1 Post – 27 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Sure would be nice to foster new niche communities on Lemmy instead of talking about our obnoxious ex-platform

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lmao, good fuckin luck replacing dedicated volunteers with one or two shitty ones obsessed with power

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I love being a part of stuff like this.

It took reddit years and years to get to what it is today (well ... a week ago), and I'm excited to be a part of something like that again.

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The lack of societal solidarity for the betterment of everyone is sad.

But that's ok, reddit was never going to die after this protest.

I think what took place was a successful test of what alternatives exist out in the wild.

Now it's up to those of us who migrated to post through the highs and lows of early adoption in order to encourage others to come and stick around when the next shitty move by Spez takes place.

For example, I migrated to Mastodon in late 2018 during an initial surge. And over the years tried to keep posting content so that when the next migration took place when Elon took the reigns, people were able to possibly feel more at home.

This shit takes time. A lot of time. But the internet is a big place and there's plenty of opportunity for things to be better. We just can expect things to rush themselves

I don't think it'll be that simple

There are sooooo many fuckin subs, and while I know there are small handfuls that oversee dozens and dozens, the niche ones that really help user retention will suffer.

Like, it's not the huge million+ subs that I'm missing, it's the smaller localized fandoms and obscure memory subs that I'm really missing.

lol I respect the honesty

We comin for dat ass,

I'm stubborn enough not to.

Maybe I'll go to swipe some content to repost and hopefully continue to build the communities up here.

But just like with my migration from Twitter to Mastodon, there ain't no way I'm going back now.

I guess I gotta get off my lazy ass this weekend and fuck up my comments

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At least we aren't on reddit complaining about reddit. That always seemed silly.

Lmao, I can't deny it is really entertaining seeing how creative people get with picking apart that dumbass ceo

For example, /r/nba went dark for a Finals game - the final Finals game where a champion was crowned.

I'd love to see one or two lower-tier mods take over that sub. It'd become a complete pile of shit.

I can't deny that. At least now, instead of doing it on reddit we can do it on a different platform

I didn't even think of that.

Makes sense, it definitely helps provide a sense of solidarity amongst us users


Fair points, and outstanding analogy

aww man, is a shit-filled instance??

it has a pretty solid simpsons shitpost community that may be hard to restart elsewhere

I'm definitely giving it a shot at being more of a content contributor. It's given me a newfound respect for heavy contributors on subs that I've loved so much

For example, I've been doing my best to create a new simpsons shitpost once a day/every two days since I've moved over and it's been a lot of fun

It was for my Mac, an Apple Performa 550.

Marathon. Made by some relative unknown company, Bungie.

So much god damn fun

General Chaos

Twisted Metal

NBA Jam: Tournament Edition

Despite how quickly trends/content can age on the internet, you shouldn't mistake that for actual transitions in platforms.

There's a ton of logistical and infrastructure-related issues that need to be sorted out, but you're being defeatist if you don't think that just because there haven't been mass migrations within a year, any sort of shift is irrelevant.

Twitter and reddit have incredible momentum and it takes a long time to slow them down.

Just look at how desperate Twitter has been with their advertising - I don't think anyone would say they haven't suffered some incredible damage over the last 8 months

holy fuck

i'm just some asshole with a 13+ year old account that would bitch and moan in the comments section

i can't imagine dedicating so much of my time to build a wonderful community and then being unceremoniously cast away as part of a large purge of dissent

Frankly, I'm too deeply rooted into the Android ecosystem with all my purchases over the many, many years.

Plus I enjoy diversifying my gadgets across several platforms.

Although I'm looking to invest in some smart-home products and ironically, am favoring Google first and foremost.

But we were talking about Twitter specifically, not any sort of self-hosted platform or personal site.

I don't disagree with you, I'm just confused when the discussion moved from Twitter to an anecdote about one's IMAP email client

That doesn't make sense. Social media rules aren't written in stone.

All forms of communication/media/technology evolve over time. Going backwards is regressive.

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You know, maybe I didn't understand the full meaning of your comment - I assumed you were referring to not having the ability to block a user as a "return to how social was meant to be on the internet"

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I swear some of y'all just get off on doomsaying.

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