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Joined 2 months ago

shows what you guys know

i met a girl through her bio last week and it turns out we're so compatible we have the same social security number, birthday and mother's maiden name

it was the WEIRDEST bug in our chess ai you guys

the pawn captured another pawn that was NEXT TO IT

like what's going on there

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pop it on the list

larian isn't making bg4, and hasbro are


going to fuck it up trying to milk it

people still use nfts

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As for AI training, that produces AIs. It's not wasteful.


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what kind of freak doesn't bring a bagwette to a picnic

Steps 2 and 3 of your method already make it way too hard to remember

Just pick like 6 random, unconnected, reasonably uncommon words and make that your entire password

Capitalize the first letter and stick a 1 at the end

The average English speaker has about 20k words in their active vocab, so if you run the numbers there's more entropy in that than in your 11 character suggestion.

Alternatively use your method but deliberately misquote it slightly and then just keep it in its full form.

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it stresses me out that techbros exist out there who are this utterly clueless about the space they're trying to revolutionize

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until i pay a doctor in some rogue country $200 to put me in the system as dead when i'm not

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excuse after excuse after excuse

"i can't afford to" seems like a fairly watertight 'excuse' to me?

i like the concept of hiring other gooners to have a big sweaty circlejerk with

but what if i, as a feudal lord, wish for my dynasty to continue unto the eons?

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Redfalls team is done for sure.

which is wild, because there's clearly a lot of talent there that was just spunked up the wall trying to create a game that any idiot could see right from the outset was conceptually awful

you ask a comedically loaded question, receive one in response, then get mad?


set up by who?

he was the one in charge

I use NFTs for a variety of productive purposes. You may not, and that's fine, but that's just you. You can't dismiss anything that you personally don't have a use for as "wasteful."

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yeah because if musk wasn't involved, lemmy's community always loves news on the latest ai hype cycle

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"liberal" is significantly less specific in its implications, both in terms of modern day parlance and historical roots, than "zionist"

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Ah yes, the wrong kind of technology.

what point do you think you're making here?

it's /c/technology, not "/c/unquestionedpraisefortechnology"

If it's a "hype cycle" I guess it'll be going away aaaaaany day now.

my guy even people within the ai r&d sphere acknowledge that it's a hype cycle

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Pop it on the list

doubling down on the stance of not understanding linguistics isn't the play you seem to think it is

the wikipedia article on zionism is several thousand words long, and you seem to think it's possible to accurately boil that down to a one or two sentence dictionary entry

I’m sure Republicans have many definitions for a liberal.

it's more that they don't have a definition at all

they use it similarly to "woke", in that its a nebulous word that takes on any given meaning that they want given the context

if you tried to distill its myriad of uses into an actual definition you'd get something like "person i disagree with to the point of dislike", at which point the dumb part becomes making an assertion as utterly vacuous as "i don't like people i don't like"

it's completely dissimilar

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you can be incredibly passionate while still having mbas breathing down your neck

if you don't think there was a ratio of developers to neck-breathers of at best 2:1 at blizzard you have more faith in their internal management than me

Of the violent protests, how many protestors at those specific protests do you imagine would be considered "violent" by the same metric?

it's not a mistake because it's not a real rule

This isn't an example of how modern English is going to the dogs. Less has been used this way for well over a thousand years—nearly as long as there's been a written English language. But for more than 200 years almost every usage writer and English teacher has declared such use to be wrong. The received rule seems to have originated with the critic Robert Baker, who expressed it not as a law but as a matter of personal preference. Somewhere along the way—it's not clear how—his preference was generalized and elevated to an absolute, inviolable rule.

one less thing for you to worry about

pick a quote that you know by heart

so step 1 is actually "learn a long, obscure quote by heart" because obviously it can't be a common quote or it completely breaks the method, and the only quotes you're likely to know are common

you're right this is so easy

you’re still confusing the example with what it exemplifies.

In most other quotes, the only capitalization occurs once at the start, so it doesn't add any meaningful entropy.

At this rate it’s rather clear that you’re unable to parse simple sentences,

somebody's a little spicy over the fact that they gave terrible advice :(

"it's not wasteful because now they're only wasting less resources"

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they are grapes that never learned the grace of god

and one of those elections he won?

also, during the 2020 campaign, trump's base's biggest complaint was generally that he was running on a platform of "i'm not biden", so i guess both cancelled out

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Step 2 is “hard”? Seriously???

I don't know how you're meant to remember that "Works" and "Mighty" are capitalized

In most other quotes, the only capitalization occurs once at the start, so it doesn't add any meaningful entropy.

If you try to harden it further, by using more words

Yours doesn't scale due to step 3.

On the other hand, much like battery staple, it's pretty easy to make up a visual or story in your head to connect the words.

Also, why would you need to scale this past 6 words? At that point it's already more likely that your password is compromised via a keylogger or similar than anything else.

Even in English, a language that typically uses short words, your method requires ~30 characters per password.

I'll accept this as a downside of the method, but honestly a website that limits your password character length to under 30 is probably doing some other weird shit that isn't good.

Also, the only time you should really be using this method is if for some reason you don't want to use a password manager. Not many scenarios like that that also limit characters.

yet the harder to remember

I feel like the exact opposite is true? Pretty easy to remember "defenestrate". Much easier than remembering which m turns into a 3 in your method.

The 11 characters password is not the suggestion, but an example,

I'm aware how examples work. It's 11 characters long and already too hard to remember.

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lead for emergency pencils

an opinion piece is a form of article 🤓

if there were some figures i could fiddle to fit that narrative, do you think that would mean that cutting down 250 acres of forest would actually be worth it rather than a convenience somebody has gussied up as "necessary" because it would make them a profit?

  • nfts are wasteful
  • your justification for ai not being a wasteful use of resources is that you personally use them
  • people still use nfts
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the citation is because the only way you could claim ai isn't in a hype cycle at the moment is if you don't know that that's a defined term within tech spaces


i'm not trying to justify my use of language, i'm explaining why you're wrong, and you're responding by gesturing vaguely towards the concept of a dictionary

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you're confusing AI with AGI/GI when they're separate things

we've had AI for a very, very long time

revolutionizing the underage drinking industry

literally all they need now is a qr code

they can even all share the same one

buddy if your replies get any dumber i'm going to have to assume you're an andrew tate fan

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