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Joined 12 months ago

Uvaldes is majority conservative according to Google, so that wouldn’t have happened. I expect nothing less of Texas

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On paper , sure. The YouTube premium interface is enough to make it not worth it. Id rather switch to Apple Music and I’m not a fan of that apps UI either. I feel like google play music was a lot better than what we have now. I pay for yt premium but don’t use it for music if that says anything.

They recently broke hwid, but was recently fixed as of 2.2. The other method worked fine still

I think you’re missing the point. People don’t like to be bombarded at their job , shitty or not as soon as they get there. But at least this way you don’t come off as an asshole.

I miss when cringe actually meant cringe, not it’s just things people don’t like.

It’s a relatively consistent and fun arcade shooter. We don’t need to bring the gatekeeping that you see on other platforms. Let people like what they like.

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The idea is fine. Still trusting lastpass was the bad idea. Others have much better implementations to protector your vault and don’t drop the ball on security time after time.

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I can’t remember the last time I let someone ring me up at Walmart. Self checkout was always faster because most of the attended registers were closed. Most of my adult life I’ve bagged myself and idk if I’d want to go back tbh. The tech is annoying to deal with though

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So many out of touch people in every thread that mentions TikTok. The same shit we did on YouTube , FB , Twitter, vine, etc is the same concept on TikTok. Memes evolve or new ones are born, that is nothing new

It’s still the best search engine in my experience. I’ve tried using bing and DuckDuckGo. They just don’t cut it and the ai stuff isn’t particular impressive to me. Google just understands the power of defaults

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For what it’s worth. , my coworker had one and his room didn’t smell. I assume it’s like owning any other in house pet where you just need to regularly clean their cage/tank

not OP, but for me, using an iPhone and wishing it had a few features android had feels a lot better than using android and wishing it had features iOS does. It’s not like they both don’t participate in monopolistic practices

For real. I learned about this from a guy delivering my weed when we visited. That’s when I learned what biping was. Never would have known. “You dont want to rent a car in Oakland”

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Technically, they do this every year.

More like sexual misconduct. It’s still fucked up, but it’s not rape

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After using both (windows personal , Mac work) , I personally find the hot keys more intuitive in some areas and worse in others. Command being the requirement for a lot of shortcuts makes it easier , but stuff like show desktop or lock were annoying until more recent versions.

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It’s not even a senior thing. You become the family/friend IT guy and the requests don’t always relate to what your experience is in. If it has a cable , you’re expected to know about it now (and fix it for free or cheap)

Edit: sorry I’m not sure what happened , it worked when I posted. Working link posted below (thanks @chunkMcHorkle)

Got paywall on main link:

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Lemmy is more or less a Reddit clone , at least in how users interact with the site/apps. The more people migrate, the more this will happen. Admittedly, that’s why I’m here but I’m not sure what you mean by upholding Reddit standards. Reddit was/is community operated and minus reddits moderation, the users here will shape the future of the site regardless of the instance in the same way. Subs get too big , and create more serious or niche ones, until those get too big.

/r/gaming and r/games come to mind as an example

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🙄 way to be over dramatic

Meh. I pondered this but leaving it helps users still using the platform.

Well that’s the issue. Reddit as a tool/service is fine. The only thing that I have an issue with is the api / third party app stuff and their leadership. Subs like Homelab , league , etc are ones I used heavily and they still function the same more or less. I just lurk more and use Reddit in browser with an extension that helps.

Lemmy and the various instances and apps are cool, but the lack of content(or content creators rather) is what makes it a little depressing. Outside of memes and discussions like this, it doesn’t replace Reddit because the user base is like 10+ years behind. I can show up and find posts from days ago which just leads me to keep using Reddit and rss for new content

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And that’s why certificates can be revoked, that’s the whole point, trust. It only costs a few hundred a year per Microsoft’s documentation and approved vendors so it doesn’t seem that much of an ask. At the very least you can look up the developer yourself, harder to do if the package has no identity associated with it

Doesn’t it really matter if the title is click baity if the content is worth watching. It generates revenue for the content creator so I feel like I’d rather them have what works than a cleaner title.

I mean they did say few. Generally speaking, every browser is basically safari (WebKit) on iOS and apple doesn’t allow support for 3rd party browser extensions (least natively, Orion supports this somehow). So you’re already limited in that regard. If you don’t use safari , a browser like FF + VPN is IMO a better experience. You also have the option of just using wireguard and controlling your traffic at home/VPS if you’re into that.

WebKit might be open source but the browser deployed by apple is not. That’s like saying chrome is open source. They both use open source engines.

League of legends. Esports is really enjoyable but I can’t bring myself to waste anymore time on the game. I get the itch and then it ends up fading quickly

I guess they replaced the photo now? It’s what I see when I loaded the article and I didn’t need to swipe

Browsers on iOS just use WebKit. So chromium or quantum aren’t allowed. So all the work Firefox is doing for android isn’t compatible

Prequel: I am legbeginning

I feel like it would be weird to if you got a vpn for the purpose of downloading isos or making it harder to track you. It wasn’t always available to iOS users either ( I have an iPhone so that’s why I’m mentioning it) , so you already neutered those two bases. It seemed like a niche offering to begin with

AppleTV 100%. it’s 2nd really only to the shield when it comes to streaming formats , as the Apple TV doesn’t support some of the edge cases (as far as normal users go). Streams most things on my plex server. No ads , stellar performance. My 2017 4k is still a beast and I like the UI. You also don’t really have to deal with apps or services skipping your device because of some bullshit, and if you do it’s not long( hbomax, YouTube TV come to mind).

The only thing it really doesn’t do well is casting like chromecast or side loading but I haven’t had an app that I’ve wanted to install that I couldn’t so there’s that. It has airplay but it also requires you to have an iDevice/Mac but I generally wasn’t a huge user of the feature when I had my chromecast.

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For a casual player , it doesn’t matter. It’s usually just cosmetics that are paid although apparently there’s a pay to win skin in DMZ? Either way , the gameplay loop is fast , fun , and it scratches an itch. I had a lot of fun with mw remake , my only problem is my friends have moved on from fps so it’s not as fun to play alone. I do agree they treat their customers pretty badly and it’s a money grab , but the base game is still fun. You don’t need to spend money on cosmetics if you don’t want to , least in the regular multiplayer.

Idk how Reddit links are treated here but here are some good methods (I used the test/fake account like 2 weeks ago)

You can also use Rufus to make an installer that automatically bypasses it but I haven’t used it in a while and not sure if it still works.

I don’t self host it but yeah rss is your best bet. Find a host (self host , free/paid service) and then whichever rss client you want. I use feedbin with reeder on iOS and Mac. Feedbin works in browser , so that is what I use on windows until I find one I like.

You can even do subreddits which I might use for my Homelab and sysadmin stuff. Haven’t looked into rss for lemmy yet , probably should though

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When that happens to YouTube , I’ll change my mind. But until then I’m not going to continue acting entitled to keep using an adblocker because I feel they don’t need the profit. I solved that problem by paying for premium years ago. If you’re concerned about having your data sold, why even use the service. I’m helping support the content I’m watching either with ads or by paying premium. What they do with that information is a separate issue.

I guess I’m not understanding why that wouldn’t happen here or any other instance in the future.

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The San Bernardino county sheriff’s department was responding to a 911 call on Saturday from a family reporting that a boy, identified as Ryan Gainer, was attacking his family at their home in Apple Valley, east of Los Angeles.

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To my knowledge no but it wouldn’t surprise me if someone found a way to do it. It’s just that chromecast/Google TVs is a lot more friendly and open. You can cast iOS or android.

Idk about shorts but for TikTok, creators have the ability to turn this feature on or off, this isn’t the norm.

It can be? Not that it’s hard to read , but I felt it was harder to determine exact speeds in my last car. Am I going 41 of 40, 35 or 33. It’s not that big of a deal but I don’t really have that problem with digital.

Analog is occupied by speeds you will never use. 80 to 260 is useless to be and practically a waste of space for consumer cars.