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That's just not possible, game data is not image data. For example image compression is lossy and based on quadtree representations etc., how would you apply this to code and sprites?

Nobody mentioned ?

That argument is stupid. My robot lawn mower "can drive itself" but it can't follow traffic rules and would crash after a while if set to drive on its own in a road. Just as a Tesla. What Musk was implying was "it can drive itself without violating traffic rules and causing crashes" and clearly it can't.

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Well yes, but the end result after driving unattended in traffic for a while is the same still, that's the point. You could argue that a FSD Tesla makes it a bit further, I guess that's true but still it's far from what Elon was selling to the people.

I agree with most of what you said. I'm not saying that the extend of the military campaign is justified or that the current balancing of objectives between saving civilians and fighting Hamas is fine and reasonable. Still to me indeed the current situation is not solely on Israel. The october attacks, the hostages and the rockets flying from Gaza to Israel are facts that did happen just as well as the killings of civilians in Gaza. We shouldn't just ignore that.

I mean the decision was stupid from an engineering point of view, but the reasoning is not entirely off. Basically it follows the biological example: if humans can drive without Lidar and only using their eyes than this is proof that it is possible somehow. It's only that the current computer vision and AI tech is way worse than humans. Elon chose to ignore this, basically arguing that it is merely a software problem for his developers to figure out. I guess in reality it is a bit more complex.

No of course it is not the best policy, that's not what I said. However it changes the story quite substantially in that a big share of the blame should be attributed also to Hamas. And leaving that part out is super dishonest.

I do acknowledge also the civilian casualties and it's a tragedy of course. I was just pointing out one example of bad reporting and I'm sure if you look closely there are many more cases where civilians died mainly because Hamas was hiding among them. So if you mention the deaths I feel you can't leave out that part. But mostly what I'm trying to say is it's not black & white and there simply are no good options for Israel: either give in to Hamas human shield tactics (for which Hamas basically takes all of Gaza hostage) or accept civilian deaths. It's a bad position and I don't know the answer, but I can understand that letting Hamas get away with everything is also not an option.

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But it's not so simple and the media reporting is sometimes super biased and misrepresenting things. For example the aid workers that got killed. Before that happened the convoi got hijacked by Hamas fighters that actually started firing first. Somehow all the reports leave out that quite important detail.

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