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Joined 12 months ago

You're looking for what's called reproducible builds.

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I’ve built a pretty functional web-based video editor that helps you generate FFmpeg commands in a visual, node-based environment. The tool lets you play around with most (but not all) FFmpeg filters, render videos in the browser (!), import your own files and/or work with demo videos, export gifs and mp4s, and it comes with a few built-in examples of the many fun things one can do with FFmpeg.



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It's not Unix.

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GNOME Shell 45 moved to ESM (ECMAScript modules). That means you MUST use the standard import declaration instead of relying on the previous imports.* approach.

So the imports in your extensions is changed from:

const Clutter =;
const Gio =;
const Main = imports.ui.main;
const Volume = imports.ui.status.volume;


import Clutter from 'gi://Clutter';
import Gio from 'gi://Gio';
import * as Main from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/main.js'
import * as Volume from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/status/volume.js';
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A Linux user's nightmare: the machine was wiped clean with one click

Timo Tamminen

One day a Linux user using KDE Plasma decided to download a generic theme for his desktop environment. This is possible with Plasma's built-in tool, through which you can download anything from themes to icons and wallpapers.

Installing themes using Plasma's tool is easy and fast. It practically only requires one click. This time, however, the user in question certainly wishes that that one click had not been completed.

Namely, installing the theme called Gray Layout wiped the machine completely empty of the user's personal files. Without asking anything.

Although the theme developer's intention this time was apparently not malicious, the accident was a clear indication that installing third-party themes without careful supervision can be a bad mistake. With the theme, almost anything can be installed in the user's home directory.

The Gray Layout installation script ran the rm -rf command, which normally removes all files from the device, making the command particularly dangerous to use. However, without root access, it can only cause limited damage.

Reddit user Jeansen Vaars says that he lost all his games, settings files, browser history and other contents of his home directory in a crash.

The unofficial face of KDE, Nate Graham, apologizes for what happened. He promises that the matter will be thoroughly investigated. The theme in question has also been removed from the theme store.

There is no free and open source version of Only Office. It fakes that it is licensed with AGPL, but they have added the following to the license, which in effect completely forbid you to redistribute it. It can be said to be Source Available.

The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions of ONLYOFFICE must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.

Pursuant to Section 7 § 3(b) of the GNU AGPL you must retain the original ONLYOFFICE logo in the upper left corner of the user interface when distributing the software.

Pursuant to Section 7 § 3(e) we decline to grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.

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This being just a Mozilla github issuetracker and 80%+ of Mozillas income coming from Google with the contract up for renewal this year. We'll have to wait and see how much Google want this.

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Unless someone has registered the trademark for those specific purposes you're clear. A trademarks is only valid within a specific field of purpose. Trademarks are there to avoid consumers mistaking one brand for another.

There are a lot of entertaining articles on Techdirt about companies not understanding trademark law.

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Marginalia Search perhabs.

Also these are worth mentioning:

  • Mojeek have their own index. The results are occasionally a bit of a mess, but they are very open to input and have an account on Mastodon.
  • Infotiger have their own index and the results are good.
  • Alexandria which use the Common Crawl index.

Okay, but that would have made a shitty joke wouldn't it?

Hmm.. I don't know maybe it's fine as a joke.

In addition to GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT you also need to set GRUB_DEFAULT=saved.

You should probably follow these instructions from the Fedora Wiki: Reinstalling GRUB.

The fork Tenacity

For your photo needs, you could try out RawTherapee and Darktable. They have builds for Windows and MacOS.

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Thanks for the archive link, even if I prefer Techdirt for these kind of news, it was nice of you to save me from visiting Wired.

WARNING. Everything other than the last paragraph is kind of rude and opinionated, so skip to the bottom if you only want practical advice and not a philosophical rant.

First of all Free Software don't need paid developers. We scruffy hackers create software because it's fun. I have a strong suspicion that the commercialization of Free Software via the businessfriendly clothing "Open Source" is actually creating a lot of shitty software or at least a lot of good software that'll be obsoleted to keep business going. Capitalization of Free Software doesn't have an incentive to create good finished software, quite the opposite. The best open source software from commercial entities is in my opinion those that were open sourced when a product was no longer profitable as a proprietary business. As examples I love the ID software game engines and Blender. Others seem happy that Sun dumped the source code of Star Office, which then became OpenOffice and LibreOffice, but then again companies like Collabora are trying to turn it into a shitty webification instead of implementing real collaborative features into the software like what AbiWord has.

..and back in the real world where you need to buy food. Open Source consultancy, implementation of custom out-of-tree features, support, courses and training, EOL maintainance or products that leaverage Open Source software is my best answer. See Free Software as a commons we all contribute to, so that we can do things with it and built things from it. You should not expect people to pay for Free Software, but you can sell things that take advantage of Free Software as a resource.

Just do it. It's your computer.

Don't be so sad, the list is shit.

I like

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The actual paper is here and Open Access.

Does anyone know of a list of TLDs that don't allow reselling? I'd prefer to buy/lease one of those and let domain sharks play their own games.

Why not NewPipe?

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Sadly Sci-Hub has not received updated articles in several years. Alexandra is waiting for the outcome of the trial in India. I don't think it depends on what the outcome is, just that the trial needs to be over.

TLDR; Sorta federation. It is possible to selfhost data.

I edited my comment with an example for your code and my best advice for figuring out the path of gnome shell imports is by browsing /usr/share/gnome-shell/js/, the docs are not very helpful.

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What do you mean? I still write my sites in HTML 4.1 and frameset works fine in all the browsers I've tried. HTML 4.1 is still a standard, I can only recommend more people use it. HTML5 isn't really a standard.. it's a "living document".. pff.


You're allowed to <center> things and use `` without shame... or if you really do prefer it, you can still wrap that relative positioned <div> with auto margins in an absolute positioned parent <div> or whatever CSS bullshit makes stuff centered nowadays.

One thing I always though was very backwards in CSS is the paradigme to make <div> into tables instead of the other way. Tables are an easy and simple way to layout things and if it could degrade into divs you'd have your responsive design making many related CSS standards unnecessary.</div></div></div><table></table></center>

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Just to clarify. The gi:// resources are GObject Introspection modules which are used for multilanguage bindings to native libraries. On my system, GI modules are found in /usr/share/gir-1.0/ . They're just imported by name and sometimes version using gi:// (there are examples in the link in my first comment).

As I don't have Gnome installed I can't be sure of the path to gnome shell modules imported using resource://, but it's probably the path I wrote, but without js/.

I use Devuan and it's just Debian without systemd.


dh_auto_configure --  -DWITH_TESTS=$(WITH_TESTS) \
	                      -DWITH_GUI_TESTS=$(WITH_TESTS) \
	                      -DWITH_XC_UPDATECHECK=OFF \


set(WITH_XC_ALL OFF CACHE BOOL "Build in all available plugins")

option(WITH_XC_AUTOTYPE "Include Auto-Type." ON)
option(WITH_XC_NETWORKING "Include networking code (e.g. for downloading website icons)." OFF)
option(WITH_XC_BROWSER "Include browser integration with keepassxc-browser." OFF)
option(WITH_XC_BROWSER_PASSKEYS "Passkeys support for browser integration." OFF)
option(WITH_XC_YUBIKEY "Include YubiKey support." OFF)
option(WITH_XC_SSHAGENT "Include SSH agent support." OFF)
option(WITH_XC_KEESHARE "Sharing integration with KeeShare" OFF)
option(WITH_XC_UPDATECHECK "Include automatic update checks; disable for controlled distributions" ON)
    option(WITH_XC_FDOSECRETS "Implement Secret Storage Spec server side API." OFF)
option(WITH_XC_DOCS "Enable building of documentation" ON)

set(WITH_XC_X11 ON CACHE BOOL "Enable building with X11 deps")

# stuff inbetween cut out

    # Enable all options (except update check and docs)

I'm no CMake expert, but it looks like to me, from the first line of the above snippet, that the default in the upstream build script is WITH_XC_ALL=OFF.

It sounds like you already know how to make Web 1.0 websites.

The C compiler or third party libraries can provide support for parallel execution and SIMD. That article is just used by people in an attempt to argue that C's strength in being a good low level abstraction is false, which it isn't. C is the best portable abstraction over a generic CPU that I know of. If you start adding parallel features and SIMD like the article suggest, you'll end up with something that's not a portable low level abstraction. To be portable those featues would have to be implemented in slow fake variants for platforms that doesn't support it. We can always argue where to draw the line, but I think C nailed it pretty good on what to include in the language and what to leave up to extensions and libaries.

C is not a perfect abstraction, because it is portable. Non portable features for specific architectures are accessed through libraries or compiler extensions and many compilers even include memory safe features. It's a big advantage though to know Assembly for your target platform when developing in C, such that you become aware fx. that x86 actually detects integer overflow and sets an overflow flag, even though that's not directly accessible from C. Compilers often implement extensions for such features, but you can yourself extend C with small functions for architecture specific features using Assembly.

I build a lot of tools like that and the first thing I do is to go to the developer tool in my browser and observe the network traffic. When you find the resource you're after you scroll back and see what requests resulted in that URL. Going from those requests you figure out in the original static HTML document and resource, which parameters are used for the construction of the URL, that might require reversing some javascript, but that's rare. After that you'll have a pretty good idea how you obtain the video resource from the original URL. Beware of cookie set by the requests, they might be needed to access the next requests. For building my tools I use Perl or sometimes just Bash or a GreaseMonkey userscript to fetch and parse the urls and construct the desired output.

You want Gobby

That's a great tip.

Aliasing and forwarding is not a good solution if you are concerned about law enforcement, because your personal e-mail is still linked with the tracker, just behind an extra hop and in addition you allow someone in between to read your e-mails. You had the answer yourself. Create a completely fresh free e-mail account somewhere, using as minimum a private tab to prevent tracking data to link anything to the account.. and if you can get a free e-mail account with IMAP/POP access so that you can use it in an e-mail client to leak less data, do that.

It's part of the RSS 2.0 standard. Of course it requires adoption by feed publishers.


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It is very likely the wrong path, I just extrapolated the path from the gnome-shell git repo. I don't use Gnome myself, I'm on the enemy team using LXDE on Devuan ;)