spy balloon" thing.

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"Because if you made it, it is yours and you get to decide how other people use it." why shouldn't people be allowed to use software how they want?

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whether or not games were ever like that isn't actually relevent to the point they made, also tons of unfinished games are basically already sold as complete.

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it seems like your mother has some homophobia she hasn't dealt with, a lot of "allies" will show their true colors when it comes to children. she might come around but not if you go back in the closet, the most important thing is your safety tho.

so like, i also had a very christian upbringing, tho i moved past a lot (not all! it took work to shed all that garbage) of those teachings on gender and sexuality thru coming to terms with being trans. like, living without the burden of christian morality and guilt is incredibly freeing.

bringing this around to pda. i also used to find it off-putting, but it really isn't about you, its ok for human beings to be affectionate with each other, and this is usually only applied to gay people anyway, are you uncomfortable when you see someone hug their grandparents at the airport?

also, a lot of humans are sexual beings, like there really is no reason to object to people being open about their orientation that isn't based in religious bullshit.

my weeks been great, been eatin dino nuggets and watchin movies

the goal is long past convincing anyone to agree that climate change is happening, it is, you have to exert pressure to get political change and that won't happen without being a "nuisance".

stealing luxury handbags is based

i had a classmate in second grade named alison, i was always soooooo jealous of her for reasons i couldn't articulate. uh yeah

bots are kinda boring

its def not stupid, legit sources are super inconvenient, like i forget account passwords all the time, and steam makes sharing yr games for multiplayer really hard. way easier to just go download a cracked copy

so like presentation does not equal gender or whatevs, but like trying new stuff out can help you understand yourself and what you really want! trying new clothes or makeup, different pronouns. see what sticks. being trans/nb is a pretty wide range of experiences, and its ok if yrs don't match up to others

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would you rather the resources be funneled into the millitary? also this had been planned years before the invasion

Alien (1979)

like its a scifi horror movie with incredible effects work (i love the xenomorph soso much!), and it just makes really good use of like sexual horror, like the alien itself is designed by H.R. Giger, so there's gonna be some horniness to it, but like its just a really well put together movie ^_^

like, the game industry is incredibly exploitative, even if piracy does causes direct harm to it, thats honestly a good thing, it is set up to benefit publishers and share-holders over anyone else, especially the people actually making the games. supporting the end of that isn't "hippy-dippy"

yeah, its funny that heterosexuality is considered the default when it has to be constantly (often violently!) enforced.

like, there isn't a non-partisan stance towards masculinity

basil mayo on a tomato sandwich sounds delicous, and tbh i don't see any reason to stick exclusively to white sandwich bread unless yr just chasing nostalgia.

Is this part of a low fodmap diet or just a food preference thing? Either way you can get a lot of decent recipes just searching low fodmap x.

also pasta with roasted or sauteed cherry tomatoes is my go to, top with basil/parm/whatevs

omg i had pretty much the same experience with TotK, not only were the maps huge but the animations and cutscenes took waaaaay too long.

they shouldn't have arrested them either, that is also violence.

try a randomizer mod! or like, play morrowind

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ive been pretty hungry, another one of those "do i buy food or toilet paper?" weeks. i am gonna make the nastiest stoner food when that paycheck comes in ^_^

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like, it seems a bit cruel to lay blame on the parents in this situation.

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is there any indication that microsoft intends to clean house?

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like how much variety in body shapes does the game have? like coming from a transfem perspective i find the all too common "coventionally attractive cis woman" bodytype with penis stapled on to be pretty boring. otherwise i think it seems neat ^_^

"Everyone has their own reason, but your “why” should be specific to you and wholly dependent on you. This means you should want to explore for a more fundamental reason than just having a fun time,"

This is a pretty good introduction overall, but why shouldn't wanting to have fun be a good reason to try non-monogamy? Isn't dating supposed to be fun?

you should totes check out the commentaries on those dvds! they're all really interesting

if like, you aren't too attached to the look of them, you could save a bunch by using an air cooler instead of an AIO water cooler, they don't actually perform better than decent air coolers.

bad, what could possibly justify someone being arrested over something like this? and the only one who could "deny pay" is the bosses anyway, game devs don't get any sort of cut from profits.

the gaming space has changed a lot! there is more money pumped into it than ever before and little room for experimention in AAA titles. but the indie scene is enormous now and there are still tons of older mainstream games to play. no need to play pointless time sinks.