2 Post – 107 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

No popup camera, but Samsung Xcover6 Pro might be your jam:\_galaxy\_xcover6\_pro-11600.php

6gb ram, 120hz display, Android 13, Snapdragon 778, SD slot, removeable battery, 3.5mm jack, USB 3.2 w/dex support.

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Sled down the stairs and out the front door like in Home Alone. My stairs didn't perfectly line up so I hit the edge and went tumbling. luckily at 7 my bones were made of rubber and I only had bruises

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YouTube is super weird. I had uploaded some audio cassette tapes that I had found at my grandma's. She lived near a nuclear power plant and when the facility was built in the 80s they had handed out audio casettes to people in the area with information about what to do in emergencies, who to call for information, etc. I digitized the cassettes and put them on YouTube and they were taken down within a day. No idea why, never given a reason. It's public information as it was handed out by power plant and city government.

I find it funny that they call the democrats "coastal elites" and then are so up in arms when the "coastal elites" try and make things less "elite"

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I know I'm a minority opinion but I like having the option. It's like IR blasters, SD cards, removable batteries.... things I didn't use all the time but sometimes come very much in handy.

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But why? Gmail (and email in general) is, to me, for long form communication and professional communication. Emoji are the opposite of that

That's because the FM signal needs an antenna that's longer than you can fit in your phone

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I got an OBDeleven for my 2015 GTI so I could unlock stuff and customize. Enabled rolling down the windows with the key fob, being able to display the engine oil temp in the dash and also setting the accelerator pedal curve to linear.

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Yeah but one can infer that it's not a literal governmental force but a societal force

Use the app, pop ups, auto playing videos/ads, the internet has become incredibly shitty. I went to BBC News (historically a bastion of good web practices) and they now even have a big popup to get you to sign up.

Pretty sure its extremely difficult to get out of Afghanistan, especially if you're a woman. In fact I don't think you can unless you're accompanied by a man. I get what you're saying but "getting out" is immensely dangerous

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One time I was on a road trip with some friends. One of my friend's grandparents owned a small farm in northern Iowa. We stopped there for the night to take a break and rest up. At one point in the night I heard a spooky howling sound that woke me up. I looked out the window and the sky was glowing green and had a magical spookiness about it. I went outside to stare at it and came to the realization that the howling was wind moving between the grain silos and the sky was green because of solar wind interacting with the Earth's magnetosphere. But there was a moment when I thought I was on a haunted farm

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Got a source for that? From what I've read the official stance is that if the account has any purchased games its not eligible for deletion:

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Hey man, NASA, a government agency has done a ton of cool stuff recently. Rovers and a helicopter on Mars, JWST, asteroid sample return, fostering the commercialization of flights to the ISS have dramatically reduced the cost of getting our astronauts to orbit. We do space exploration pretty darn well.

i know a few people who have moved abroad. The folks that went to Thailand seem super happy, enough so that my partner and I are considering it. We just did a scoping trip for a couple months and the city of Chiang Mai is super nice. As someone who lives in a bigger US city I found things in general were more relaxed and peaceful in Chiang Mai. Convenience stores look well taken care of, people don't seem angry everywhere you go, the food was amazing... honestly it seemed like a better life in general. Though admittedly i was only there for a short time.

Unfortunately the damage has been on the animals.

Funny that the very long vox article doesn't mention the wired investigation

I wish there were better alternatives. I really dislike what maps has become. It used to be streamlined. Now in most views i get so many POI listings (ads) on the map its cluttered and confusing. There's that weird bottom shelf thing that pops up that I have to swipe down... I tried using Here Maps but it once let me to a dead end thinking it was a road and it has this weird bug in navigation mode where it blurs half of display. I opened a ticket with them months ago and they never solved it.

That's not what op was asking for though

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Unfortunately it works. Consumers are dumb. The HBO show The Wire covered this, the drug dealers were losing customers because of low quality product. They rebranded so they could continue selling the same crap. This tactic works. Comcast did a real life version of this in the US, year after year they were rated as one of the worst ISPs, they rebranded as Xfinity and people seemed to stop complaining.

Also easier to get tracking info through installed apps. Ultimately, yes, money.

So excited to see nuclear thermal propulsion actually flying. We were so close with project NERVA back in the 70s

could you just have a warning to the user that it appears that their SD card is slow? Feels like that should be doable. We used to get warnings when we'd plug in a USB2.0 device into a USB1.0 port on windows

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In case this isn't a joke... maybe get more organized? It seems very wasteful both to your wallet but also in general to keep buying multiple mice and then also losing them a lot. All that packaging, shipping, e-waste you're creating because you can't just put a tiny effort into being organized. Like if you use a wireless mouse with a laptop just always put it with the laptop? Or always put it in a specific place?

40 inches is 1 meter right?

I was under the impression that DDG is pretty private and while underlying search is Bing, bing can't track the searches to individuals

Kinda depends on the car. Volkswagen cars are pretty "hackable" with OBDeleven which is a wireless interface for the hilariously named "VAGCOM" protocol.

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Plus the built in USB c slots are recessed underneath which might be a pain to plug and unplug things.

Not very interesting news in my opinion. Lots of companies/CEOs want to acquire other companies.

Because sensational news headlines/articles

Mine was the T-Mobile G1. Slide out keyboard and track ball. I remember being underwhelmed by Android at the time so I switched to the Nokia N900 for a while which comparitively was more mature than android and iOS at the time.

Totally agree. Though typically commercial displays aren't really built for home use so they may take some tweaking to get them to look good at home. The good news is if you get something like a NEC commercial display they usually have easy to access and very detailed calibration menus. Also they'll have tons of ports and even legacy ports like VGA so they'll be super flexible. But above 50" the prices go up a lot.

Try to find a job. Like any job. I'll clean or do manual labor, no shame in that. I'd also try and look for government programs for re-education so I can learn whatever skills are in demand and the moment.

Dreamcast did have copy protection but its easily circumvented. Like even at the time it was fairly easy

Why do the British call it "redundancies". Seems like a weird way of saying we're laying people off

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correct, newpipe has no account integration be design for privacy

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For me its 250-350. I can usually get a 1 or 2 generation older flagship device at that price, refurbished.

Jellyfin is so good. I'm travelling internationally right now and it makes me smile that I can stream stuff from my home at any time. I'm gonna miss Netflix DVD because I would get Blu-rays and rip them to my media library

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Didn't mean to get you so riled up, was just expressing an opinion. If you like your Garmin that's awesome I'm happy for you! Most of the cool features you talk about i can get from my smart phone so I don't need that in a watch, but it sounds like we live very different lives and what I need in a wrist watch is not what you need

i personally don't find smart watches interesting or really that useful (to me). I tried out a samsung watch for a while and had fun making my own watch faces but that's about it. Charging it every few days was a pain. I ended up going back to my trusty Casio F-91W. Super thin, 8-10 year battery life, alarm and stopwatch built in. Not much more I need from a device on my wrist.

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Probably just nostalgia talking but the 90s was such a good time for console gaming. Sega and Nintendo were pumping out hits and then later Sony came in. I still remember standing in line at Target to get an N64. They ran out by the time my number came up so I got the 1st unit on the next shipment a week later. What an excruciating week, but firing up Mario 64 for the first time felt like stepping into the future to a kid like me