2 Post – 11 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

this is kind of awful but also the best meme i’ve seen in weeks

I still use a nearly 20 year old DSLR as my primary photography camera. It’s all personal stuff so the lower resolution and overall lower quality compared to modern cameras doesn’t bother me much. The battery isn’t doing so well after 20 years though, so I’m getting a couple new ones and a larger memory card for it. Hoping to buy a new camera soon and get at least 20 years out of that too, but I still plan to use my current one alongside any other camera as I really like the look of the images it produces.

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One of my teachers in high school used it, and that’s how they said it

i feel like this would just be better served by having a phone and a camera. a good large camera will continue to be a good camera for years and years past the time the phone is too old to be useful for modern needs. my almost 20 year old DSLR still outperforms my phone camera, and my phone is quite recent.

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it could’ve been even more minimal without the “i’m at a loss” part

i really like the light in this one

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surprisingly, these aren’t as awful as one might expect

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One of them is holding a Wii U Gamepad

how do you think?

It’s actually a 20D too! The new battery really brought it back to its prime, not having to constantly stress about it dying on me has been great

my point is that you might as well just have the phone be separate at that point. instead of having to frankenstein them together just have two devices. also, last i checked the linux experience on a small handheld device is not something you’d want to subject yourself to daily. android is much more what you’d want.