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As someone who just switched to an Xperia as it's one of the few phones that still has a headphone jack, NFC, and microSD slot, this sucks. The software support is the biggest problem IMO because the rest is great.

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This comment from A7pr8 seems to suggest it is possible to modify the apk via Lucky Patcher, which hopefully would then work on a non-rooted phone:

You can't just send the app from your rooted device. When you mod the app on a rooted device only .odex file will be patched not the .apk file.

You need to rebuild .apk to be able to share it and the the other device should also has luckypatcher for it to work.

Simply when you patch an app use the option create modified .apk or rebuild it from "rebuild & install" in the bottom bar.

I loved Lego Island but will never forgive Lego Island 2 for the bad disk that would crash after 3/4 of the game. I never got to finish it.

Rock Raiders & Lego Loco were great (if a little inadvisable in terms of the Lego Loco letters).

I'm with you on this. How on earth are one-off login events supposed to work? I want nothing about me logging on to be stored on that device or account other than, for example, the code I download. Maybe I'm missing something but the search I just did suggested connecting my phone via bluetooth, which is also not an option.

Sony is shifty with their PlayStation practices but their phones are genuinely good - seems like they are closer with the camera part of the business, which is pretty well liked from what I understand. The software support (or lack of) is the main issue but the hardware is clearly made by people that care (although apparently not enough about overheating on the IV series).

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Can you find some group therapy? You may find it beneficial to be with others who have similar troubles in a caring and understanding situation. It sounds like you have had some bad luck socially, which makes it easy/tempting to shut the world out, so learning to be open with others and to deal with difficult subjects with them may be beneficial to you in ways that one-on-one therapy cannot offer. It can also be helpful hearing others voicing their problems, as those may be things that affect you in ways you hadn't considered before too.

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I don't know about your scenario but I recently started using Insular to manage separating my work apps on my phone and that's been great

I've ranted about this to several people too. Intelligence is hard to define and trying to define it has a horrible history linked to eugenics. That said, I feel like a minimum definition is that it has the capacity to understand the meaning and/or impact of what it is saying and/or doing, which current "AI" is so far from doing.

I use MiX, which has a "Search local" option when adding SMB, which sounds like what you're after

Heliboard isn't perfect but is an openboard fork that has spell check, is getting active development, and is on F-droid. There's even a correction sensitivity setting. It's the first time I've been able to move away from Swiftkey.

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Some Asian markets don't use it, so there are some exceptions. This becomes important when the other requirements filter it down so much (but this was more of a problem a few years ago).

Just to offer an alternative viewpoint, because I have come across these issues and ended up buying a Sony phone because I had such a bad time without the 3.5mm headphone socket.

Some people want more internal storage than even 512gb - I have a 400gb microSD in my phone because with the OS and apps getting bigger, even a large internal storage can fill up fast. Also, it's nice to have media collections, photos, and other files with you, rather than relying on data and cloud storage, and the cost is now very low for a large microSD. It's also easier to transfer large amounts of data between devices that way.

As for headphones, dongles are a pain and USB headphones have to have a (usually not great) DAC in them to work, plus many people already have great headphones they want to keep using. All of that said, the biggest issue with USB headphones IMO is that there is only one USB port - the wear and tear of using it for everything is significant. Also, USB-C plugs are much more breakable and harder to replace than a 3.5mm jack. Additionally, you cannot charge and listen at the same time without a dongle and many of those are bad (none of the ones I have tried have worked for more than a few weeks before connectivity issues started).

I miss my G6 a lot - easily the phone I was most happy with. Sadly, mine had battery issues years ago.

Why do I love the phones of (potentially) soon to be dying (phone divisions of) companies? I should ask a therapist.

Yeah, I absolutely want this option on all keyboards too. I just moved to openboard and it's the thing I miss most by far.

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I had that only when they got damaged, but they easily get damaged

Don't really understand why you're overriding __new__. Surely it'd work better to use:

def __init__(self, source: str | Path, *args: Any) -> None:
        super().__init__(Path(source, *args).expanduser().resolve())

But this removes self.__source and the property. I'm not sure what the advantage of using that is but you could always set that before the line super().__init__(Path(source, *args).expanduser().resolve()).

EDIT: if I've completely misunderstood, please could you explain? I don't really understand what subclassing is trying to achieve here, other than simplifying access to certain os.path functions.

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MS haven't done anything to SwiftKey that I have a problem with (to my knowledge). However, the more consolidated my data is the less happy I am. If my data has to go somewhere, I'd prefer it if a bunch of servers owned by different companies have my data, as that makes it harder for companies and to get value out of it.

Yeah, it's not cool. However, the Xperia phones up to series iii all have LineageOS releases, which can extend the life, and I'm hoping it comes to the later series as those get to EOL. They absolutely should have better official support though.

Horizon Zero Dawn (and sequel), Control, Mass Effect 2, Grim Fandango, Dreamfall.

In a very different way, Kerbal Space Program because it gives a good understanding of orbital mechanics.

Sony Xperia 1V

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It's very good but very expensive and the software support is not defined (but previous ones have been 2 years of security updates, which is terrible). I'm hoping Lineage OS will extend the usefulness or I may regret it. I couldn't find another phone that had microSD and headphone jack that I wanted.

I have an Xperia 1V and have a "4G Calling" toggle. I suspect VoLTE is now assumed as 2 & 3G services are getting turned off all over.

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I'm curious about this too, but more for for sharing long, self-made playlists. A single song is not too bad to send or find on YouTube but a playlist is difficult

Same for me. I am trying OpenBoard right now but the auto correct is no way near as good and when I go back to manually correct it removes the spaces before words itauto corrected leavingweird things for me to fix like "itauto". I'm so mad that Microsoft bought SwiftKey.

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Glad I could help! I wasn't sure if I was missing something in what you were trying to do - I get that in some cases folding in those features can make things a lot easier.

Ah sorry, I missed a bit in your post - it's correction during typing only. Upping this setting could help but I suspect you want something else

I moved from Splitwise to Splid. I wish I had a FOSS alternative too.

There are but they are not reliable, even from reputable companies. I had both the ones I tried break very quickly, and moved back to requiring a headphone jack after that.

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I moved to Splid and found it a bit less clear than Splitwise but better in other ways once I'd figured it out. It's not FOSS, unfortunately, but I do trust it much more than Splitwise.

I'd have jumped on one of those if it had a microSD slot

I have had similar issues with USB-C ports but avoid wireless charging as it often causes damage to the battery via excess heating (particularly if not perfectly aligned). I'd give up a 3.5mm jack for a redundant USB-C.

My day to day experience is good. I have worries about the long term issues but it was one of the only ones that had a headphone jack and microSD. I'm not sure I would have sprung for it otherwise.

The OS could be better as I do get some occasional freezes but nothing particularly bad and that could be the launcher I'm using. Also the software support is shit: they've never announced how long it'll get updates for - previous phones were only 2 years of security updates - and when the updates come they don't have a changelog (in fact, their website doesn't even have the latest updates listed but I believe a very minimal changelog turns up when they eventually update the site). Also, there are various things people want fixed or features they want ported (I think there's some camera options from the 5V that never got made available on the 1V despite using the same sensor), though I only know about these because I've had to look at reddit to see what's changed in an update.

In terms of the security updates, I'm basically counting on LineageOS support turning up at some point.

This all sounds very negative but the camera, screen, battery life, and speakers are all excellent. The OS is fairly close to stock android, which makes it less annoying than Samsung. I'm just annoyed that a device that seems built to last, is hamstrung by the software updates.

Good luck! It'll be strange at first but it is worth sticking it out until you have settled a bit

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That's great! That is a scary thing to do, so way to go

Sounds like you were engaging in whataboutism and that was the problem

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