1 Post – 52 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

Germans on the flight from Cologne to Palma, too.

What this person said.

~ sincerely, a German

(Seriously though, the situation here is intense. Our minister of education is currently under pressure to resign by the scientific community (which she refuses to do) because her ministry was looking for ways to defund / revoke grants to 400 university researchers who had criticized the way in which a pro-Palestinian protest was handled. That's all it takes.)

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Yes, good thing Russia forces people to change genders!

...not what you meant, huh?

What use is Github / a Github clone to you without knowing git?

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Yep, no leak.

This is hilarious, but also: how could anyone develop such a tool and not at least test it out on their own images? Someone with a public persona no less! Boggles my mind.

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Racist. That's the adjective describing the father that's - somehow, miraculously - missing from the quoted excerpt.

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Oof yeah. Finding a reddit thread with your exact query as the title, getting excited to see a comment, aaaaand... It's "This comment was deleted by EliteUltraEraser Premium TM. I value my privacy,...."

(I do get it though. And who knows, maybe this will actually help in the long run and not just lead to increased usage of Discord communities so ask the same thing over and over and over again because they aren't fucking publicly searchable god I hate what Discord has done to the searchability of issues in the tech space?)

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OK im starting to have doubts that this is legit. Looks like OP (or OOP, idk) just found a classifier which misclassified that image. Nothing I'm seeing indicates that it's the classifier used for her stupid app.

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Nr. 1 accepted answer (lots of years ago): something something plenty of information available on Google, no need for this thread

Nr. 2 answer (way fewer years ago): seeing as this is now the first Google result for anything relating to this, here's how you do it.

(shame I can't remember what exactly the question was. Please still believe me? 🥺)

In no way do I intend to justify or defend the attacker here, but I do feel the need to point out that "anti-islamist activist" is a thin veil for "right-wing nationalist".

Same goes for Pax Europa. They may describe themselves as "informing the public", but they're a a right-wing extremist group who are under observation from the "Bavarian Office for the Protection of the Constitution", which, if you know anything about German politics, could be described as "a little bit blind in the right eye", i.e. it takes quite a bit for them to even start observing threats from the right.

(Only reason I'm adding this as context is because in the comment above, only the heavily euphemised descriptions were cited.)

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OK im gonna stop commenting now.

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Oops, might have gone a little off topic there.

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Ah, I think my edible just hit, that explains it

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Just checking in to say: Cute dress!

Wait HTC is making phones again??

sent from my HTC Desire HD

(ok not really but I WISH)

Currently, no. But I also haven't opened a game on my PC in months, since that time sadly has to go towards my Master's thesis. But ever since I got the deck, I have heavily used it. It's easier to pick up and put down than the same game on PC, so I just do (did) more frequently.

Additionally: word of mouth can turn into sales down the line, too, if the pirate liked the game and talks about it.

At worst, the developer isn't negatively impacted (by people pirating a game they couldn't afford / had no intention of buying), at best it leads to more sales.

I don't see the problem.

And I know that someone reading this will be foaming at their mouth, excited to say "But what if everyone did this? Then developers/studios/... wouldn't make any money and stop producing games/movies/...!", so I have to preemptively add the following:

  • obviously this is not the case. Pirates have existed for decades.
  • pirates pirate because the cost is either too high for them to afford, or higher than what they value the game/... at. If you consider yourself a "rational capitalist" (which, let's be real, is what most of the anti-piracy-crowd sees themselves at) then consider this as the market working as intended: demand simply isn't high enough at the price they're selling at
  • and once more, just to make sure this comes across, pirating a digital product incurrs zero (0) loss on the side of the developer/studio. No, you can not count "virtual" losses from what they could have sold if the pirates ever had the intention of buying, or pirating didn't exist (because, y'know, it does).

Edit: btw I say this as someone who has never pirated a game except for Minecraft when I was, like, 10. I love playing (esp. Indie) games and am happy to pay for them. I just want people to leave folks alone who can't.

I think what plays into this is also language. In English / to you, I presume it makes perfect sense to say "Pi is approximately three point one four". In other languages (for me, German) the literal translation "Pi ist ungefähr drei Punkt eins vier" sounds awful and wrong. We say "Pi ist ungefähr drei Komma eins vier" ("Pi is approximately three comma one four") so we also write it like this 🤷🏼‍♀️

1 more... words.


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Hmmm nooo, I have no problem with you speaking, I'm just pointing out that what you speak makes no sense. That's just free speech :)

(Not the person you responded to)

I'm curious, what exactly are your issues with the AI implementations the poster above you mentioned?

Because to me, they seem like very specific usecases where they actually offer benefits. It doesn't seem like someone just went "everyone is doing ai... Let's slap ai on Firefox so we stay one of the cool kids!".

Example: I live in a country where I don't speak the language. Instead of using a plugin for Firefox which translates e.g. government sites by sending them to Google translate, FF has been handling this locally for a couple of months now. Seems like a win to me.

Similarly, I imagine that vision impaired folks will receive a real benefit by not having to deal with the way-too-large number of websites not providing alt tags for images.

If (yes, I know, big IF) the models FF ships are indeed ethically trained and run fully locally... Then I kinda don't get the issue

I pay for one Usenet provider/indexer. I also still use tons of torrent sources.

90% of the time, stuff that I'm monitoring gets downloaded via Usenet for currently airing or rather new shows.

50% of the time when actively looking for stuff from the past 5-10 years I use Usenet, the other half is torrents

90% of stuff older than that, I only find torrents

100% of non-English stiff I get from torrents (I'm subscribed to an English Usenet indexer though, so that tracks).

In short: Why not use both?

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Yes, they do!! With torrents, it just takes a single seeder to keep the torrent alive, but Usenet isn't peer to peer - you're downloading stuff from a centralized server(s), and they simply cannot keep everything alive forever.

IMO it's fine though. Usenet provides you with very timely access to all the "newest" stuff, in excellent, very consistent quality.

And for older stuff, there's torrents.

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Andi Scheuer standing next to Ron de Santis is the crossover I never knew I wanted.

Still don't, actually. Because I fucking hate it.

No, not the LEO. We're talking about the guy the attacker was in an argument/brawl with before the LEO arrived.

I... What?

If I were to plot all of your positions on the political compass, would that draw Rick Astley...?

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The only flagship phone I know that has all the features (3.5mm, SD card,...) is the Xperia 1 series, and those are kinda expensive, sadly.

So what are you using it for? (Not criticizing, genuinely curious)

In case RPG includes JRPG for you: Both Nier:Automata and Nier:Replicant play fantastic in the deck, and those games are far more enjoyable with a controller instead of keyboard and mouse

I STILL haven't finished NieR:Replicant.

Maybe this week.

  • Windows (family PC)
  • a BUNCH of Ubuntu-based distros (Ubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, Ubuntu Studio (which was awesome btw), Mint,... ) on my first own PC
  • Arch for years and years and years
  • NixOS

I wouldn't count the last switch as distro hopping though. It was a calculated decision after months of deliberation and trying things out. And now that everything is set up, I am very certain that I'll never switch to another distro again, Nix is just too good.

NixOS on my Laptop, Desktop, Gaming Machine, and around 10 servers.

Still have two servers on Arch, waiting to be migrated, and I'm really itching to but NixOS on the Steam Deck as well.

I don't have accounts on any other streaming services 😅 YouTube works, though

Do you have a suggestion how to eliminate this as a possibility?

Sioyek also does this

Highly recommend, esp. if you like using vim keybinds (you abviously don't have to, but IMO it's a fantastic feature)


no, sorry :(

I really don't think it's DNS (famous last words, I know)

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Oh wow, this is literally what I've been waiting for.

Edit: OK, it's not quite there yet.

Sure, but if everyone said it differently, than that would also be part of the language. I don't disagree with you, I just think you've described language (in this context) 😄

Good idea. I get a number of CORS errors - but I also get them without the VPN, so I don't think that's it.

The idea that CR doesn't block me, their content hipster does though - that might have merit. Hm. I have noticed that some sites require me to solve the Cloudflare Captcha. So maybe that happens when requesting the page/stream, and then since I don't (can't) solve it, nothing happens?

Do you have an idea how I could verify this? 😅