2 Post – 112 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

last christmas 😁

However, systemd makes the system much more secure and reliable as it is

less secure and less reliable day-by-day you meant? systemd introduces needless dependencies ever since as if that was it sole intention ever from its very beginning, which already were used for wide attacks, and exactly those attacks that the people working hard to remove unneeded dependencies for security reasons meant to prevent by things like "do one thing only" (but security was not the number 1 reason for this one i think), systemd instead: 'lets add another level of that exponential dependency tree from the insecurity hell' felt like they did this stupid thing intentionally every month for a decade or more.

and stability... if you don't monitor what systemd does, you'll never know how bad it actually is. i've made custom scripts to monitor systemd's failures (failing in doing a very primitive of its job) and there are hundreds (actually varying around 200 to 300 sometimes more) of such per day on all our systems for one particular(!) measurement only that was breaking service stability and i wrote a measure-and-fix+monitor workaround. other fixes were not monitored however, only silently fixed by workarounds, thus just unnumbered systemd bugs/instabilities in the dark that stole a lot of work capacity...

if you run distros with systemd, unreliability is your daily experience unless you don't really care or have never experienced stability before - like running a service (a single process) for 8 years without any interruption then it suddenly stops and you go like "was it maybe an attack? the process died, how could that be? were there any connects from outside at that moment?" not talking about not updating something that long, but "stability" itself CAN be like if you dont stop it, it'll still run in 10000+ years maybe millions, more likely that humans extincted themselves way earlier than of a process "just dying" by a bug.. while systemd even randomly stops things that were running well for no reason (varying) once a month more or less (also varying in what it actually randomly stops, sometimes (2 times) it even stopped ssh on my servers, me asking myself if i should create yet another workaround for systemds buggyness to not locking me out again from network or ratjer go for the real solution for most* of all systemd problems - *see below) on the few standard installs i personally have as i didn't have the way to automatically replace provider installed distro on VMs in the DC. i want this replacing automatically for the same reason why i don't like systemd, it causes manual work for a thing that should go automated. however due to systemd's perpetuated instability i now managed to have this way, and every second working on getting rid of systemd is worth it 100k times. this however does not solve all systemd-introduced problems as the xz attack showed (a systemd-dependency on xz made the infected xz library beeing useful-for-the-atracker during compiletime of sshd binary with which then the attacker could infect the newly built sshd binary),one could still be attacked through systemd's dependency hell even if one does not use systemd by oneself, but the build machines used for your distro could be affected/infected by systemd's needless dependencies when "also" compiling for systemd-affected distributions thus there is the risk of becoming a victim of needless-systemd-dependencies while not using systemd at all. however the attack through systemd dependency (and that the public solution was not the removal of needless dependencies only included as source for superflous third party "needs") made clear that systemd is an overall problem for security that will not be solved quickly but stay just like all windows insecurities will stay as long as they whish to push them to their "users".

systemd reducing overall security and its unreliability combined with some builtin impediments (i.e. when debugging its defects) is what drove me away from systemd. there are solutions way more stable and way more secure (and way better documented btw) that do not call in for needless dependencies, reducing risks, attack vectors and increases overall debuggability i.e. by deterministic behaviour as an easy example. and none of its important (to me) promises have been fulfilled yet by systemd, drop-in-replacement? have heared that lie thousands of times, but in the last decade i have not experienced it a single time in a distro and it does not seem to be included/finished any more.

for windows users or windows admins a linux with systemd on it IS an improvement in stability, security and of course for updating, yes. but all of that does not come from systemd, rather the opposite is the case, systemd reduces it month by month, thats my experience and thats the most important experience for me, idc what lies whitdepapers tell or what broken promises are believed by anyone or the masses, i want secure and stable servers and services and systemd does not fit in for any of these goals and the time it was still "young" and early problems could be accepted in the hope they get fixed soon are gone, but without those fixes having ever appeared.

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Lol what???

wouldn't that be the definition of stable?

the computer on voyager 2 is running for 47 years now, they might have rebooted some parts meanwhile but overall its a long time now, and if the program is free of bugs the time that program can run only depends on the durability of the hardware, protection from cosmic rays (which were afaik the problems the voyager probes faced mostly, not bugs) which could be quite long if protected from hazardous environments and maybe using optoelectronics but the point is that a bug free software can run forever only depending on hardware durability and energy supply, in any other way no humans are needed for a veery long time ;-)

one example of a program that did multiple things is sfdisk, it used to make the kernel reload the new partition table but that was not its main job, only changing them. the extra functionality moved to blockdev which is nearer to doing such as it also triggers flushing buffers and i think setting read/write status. i am fully ok with that change as it removes code from a program that doesn't need it to another that already does similar things so that other partitioning programs like gdisk fdisk or parted could go the same way so that maintainers of the reread-partition-table things can concentrate on one solution at one place (in userspace) instead of opening issues at an unknown number of projects that also alter partitioning. the "do one thing" paradigma is good for developers who maintain the code and i pretty much appreciate their work. if you are up to only want one-day-flies that either die or take huge amounts of resources only for keeping them alive (image of a mayfly in an emergency room and a heart-lung machine attached while chirurgs rushing around trying to enlenghten its life a few seconds more) then you are good with monolithic tools that could hardly be maintained and suck allday as no one wants to fix any bugs or cannot without creating new ones due to the tightened dependency hell it has internally.

the point is not a lack of examples doing wrong but where one wants to be heading towards.

news from msn...

"MSN's editorial AI published stories from low-quality outlets that are patently untrue, […]"

maybe this is also just some cheap msn lies?


  • no bad politics
  • no wars so far
  • people there are mainly interested in science
  • no economic abuse or exploitation
  • pinguins!
  • no air conditioning needed to survive the summer.
  • winter is offline time, visitors won't arrive or leave then.
  • last place to stay cool during boomers heritage "heat death of our planet"

well sure, it has downsides too. Next Rollercoaster park is -tbh- unreachable, internet connection is sloo.oo..oow (or did they already finish the submarine fibre cable?) and sunbathing basically only brings you frost bites (if you're lucky).

However i am not planning to migrate there.

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have a look on "snowdrop" (search together with "steganography"), its basically the opposite of what you want, but worth mentioning here. watermarks could be placed into whitespace (not limited to actual spaces or linebreaks, intentionally changed usage of paragraphs, tabs or even page boundaries could possibly be detected after scanning andeven after OCR. IMHO snowdrop uses -depending on choosen operation mode- small errors like misspelled words, commata etc but also has a mode that comes along with fine grammar and without misspelled words...

how do you make sure that by diff'ing two versions you do cover "everything' that has been deliberately placed into both documents but share literally the same informations?

lets say you bought two books at two different stores with two different watermarks. if the watermark contains the date and time of the purchase and the only difference of this were the minutes because you bought them within the same hour, the remaining watermark would point to all buyers that bought exactly this book in this hour - worldwide. but still it could be "very" precise depending on all other(!) buyers, if they exist at all within that timeframe. what if the watermark includes unix epoch? then the part which is the same in both watermarks would not be bound by hours, but by seconds, 10seconds, 100seconds etc.

and you could not know if there were other watermarks hidden that just happened to be the same for your two (three.?) purchases (same country, continent, payment method, credit card holder name, name of internet provider used during purchase, browser used etc.) it fully depends on the creator of the watermark what would be included and what not. if you happem to know all that (without any possibleexemptions) you might be on the safe side, but if not...

my general suggestion here is:

  • if you want to be sure to not getting into trouble, then just don't do it.
  • if that book is too expensive compared to its content, just not buying it possibly also helps the market to fix the problem.
  • save that time and instead help those who already fight for a better world.
  • search already licence free books (or such as "cc" licensed) and promote those instead, help improving free resources like openstreetmap, wiki* but do not publish licence-poisoned content there, wtite it yourself, alway.
  • write your own book and publish it free.

just to mention... the "safe" side sometimes seems limited but maybe is actually not, if you really look at it.

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its amazing how good services can be if some just skip the corporation-obligatory adding of enshittification. i remember an article about a downloadable (but not very legal) DVD with an installer for a (worthless but very popular) OS that included heaps of expensive industry software and the installer was point-klick what you want and then all is done in background and fully usable once done. reading that article it seemed to be a better installer than ever produced by any company for any product.

however as that payed streaming service seemingly leaves huge amount of bank records and ran for such a long time, i guess it would have been easy to stop their customers from paying them. it rather might seem that the real intentions of content corporations might not truely be what they officially claim. maybe we learn in 25 years that the content corporations really were behind such services, maybe like "better get money from ALL markets!" or such.

In the US slavery should be illegal since ages but isn't yet.

usually at first you can do such, and later on, when a ceo wants more money, you then can buy that together with the new "pro" features actually nobody needs nor wants.

maybe better look for more stable solutions before they start acting like a broadcom ;-)

thanks for the info about kayak, very appreciated!!

me same, i would never again willingly book a flight with a boeing airplane.

in my mind that B. company got the status of a criminal organization >20 years ago when they afaik refused to fix a problem with sensors and the computer overriding pilot control which crashed the plane just after takeoff while pilot could not do anything against it. back then however the discussions were about computers overriding pilot control, not about a company intentionally risking lives.

Now they seem to me to still refuse to fix the problems and instead rename planes so that one cannot avoid their deathtraps unless not at all flying with their aircrafts. so i choose to only book flights with aviation companies that do not have B. planes at all. I decided to in future rather use a car or boat instead, if only B. planes are available.

i would not be surprised if the current "technical event" would be the actual same cause that "forced the nose down" over 20years ago, to me it sounds exactly like the same until now, it might just luckily have happened by chance high enough in the air so that the "nose forced down by computer" problem could somehow be solved with enough time where they had only seconds in that crash two decades ago.

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one does not become dependent on tech giants without a critical loss at some day, no matter whats the "reason" for it and they tend to do weird stuff within or without laws...

For others or for a new start and how to avoid such in the future (maybe "migrate" your relatives to secure services "before" you get ripped off):

  • get your own domain like make sure the toplevel (.info .com .net or whatever) has laws that let you effecticely reclaim your domain if one of the providers block something or fail to do their job. also make sure you do not fall into only-first-year-very-cheap traps for domain prices. maybe check that the toplevel domain is not one regulary found to be used by spammers and thus maybe blocked by some providers.
  • use one company only for DNS related things, maybe, but there are plenty others and lots of generic hosting providers also provide dns-only hosting.
  • get some provider to host email for your domain or run your own emailserver and set mx records to that mailserver.
  • configure and change valueable services to your email addresses under your domain
  • make sure you have a local(!) copy of all your emails that automatically updates itself, if you can, at least daily, offlineimap checked in into a git repo could do a good job
  • if one provider sucks, change it and leave the rest as is.
  • the setup alone already shows the provider, that only gov (of that toplevel domain) can effectively block you, as when the email provider tries to block you, you find a new one and change MX records (and obviously cancel and stop paying the blocking one), if the DNS provider tries to block you, you get a new provider and transfer the domain to it, if that fails a lawyer could help) also the small providers have usually no way to know what you do on another account at another company, only if you put your whole life into the hands of the few known big evil ones, you are that vulnerable to the chaos they produce.

also setting up recovery addresses (if possible) is a good idea, like when one email is unusable for whatever reason, the provider already has a known email address from you to start a recovery process, of course that second email address MUST be out of reach of the provider of the first one, that is, if you have address and one at microshits, then microshit buys, you have to change everything from that to a new one just to stay secure. due to this, your own domain with a connected email service of a random hosting provider comes in handy as you would not have to change all the email adresses but only that random email provider. also if skype/zoom etc does not work for you, there are plenty of other ways to do video talks on the internet. i prefer to be independent for same reasons even though i haven't been blocked yet, i just saw the signs of possible approaching evil because of the shitflow big evil tech produces all the time just to flush their believers view of what would be possible down the drain and choosed independence ahead of losses. following signs like leaving companies with red flags (like just too big, like already robbed their users, like give a shit on their users security, like give a shit on their bugs and blame users while their own big-tech-company-network is pwned by someone unknown for month and such) a more privacy aligned messenger that supports videocalls would be for example matrix, there are multiple clients to choose from and lots of providers to choose from (also self hosting or becoming a provider is possible while for talking to each other it is NOT necessary to use the same provider, but again self-hosting of course is most-secure) one cannot do things securely without knowing a bit about what it is. to learn more about dns, email, matrix or other topics the internet is full of informations, sometimes wikipedia is very helpful and linux user groups exist for talking about stuff and helping each other. the type of support is different and -as i see it - much more efficient, but different, there is no one to do it for you (or you get into the very same dependency trap again) but you are encouraged to learn what it takes to do so and do it yourself.

example prices from a random dns provider: .de 10€ / year .eu 16€ / year

random mail provider imap email 100GB storage 3 € /month

that is having more control over your email than when using big tech, may cost you more or less 4€ per month (and maybe the learning time to set everything up). for matrix server one might use managed services, looking around i found with 5€ as a base minimum when you provide your own VPS for it, but with many other options too. maybe the free hosting announced by where i did not look into yet is an option too. i prefer my own domains and servers, but just using separate hosting companies for dns, email and matrix gives a whole lot more control while still beeing a simple and adjustable setup. while matrix does not lock you in into one instance from the beginning (i can chat/call from/to my own account/server to any other account on other servers while beeing able to try this out using a multi-account-client that connects to all acvounts/servers at the same time) they now have bridges so one can use the same client to chat with others on telegram or whatsapp (and others) too, so this is rather the opposite of vendor lock-in. while a matrix hoster could still block your account in error and if you did not use your own domain for your matrix account at the hoster, you could connect to your friends again from another account at another hoster as you would still have their matrix adresses stored in your client. however to securely use matrix one should read about its security mechanisms and what backup keys are and why one should validate new connections.

if you had the loss, at least take advantage of the message/lesson: big tech is too powerful and thus insecure. maybe do three steps in parallel: choose and migrate to smaller providers, more providers each for different things, if one f**ks up, everything else stays in place, thus less stressful on problems. second step in parallel: get yourself into DIY your digital life. every little step into independence is a step more powerful while removing the very same power from big tech to attack the stability of your digital life. third step in parallel: share your problem including the possible solutions, which you choosed and how it went to those you think might take advantage of that information ;-)

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i guess the number they want to fundraise comes from an AI (maybe because they do not want to think by themselves any more)

as far as i am right with the "trillion" which is just a "billion" where i live and 1e12 (a 1 followed by 12 zeroes)

but according to wikipedia (in 2017) there are only: USD existing in the world while they want to fundraise USD

so basically they want half of the USD that had been printed in all history up until 2017.

maybe they just want to say that they want to push YOU into poverty, who knows.

may it by getting it from you or by letting some govs print money faster than ever, reducing your money to half or less of a fraction of its previous virtual value.

But the AI that came up with that number had "good luck" to not come up with the need of "more" money than ever has existed =D

i think i'ld prefer to use a dice when i really need a random "decision".

update: Plz tell me if i am wrong with the numbers or what the current 2024 number of all "printed" (well physical AND digital) USD in the world is at the moment. thx

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a genious man once said:

"they should(!) teach them the bible !! ... and then also point out precisely where and how the catholic church evilish manipulated some parts to enpower them to abuse even more where the bible really told people how to see through their lies to get rid of such demonic abusers."

or so i've heared once long ago.

i think this is called "to howl with the wolfes" ;o) so why revolt when acting in 100% conformity solves the root problem even better ?

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guess the're counting the money they ripped off from you without you noticing anything. counting that much can take hours !! ;-)

woman would take care for a literal horse instead of going to therapy. i don't see anything wrong there either.

just a horse is way more expensive, cannot be put aside for a week on vacations (could a notebook be put aside?) and one cannot make backups of horses or carry them with you when visiting friends. Horses are way more cute, though.

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maybe the root-cause is less the publicly-traded part but rather the total lack of any consequences?

but yes i totally agree, any company publicly traded will get a payed-for-CEO after a while and latest at that point is where no problems are resolved any more, but instead are IMHO always created on purpose.

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Having subscriptions for hardware

actually how i understand that model, the subscription would not be for the "hardware" (which you would still have to 'buy' and pay for all of its repairs by yourself) but only for the software which would actually block you from using your own hardware if you stop paying the then-later-by-them-to-be-definded-price for the 'licence' to use that software, rendering the hardware a useless piece of junkscrap whenever and as long as they whish or their cloud runs on MShitsoft or is maybe ClownStricken, MacAfff'ed, CEO'ed, CTO'ed, Shareholder'ed or such).

That f*up-idea is afaik explicitly NOT a renting model for hardware where they'ld had to make sure that it actually works before you have to pay the rent, but only a licensing software for that only software that is vendor-locked-in on that vendor-poisoned hardware.

As i know myself, i guess i'll discontinue to buy or suggest any of their stuff for a few decades from now, for that "idea" only.

Have a nice(r) day without logitech!

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Don't they have laws to protect the population from free walking murder suspects?

Sorry for who has to live there.

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not the home screem

if had to use windows at home i'ld screem too.

not too surprised they didn't change that.

yeah, thats exactly what i am saying, most of the money ever printed sits in places it will never leave, so IMO there are no 5trillion available on the market and the cash flow does not allow to take out even a "little" bit (speaking in 1e12 terms) before things collapse for the majority.

oh yes, printing money works exactly like that, it was just printed in the past and nowadays they just increase numbers in databases: plopp and the value of that currency and especially everything that is bound to it decreases, ripping you of what you have saved without even touching your bank account.

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[…] reCAPTCHA […] isn’t to detect bots. It is more of stopping automated requests […]

which is bots. bots do automated requests and every automated request doer can also be called a bot (i.e. web crawlers are called bots too and -if kind- also respect robots.txt which has "bots" in its name for this very reason and bots is the shortcut for robots) use of different words does not change reality behind it, but may add a fact of someone trying something on the other.

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and the ones finding apes on a planet just short ahead or into the beginning of those 10000 years might think "well lets teach them how to stack stones and let them call us gods for just showing some of our million years old and cheap replicated tech gadgets pewpew, how amusing! but now lets go on, this planet has water but way too much oxygen and also there is axial precession that would change weather over only few hundrets of thousands of years if not less, not the planet of choice for eternals like us, duh!"

i think it was not the whole hull but one of the materials, the hull was made of that had expired. well, carbon fibre has its strenght when pulled, but when pushing it bends. but if one uses resin on the fibre, then it gets some strenght when pushed too. similar to steel and concrete, while steel can really be pulled a lot, concrete is way better when pushed than steel. steel is quite stable when pushed too, but thats not its main strength. i think the resin was what really held the pressure in the sub, not the carbon fibre, but with this i only have that dangerous type of half-knowledge i'ld have to bring to expert level before doing something stupid (like depending on that to be fully true without really knowing).

in general things often last longer than their expected "minimum" to be used without concern. but in practice one would have to test for damage or if its worn out (like its done with airplane parts at fixed intervals) even without using materials of bad quality. but that was AFAIK what oceangate's management decided to explicitly NOT check the sub for - despite internal demands to do so.

i would not say its not possible to build a secure pressure hull out of carbon fibre, or out of carbon fibre of not the best quality, or a hull of a different shape than a sphere, or a hull out of different materials with different bending behaviors under pressure, or when such components are "glued" together on the edges that do the different bending, but ALL of this at the same time and without even checking at least after a new maximum depth was reached? not to mention crackling sounds after which heared one would want to double check. Even the wright brothers seemed more cautious to me.

today one would at least get some wear level statistics with unmanned vehicles in a slightly deeper than intended depth to have security margins and afterwards throughout checks for the parts that are important, single points of failures or are one of the proudly new developed.

isn't even trying to keep an innocent behind bars already a type of kidnapping attempt and every second of delay that it caused an actual act of kidnapping?

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ok, not sure, but...

  • its billionaires..
  • they tried to put additional sand there to "protect" their luxury vacation homes they had literally "build on sand" and damage wildlife while they go, but were stopped by a court ruling
  • now one of them accusing another of "stealing sand" and sues him to put "the stolen sand back", so he can be forced by court to put sand there. and maybe more than he ever "stole".
  • it sounds like only lies is what they have
  • its only billionaires, nothing good comes from them.

maybe the court should rule that he has to put sand there personally by his own hands (no tech other than a bucket is allowed) that he has to carry without machinery, cars or anything from at least 5km away until his neigbour is fine with the situation. if the neighbour is fine quite quickly, the court should fine that neighbour due to abusing the court with false claims. if not, that sandy billionaire still can fine his neigbour to help him. maybe...

but anyway that situation stinks.

i am sure that only affects the data YOU can ever access, but never the data already stored for later abuse ;-)

we need an adblockers blockers blocker

no, what is needed is an app that helps track who benefits from thr apps that annly you most:

  • ownership of companies pushing annoying ads
  • management of companies pushing annoying ads
  • find the connection between those and the products you maybe want to buy in shops or in internet before you buy, then instead of buying, let the app send the seller a message that you did not buy because of that connection.
  • do this in numbers with lots of people and see what happens to the advertising jungle

the point is NOT buying because of advertising AND let them know it, so they can learn to improve themselves.

they wanted your data? let them have it the way you want them to.

same with any platform. ask the creator of your choice to also publish using patreon and you'll become a member then, getting the content free of ads. better more directly pay who does the actual work, not all the big tech harvesting all the benefit inbetween.

so what maybe is needed here could be a free or even self-hostable platform that also allows payed subscriptions.

i think its also a very good symbol of how the US just forgets about even their very own laws at a snap of a finger and that no nation in the world (not even the us itself) can ever trust them with anything. like for example the so called freedom of religion when we're at the Sioux Blackbhills anyway.

an experiment with words, first mixed (CAP ist first sentence, lower is second, but try to read all words first) then separated versions:

LET how ME does TRY it TO feel MAKE to YOU you COMPARE reading IT that TO sentence READING and TWO this SENTENCES question WITH in MIXED parallel? WORDS.

let me try to make you compare it to reading two sentences with mixed words.

how does it feel to you reading that sentence and this question in parallel?

actually reading this feels a bit similar to listening to different songs in parallel to me, but when reading these 1:1 alternating words (even with one sentence in CAPS) i do not recognise any meaning while reading, but when explicitly only reading CAP or noncap words. when listening to two songs in parallel this seems far more easy for me and seems to work. am i a musician?

The whole point of ssh-agent is to remember your passphrase.

replace passphrase with private key and you're very correct.

passphrases used to login to servers using PasswordAuthentication are not stored in the agent. i might be wrong with technical details on how the private key is actually stored in RAM by the agent, but in the context of ssh passphrases that could be directly used for login to servers, saying the agent stores passphrases is at least a bit misleading.

what you want is:

  • use Key authentication, not passwords
  • disable passwordauthentication on the server when you have setup and secured (some sort of backup) ssh access with keys instead of passwords.
  • if you always want to provide a short password for login, then don't use an agent, i.e. unset that environment variable and check ssh_config
  • give your private key a password that fits your needs (average time it shoulf take attackers to guess that password vs your time you need overall to exchange the pubkey on all your servers)
  • change the privatekey every time immediately after someone might have had access to the password protected privkey file
  • do not give others access to your account on your pc to not have to change your private key too often.

also an idea:

  • use a token that stores the private key AND is PIN protected as in it would lock itself upon a few tries with a wrong pin. this way the "password" needed to enter for logins can be minimal while at the same time protecting the private key from beeing copied. but even then one should not let others have access to the same machine (of course not as root) or account (as user, but better not at all) as an unlocked token could also possibly be used to place a second attacker provided key on the server you wanted to protect.

all depends on the level of security you want to achieve. additional TOTP could improve security too (but beware that some authenticator providers might have "sharing" features which could compromise the TOTP token even before its first use.

πŸ€” maybe there is a lack of distributed fediversed search engine instances where:

  1. everyone can host a search engine for their very own pages

  2. everyone can crawl other pages and provide (maybe with permissions) the crawled data to other search engines (as compressed snapshots, api ...) or provide a search engine by themselves for all.

  3. such search engines can be ranked or marked with "has anti features xyz" and put into followable 'collections' per topics.

  4. possibility to add 3rd party rankings and filters, so that one can use only a subset of a search engine list that was pieced together by someone you know or trust, reduced by rankings or filters published by another one you somehow trust to limit the items in the first list.

then: "for software development i use linuz personal 'devel' collection, this way i don't have to manually click through big G's gigabytes of SpaMalAds they always only frustrate you with and i am not distracted with dyo stuff when searching for server administration things like 'puppet stages howto'. for my home projects i use my friends 'home of DYO' collection, i get more results than i need but get new ideas as well without seeing work stuff when looking up how to build a puppet stage for my little one. πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘§ for kids its awesome, our school provides a collection including specialized search instances that fit learning, while that collection is also peer reviewed by a company that spezialized to ensure it does to not contain search engine instances that also index any unfitting content pages."

oh btw: no i do not have any info about duckduckgo status unfortunately, i stepped over it by myself today πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

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i did no see them obey their constitution yet. did they start to do so recently?

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it is unlikely that they see "you" driving then. just to mention ;-)

maybe parts of it has an undenieable reason:

like i said:

maybe the root-cause is […] the total lack of any consequences

but you used much more words ;-)

"publicly traded" does not imply that consequences would be impossible.

i see the opposite is true.

one could make that "public trade" also "very" public as in ownerships could only be changed together with a public note of who that new owner of that share is in person and only like not allow ownership changes more than twice a week per person, making investment more profitable than parasitic high performance trade. also the current lack of consequences could be improved by making the shareholders personally responsible for everything that the company does, including going to jail when the ceo left the country to not go there.

that could include making those responsible who owned that company at the time of its crime, making trust in the company way more important than that they can cause damage to society in macroscope just to profit in microscopical bits.

this way the shareholders would have a at least one trigger to actually want to look into who that bullshittalker is they want to let into such a position of "their property"

society should take care who they let do things with "their property" too.

you can copy your system live, but that would involve other tools than dd too.

with dd when copying the whole device (instead of just partitions) everything gets cloned. This includes uuids, labes, lvm devices with the names of their lv and vg names and raid devices in case you have any. all of these (c|w)ould collide unless the original disk was taken out or either the new or old disks labrls uuids etc are previously to the boot changed to prevent collusions or accidently mounting/booting the original partitions. also if (!) you use device names i.e. in fstab, crypttab, scripts or such, like with the uuids things could break. also you might have to take action for your bios to actually boot from the stick. most people disable usb boot on notebooks for security reasons.

using dd, cloning the full disk to the full stick, then removing the original disk + set bios boot setting might work out of the box, i'ld try that first as it takes only the effort to boot from another os to do the dd-copy offline (preventing filesystem damage while copying).

a live copy could be done by cloning only the partition layout and bootloader, then setting up new filesystems (with new uuids) and new lvm group/volumes etc if any, copying original disk using rsync then (maybe "bind" mounting to separate partitions if needed), then adjusting boot config to match new uuids/labels. This could be done while running the system to be copied, but of course even running rsync twice might lack some updates of currently open files by sth like desktop programs or logfiles.

Without knowing the exact setup, only limited answers can be given, but you have to make sure the boot process will work, so at least the boot loader (grub?) and its files will be needed, which -at least in the past and for old lilo/grub- could not reside at some position on the disk after some "high value" like some number GBs. if that limitation is still there, your new exact partition layout on the usb stick might be relevant for success, but try/error should give you the hints you need.

you might use "language models" for getting hints, but they are language models, not friends, their "solution" might break your system and delete your data, and they are trained to say they are sorry afterwards, but the are'nt sorry, its just a sequenze of probabilities and words to them not more.

So always only work on data that has been backed up and prooven to be suitable for you to recover everything you need from scratch, no matter if friends, language models or lemmy users assist you ;-)

UPDATE: just learned that batocera is "designed" to be just copied to usb stick and run from there, so it will most likely already include everything you need. best is to follow their instructions how to create the usb stick to boot from. if you already have it running from partition, you most likely can copy your current data using rsync. but beware, if you have two copies with the same uuids (partition +usb) that might not work as expected.

1 more...

maybe just "they" can't.

probably a bad idea to put those with already too many recource usage, who are living on the cost of society for uncountable generations, in positions to decide anything. maybe.

the "love" part is - as always - difficult to define. its a word widely abused by those who abuse in other ways anyway, while in non-abuse circumstances, "love" is kind of a word without clear definition. In some aspects this is very similar to love itself - as love has many ways and facets to it that can vary greatly - okay, but that possibly is only a thought fed by a lack of a more precise language and overall use of way too generic words.

A young child that is abused might not have experienced love in its short lifetime, yet it might use the word it once heared in different context out of just trying to get word meanings - that is learning to speak - or trying to figure out what could stop the abuser from abusing it, while their abusers might personally use the word "love" instead of "abuse" because abusing others - for the abuser - might be the one thing which makes them feel something that most closely matches what others say about how love feels. For the kid, love then is a wierd word with very contradicting meaning, which in turn would be said to be so by nearly all adults, but mostly for other reasons. Please try to be more precise when talking about serious love questions about abusive contexts =) let me now do a step aside to the literally cold part of the world. One knows snow and ice, but i once read in a documentation that some culture in an icy region has 32 words for different types of ice and snow for their daily use and i assume that this happened due to the need of definition what type of snow to expect 'over there', or maybe "tomorrow" or in discussions where to settle or how to reach a site.. that is having only one word that has to fit-them-all yet beeing so important and prone to be abused(abuse of the word here) it seems to me that the lack of words for defining a bit more precisely if it is loving like a (non-abusive) mother loving like a real friend loving sth like an enthusiast ... could probably have a slightly bigger role in the overall problem than anticipated in general.

but yes, the brain is programmable, you do it when learning to ride a bicycle. Social programming may work differently, but is also possible. See how many people are trained like apes to always shout how great their country is, how civilized etc they are, yet if you really look it, all the lies just stinc horribly and that so called civilisation is very far away from beeing civilised. yet all the programmed apes prodly shout the greatness does not even exist there, but maybe it exists in their dreams (only)...

but now to answer the question with what i personally think:

while the mind is still developing to actually come into existance, conciousness still is a rare visitor as it comes into play and drifts away again without having a way to make it stay, one has only few things randomly choosen that can be directly remembered and huge parts of time inbetween conscious moments which start with a fast-forward in time while the inbetween is like the memory of a bad dream, blurred, not in order etc, but yet is the actual reality consciousness then stepped into. Stepping in of not yet developed consciousness may also have an incontrollable timing of stepping in-and-out, making decisions very urgend to do before blurrtime starts again and consciousness stepsl out. While not having consciousness at hand alltime, one can - during conscious times - only act or even think so little until unconscious time of "instinc-only" starts again. Again in nonconcious time contra-abuse actions cannot be performed or even thought of. body screams in pain, making the abuser causing more pain to victim which causes body to scream more until finally passing out. however thinking how to get out is only available in moments when the currently developing consciousness actually steps in again which can be quite short and not so easy to predict when that happens or when it ends again.

In later stages where consciousness - while not fully developed - at least is nearly alltime available -that is until passing out of course- actions can be adjusted to like not(!) crying in pain when waking up from passing out (while still beeing abused though) so to disrupt this specific downward spiral of screaming-is-punished-by-more-abuse.

In later stages when beeing able to observe the little hints of psychological instabilities of the abusers and their "abuse triggers" a "profile" becomes visible -that is when the victim has sort of a years long running statistics about that broken abusers "personality" not because the victim wants to make statistics but because of intentionally forgetting things is just not yet available to the under-stress-developing personality / brain functions of the victim as same as also intentionally remembering things (in general or circumstances related) too is a not yet available brain function. Also some parts of a more developed brain hide horrible experiences from consciousnes while other parts try to reach the memories to not only complete development but also to maybe find solutions to get out of the danger by analyzing memories of what happened when and why, when did it stop and maybe what caused the stop so one can start to handle it somehow. So it all forms a rather horrible yet "luckily incomplete" statistics done under stressfull fight against oneself then later called maybe hust "experience" or trauma etc. while the victim should learn to cope and handle and develop its own body or brain functions or even personality, to prepare for life, it is >500% overload-occupied with learning to cope with the junkyard of the abusers "personality" to prevent the small quantum fluctuations in the inbalances of the abusers psycholigical radioactive mess to avoid at least passing out due to abuse. trying to prevent the abuse is then the only available way of trying to survive, which is also instinct driven and surviving is n1 priority of the child, that is if course unless the child develops suicidal thoughts as a result of abuse. If and only if the victim somehow survives this mentally and becomes capable of doing the splits (mind, not sports) it is then eventually able to try to analyse how it could be possible and plan ahead solving the problem by maybe leaving forever or maybe finding other solutions, beeing on a constant lookout for what might bring security instead of learning to live or enjoying life let alone build up his life. Children don't know what possibilities society in general offers or the risks child"care" offices pose to them (neither the other way around). They only rely on that little they know which is only their own experience and the "experience" of all ancestors combined and inherited in "instincts", which are both unreliable in such cicrumstances: instincts are sort of predictable by adults and often abused by abusers thus bad to rely on in an abusive context when still a child. The own experience is still very little, likely poisoned by abusers and logic (brain instinct?) also needs all relevant variables to make good decisions while the lack of experience causes a lack of knowing what variables would be relevant or do exist at all also again likely beeing poisoned by abusers. Decisions are made out of the visible(!) possibilities which are likely also intentionally reduced overall by abusers for this very reason maybe by cutting the cholds connections to others, telling the child that those neigbours were very evil persons etc.

Some types of abusers intentionally destroy their victims believe in themselves. this makes it very hard or impossible for the victim to get out on his own, sometimes the victims mind may even start to think (what narcisists heavily work on to achieve) that the current abusive situation was the best possible outcome of their life, which then stops the "want" of leaving the abusive context as result of the psycoligical trap the abuser intentionally layed.

Also leaving abusive circumstances always is risky, and one should be thoughtful about risky decisions in general, right? Obviously abusers already are ok with substancially harming the victims body, mind, life and soul. Also they usually fear to face consequences (not sociopath or psychopath they don't fear consequences), some would rather completely destroy the life of their victim than facing the consequences of their actions. Narcisists would probably make the friends of the victim believe the narcisist was the victim and the victim was the offender, deliberately destroying all friendships A sociopath would probalby cause unimaginable damages of any type to the victim not preventing even damage to himself, while a psychopath would maybe kill the victim for any reason including removal of evidences. Considering all of this does not make "leaving" abusive situations an easygoing task but a decision that can possibly and realistically end very horrible. Additionally victims might fear to get similar punishments from others when telling the truth so in fear might not even tell the truth when help would really be at the tip of their nose. Then saying weird things could be such an instinct kicking in and maybe not(!) a thoughtful decision. Saying such things (out of trained fear) that protect the abuser or even add insult to the victim itself (as trained by the abuser that the victim always has to insult and calling itself beeing responsible for all bad things or face even worse punishing) might also affect the victim to start to believe really untrue thing about itself. Most people struggle to get out if a single devils-circle, but what if a second circle was added?

this is part 1..

you could donate one and at the same time claim (somewhere really anonymously in the internet) that you want to destroy that tape with that player for protection. They then might actually 'want' to investigate

  1. the tape
  2. the player

(3. possibly also you)

after doing 1 and 2 they then actually have the technology AND the hardware to play that stupid tape.

if they do 3. and ask you who you want to protect, you can truthfully say "law fulfillment"

always think outside the box AND around the corner ;-)

hope that helps