Sneezy McGlassface

0 Post – 46 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


Remember that consumers expect certain things from smartphones nowadays, which will mean that OEMs can’t just go back to the old way of doing things. An IP68 rating would be very difficult to obtain while still offering a premium-feeling device with an easily replaceable battery, for example. These are hurdles OEMs will need to get over to be in compliance.

this is straight-up BS. there were many phones with ip68 and user-replacable batteries back when sealing the battery in a phone was frowned upon. not all but many.

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People left reddit because of corporate f*ckery, and some of them are now making excuses for meta?? What kind of mental gymnastics is this?

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Here's a thought, what if phones weren't made to be disposable?

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Are you implying he's not actually a free speech absolutist and only said so for clout from his cult of worshipers? is omnipresent

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But if any investors are reading, this is not a big deal you guys. It's just a little, uh, it's gonna pass, you know. The company is worth zillions!

Honestly I always felt kinda awkward after getting one, knowing somebody paid real money for a stupid icon. What a waste. Good riddance, I say.

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That's a very sensational title for what the article actually is.

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Gotta say, the website works great on phone too. No reason to get an app

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can i haz some eyeballs uwu

- the wealthiest man on the planet

I mean, those links are good as dead if you can't see anything without a login. Pinterest shows you a few things before nagging you to log in.

Now i hope it says something about availability of the replacement batteries...

Due to unexpectedly high demand, the $300 battery you ordered has 5 months waiting list. Payment in advance, of course, for your convenience.

That's very interesting, actually. Because manufacturers of self-driving cars say they're only drive-assisted, not autonomous. To dodge liability for their cars causing accidents. If the car is without a steering wheel and therefore fully autonomous, and the car runs somebody over, is the car gonna go to jail?

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I couldn't say no to that

I've seen the vlc addon that can play torrents but doesn't that kill them? You're not seeding anything by just streaming and leaving when the movie is over. Idk, seems like a shitty thing to do

Has anyone else always had a spare phone battery in the pocket to swap on the go?

Imagine you could just do that.

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My favourite is "you only need better lock than your neighbour"

Note that beehaw defederated from and shitjustworks. Here's a post talking about it.

Though i agree it could be fun at first, conspiracies are legit dangerous. People are so desperate for meaning, 17% of Americans believe the government is lead by a kabaal of satanic lizard people eating babies and shit like that.
My mom is deep into the rabbit hole of nonsense, and it genuinely consumes her. Nearly all her friends abandoned her, she almost lost her job, and that's only reinforcing these convictions. If something like January 6th was happening in my country, I bet you, she'd be there. The time conspiracies were harmless fun are gone. They ruin people's lives.

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The reason we lost Apollo and others is exactly what I meant by "corporate fuckery". I respect that you see "anti-capitalist and FOSS-worshipping sentiments" off-putting, they're definitely pervasive in the community, and I personally vibe with that. because it's all cause-and-effect. What happened with Reddit isn't one company being shitty to their userbase while seeking profit. It's a pattern. That's the system working correctly. The "anti-capitalist and FOSS-worshipping sentiments" are coming from people seeing that and taking a stance. Is reddit taking a stance against their users? Fine, we're gonna make our own reddit with blackjack et cetera and so on.

* sad trombone noises *

The mastodon app on f-droid is marked as "promotes anti-features" with a description "This app promotes or depends entirely on a non-free network service" and I wonder why that would be, since there's also Tusky, Fedilab, Husky, and some others, none of which have a warning like that.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Very good! I sincerely hope all the others will too. If won't, I know where I'll be moving to ;)

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That already happened. For example, we have mozilla !

edit: I think it's a mistake to throw mozilla into in the same bag with the other corpos. The whole truth is a bit more complicated than makes money = bad. In this case I'm happy to take the L

Oh.. great.. There's one very lukewarm comment the admin made yesterday, but I x-posted the article to the local meta channel with hope they'll make a clear stance on the situation.

I agree with your sentiment, however I don't think Reddit is a sinking ship. It sucks, me and many other people are angry with them, some of us left but it's not nearly enough to make them actually sink. Reddit is too recognizable a brand.
They're too big to fail.

Well, it's basically an extension to your insta account. So I imagine when you sign up, it sends requests to others you know to make it seem like everybody uses it.

It's mentioned in this thread here that there is the xCover model series which have user replaceable batteries still. The 6 pro was released just last year So much for manufacturers having to figure things out from ground up bollocks

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Thickness of your phone is now dictated by cameras. Because of focal lengths and what not, they need to be a certain size, that's why they're always with an overhang.

install ... a website? is that a thing?

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the sad truth seems to be that vast majority of people just don't care about the threats.

Seriously, fuck IBM for paywalling a source code.

Not quite true. I have a cheapo Doogee and there is 0 bloat. Super happy with the little brick.

Depends on company. I know from experience Samsung and Xiaomi are obnoxious with ads and unwanted software so I just avoid their stuff.

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interesting. But that seems to rely on Chrome, which I've removed. I'm using Duckduckgo as main browser instead. So I just fireproof the login, bookmark and I'm good. Thanks for the explanation, though.

edit: there seems to be a sandboxed webapps browser on f-droid

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I do over all agree with you. Not sure about the non-profit, though. That seems like something for later when the dust settles.
However, as we all know - power corrupts.
Some form of governing body(ies) is probably necessary to keep the lemmyverse from falling apart by forces inside and outside. Right now the fediverse seems to be pretty much free-for-all. If there was to be a governing structure, it would need a lot of thought and careful consideration in regards to its shape, size and strength.
It is actually exciting to see and participate in how things develop.

Did the admin say anything or just pulled the plug and vanished?

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Time sure flies when you're having fun!

Aaaah, that makes sense.

Note that only works if the person argues in good faith. If they're not, you're just wasting your time.