4 Post – 60 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Allowing racists and fascists a seat at the table under the guise of 'fairness' or 'free speech'. Reddit became polluted with far-right astroturfing in the last six years.

It is not tolerance to welcome those persons who seek to harm you.

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Conservative terrorism is out control. It breaks out specifically across racial and socioeconomic lines.

Moderates and liberals are trying to protect themselves, while conservatives are hell-bent on tearing everyone down.

My hope is that these are the death throes of the Republican party. A loud gasp for air before the party croaks and shatters.

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How is it projection when that is exactly what they are doing?

How many more dead kids do you need to see before taking action on conservative terrorism and white terrorism?

You believe what you want to. Nothing I say is going to convince you, random internet person.

I had used reddit since the near beginning, and over time the prevalence of 'alternative facts' and other right-wing narratives has risen sharply. You also have communities like r/conservative that participate in open calls to violence and perpetuate right wing dogwhistles for maximum rage bait. The sheer slide of r/politicalcompassmemes going from people role-playing different ideologies to thinly-veiled alt-right propaganda speaks to this shift.

Catering to conservatives and right wing players results in the enshittification of the website.

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It's not 'Lemmy users'. It's normal people.

Normal people hate Andrew Tate like any other con-man and charlatan. The fans of Tate are pathetic little boys looking for a shortcut through life, and Tate says you can get that bag by disrespecting others and ultimately treating half the population as property.

Normal folk hate scum, and Tate is scum.

This last couple years has done a great job of exposing the Musk family weird breeder kink.

He doesn't even do the work himself for THAT, He uses artificial insemination.

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I've had crunchwraps more Supreme than this court.

I personally prefer the two devices. Keeps my work live separate from my personal life.

I was hard worker. All I got for it was lifelong chronic pain.

I don't think it's a fair trade.

Did u take my hot n ready meme down for corpoposting?

Whack. Literally 1884.

Only a republican can be so invested in another man's cock and still try to say they aren't LGBT.

The entire party is ill.

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Apparently it's been out for a bit? I saw someone randomly playing it last week and now half my steam list is balls deep in Dave.

Reddit doesn't make anything, the users make the content.

It's both hilarious and sad that Huffman would choose to alienate users. Seriously biting the hand that feeds.

Yall are navigating waters that you probably have little professional experience with. Keep at it and don't get discouraged.

A lot of things are carcinogenic. Benzene from automobile exhaust is carcinogenic.

The exposure determines the risk. You would need substantial quantities to increase your cancer risk.

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It functions on completely different technology, go back to your masturbatiom cave Elon

I am also interested in hearing about the fallout from the exodus.

If you aren't interested, you can block the thread.

It aint honest and it aint work.

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How do we get power users if no imaginary win points?

You can make the bandits go away with one simple spell (it involves phone calls and credible threats to the agents families).

I kept calm and played Diablo 4.

We are already getting games with every conceivable corner cut.

The real evil is the stock market: once you're publicly traded you essentially lose control of the company and the product. Your company has the sole primary duty of creating wealth for the shareholders, and anything that gets in the way of that is expendable or offensive.

Normalize private companies making games again (Valve where you at man).

Seriously. They expect 30% growth? They can afford a few salaries.

Honestly I think this is pretty well understood on an individual level.

The business world needs the wake-up call. It's an employee market, has been for awhile and projected to stay that way as employment remains high. Start shelling out some hefty salaries or people are going to move to those who will.

Anyone have a solid how-to for the layman to host their own lemmy instance? I heard it improves browsing a lot.

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How can you farm karma if there is no karma to farm?

Relax and enjoy engagement for engagement sake.

Or funnel your energy towards making new content.

Diving beetle seems pretty metal, I'll vote for him.

As a person who doesn't buy Apple ecosystem hardware, I don't know what niche this product is filling for me.

I don't already use VR, so what is this product doing to draw me in to VR? On top of that, what does Apple VR offer that other VR services do not?

I replaced every comment I ever made with a protest message.

Shredding my account may have left some holes like this

Got so many baked beans they thinking we British


When my nerve pain rose to the point that I lost the use of my leg, I invested in a shower chair.

Now that I'm rehabilitated, I still use the shower chair because it's absolutely delightful to just chill with good posture in the warm shower.

I'm dumb, gif in comment how?

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Brothers it is time

Just use the sources at the bottom of the article forehead

I signed up through vlemmy, idk if that means anything significant though since I'm able to subscribe to whatever.

Does lemmy pay in McDonald's chicken nuggets?

Stay strong brother

My lemmy page was already covered in weird fucked up hentai and drawn stuff when I signed up. I've had to block communities one at a time, just to have non-pornographic NSFW content.